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Hi Everyone, i've just opened a brand new website. Its about UFOs & Aliens. You will find a large amount of information on UFOs & Aliens. On the site we currently have:

News As It Happens! (Updated Daily)
Sightings Of UFOs Around The World!
Hundrends Of UFO Pics!
Movies Of Different UFOs Caught On Film!
24/7 Live Chat!
Top Secret UFO Documents From The CIA.


Investigations into some of the most famous UFO incidents, including Roswell, and many more. Interviews with Ufologists, including Stanon Friedman & Timothy Good.

The Website: www.ufo-planet.net

The Forums: www.ufo-planet.net/forum

Thanks for your time Martin.
I suppose you didn't hear, but now that btimsah isn't posting here anymore, the Pseudoscience forum of sciforums is now dead and it is useless to advertise here. I predict that this thread will become locked, which will support btimsah's claim that he was the sole reason anyone ever came here.
I like the "NORAD webcam" ufo.... I guess the nutter that put that site up doesn't realize that NORAD is in Cheyenne Mtn. just a couple miles from Ft Carson, where there is significant helicopter and aircraft activity. Moreover, Colorado Springs airport is not much farther, Peterson AFB is closer still.

I guess the site operator is impressed by alien spacecraft that use running lights so the Earth aircraft won't accidently collide with them! :)
UFO's are not necessary "alien spacecraft" ;)
Does he say on that website that it is alien craft? (I duno, just asking)
from the website (killing time, my head hurts too much to sleep)
Eyewitnesses all over the country are reporting glimpses of something large, dark and mysterious in the skies above big cities and busy highways. The crafts are often described as triangular in shape, silent in their movements, and of unknown origin, and they've been seen here in southern Nevada. It looks like these mystery craft might be a secret military project, but if so, why are they flying around in the open?
Why should they hide, it's not that anyone can do anything about it.
I don't think it damages something to the military if civilians see the craft. They probably joke about that. I ask again, how is that bad for them that civilians see lights in the sky?
Eyewitnesses all over the country are reporting glimpses of something large
Who, where, when?!!
Military officials were asked about the Phoenix lights but said they hadn't seen anything
Again -> who , where, when. Do you think army officials ride in jeeps below their aircraft during testing?
The public didn't buy it.
Public is generally stupid, unintelligent and with very low qualification.
Ten thousand witnesses saw them
Someone counted them? Reports, facts, dates?

I won't even continue from here. Such low quality writing is not bearable.
If I'd have written something like that at the uni I'd have gotten my ass kicked out of the campus.
Indeed. That's one of the things that hurts "ufoology," the lack of informed writing methods as well as the refusal to cite primary sources. Its all one big peer-2-peer culture: a claim is made and instantly shared and re-broadcast to others who perpetuate the claim. It matters not what the claim actually is or what its source is, only that it gets announced to as many people as possible.

I actually hope Stryder leaves this thread open (spam/advertisment threads are against the rules and generally get closed). It would be fun to discuss ETI-UFO sites as a topic and perhaps rip this site to shit for the information it passes on as genuine....

I'm off to an archaeology class, as usual, but tonight, perhaps, I'll take a more indepth look at MARTYB2K's site and look for it's flaws to rip up. He deserves that sort of look just by posting spam here.
It would be fun to discuss ETI-UFO sites as a topic
I agree. It would be interesting. I'll try to help out when I have a free moment.

If you read this, Stryder, please leave this one thread. Maybe just edit the first post, so it doesn't take up so much space [pic].
I was just looking for members, and that post uou talked about, i didn't write it. Its on the news page, i just copied/pasted from somewhere lese. The real content is in the forums.
MARTYB2K said:
I was just looking for members, and that post uou talked about, i didn't write it. Its on the news page, i just copied/pasted from somewhere lese. The real content is in the forums.
so you:
1. Are advertising what is against the rules;
2. Don't review the information you put in your website

So I conclude that in your website there is everything and nothing, anything from Ezcikel (sp) to mutterings of an insane grandma in Kalahari desert.

Talk about "quality information" :rolleyes:
Analisys and review are such strange words, no?
I find it interesting that fundamentalist UFOists (ETI-UFO is an emerging religion, after all) cry foul when they encounter skeptical responses to their claims, regardless of how outlandish they seem. But I find it far more fascinating when they counter-claim that they are being suppress, oppressed, at the mercy of "disinformation agents," or simply being "attacked by borgs."

Bradguth has done the later and Norval and Gale claim they are victims of "disinformation agents."

The irony is that they each have their own websites from which to "publish" their nonsense. In addition, they have a multitude of message forums to visit where they'll be made to feel right at home. MARTYB2K would probably love to have either of these nutters camp out in his "forum," and then there's the UFOEvidence board, where they believe they're doing "scientific" work.

Yet, Norval, Gale, Brad, Btimsah, et al will come to sciforums and when they encounter criticism and skepticism, they balk, cry foul, and accuse the moderators of being "unfair," "stupid," or part of a "borg collective." By the way, Bradguth really believes that there is a borg collective working against him, its not just hyperbole.

Its as if those that have a wild claim/speculation need some sort of validation that they are being persecuted or suppressed in their efforts.

I've written about their exploits here at sciforums and other sites in this webpage (since we're spamming websites :) ).

Both Norval/Gale and Bradguth have publically announced their failure at convincing the skeptical community at sciforums (though only Brad mentions us by name) and other places as proof positive that they are on to something that must be suppressed and attacked. I think they truly believe this.

If not for validation of this, why post at sites where they are likely to receive skeptical inquiry, critical review, and even ridicule for their claims when so many sites like Martyb2k's exist that cater to the wild side?
I too find it interesting, that it is a religion.

They have their:

1. Creation myths (astronauts from space)
2. Ancient legends (bible, etc ufo sightings)
3. History (Area 51, others)
4. Holy shrines (landing sites)
5. clash between Good and Evil (good aliens//bad aliens; good opressed ufo believers // evil government and scientists)
6. Holy rituals (I want to believe, trying to sneak in military bases, going ufo huntingetc)
7. Saints (those who have brought truth by revealing/stealing some classified gov. info)
8. Holy scriptures (the said gov. info)

etc, etc, etc
Avatar said:
so you:
1. Are advertising what is against the rules;
2. Don't review the information you put in your website

So I conclude that in your website there is everything and nothing, anything from Ezcikel (sp) to mutterings of an insane grandma in Kalahari desert.

Talk about "quality information" :rolleyes:
Analisys and review are such strange words, no?

Well i worked on the other 120 pages, it normally i just the 5 news pages i copy/paste from other good sites, and i give them credit.
I'll explain the few reasons why this thread is locked, it's nothing personal about the poster but there are a few defined rules that are apart of the ettiquette of Sciforums.com.

No Advertisements, this is because Advertisements utilise the Broadcast Reach of sciforums.com and do not return the favour. If you want to advertise your own website, then just make sure your user profile contains your website URL and post *Your thoughts* on topics that are hear. This will mean that Likeminded people will "look you up", so you get your advert will staying within the rules of the forum.

I can't suggest any advertising swap method (where a link is exchanged for a link) since such a policy would have to be set by the site owner Porfiry.

Threads with no Initial Post (Discussion material + Posters personal thoughts/views and reason for generating the posts) also are a reason for threads to be closed.
This is really to stop Advertisements and Spam.

THIS WILL BE THE LAST TIME I LOCK A THREAD OF THIS NATURE From now on they will be deleted outright.
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