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Hey all, I've been doing research lately on the phenomenon known as ufo's.
I'm doing the research because like Maulder said "I want to believe" and I've always been inspired by the idea and I would like to one day write a fictional book about an alien invasion.

Tentatively i've come to the conclusion that there is definitly some form of advanced technology being witnessed by thousands, including professionals from respectable establishments.

Now this phnomenon has been reported as early as WWII when fighter pilots would report that they'd seen disk shaped objects tailing them and performing maneuvres that neither side had the technology to reproduce.

I've also come across interesting perspectives about the origins of ufo's, however, they are usually accompanied with wild theories that obscure any good information about ufo's.

Does anybody have any really good idea's or information that they'd like to share on this phenomenon?
Hey all, I've been doing research lately on the phenomenon known as UFO's.
I'm doing the research because like Maulder said "I want to believe" and I've always been inspired by the idea and I would like to one day write a fictional book about an alien invasion.

Tentatively I've come to the conclusion that there is definitely some form of advanced technology being witnessed by thousands, including professionals from respectable establishments.

Now this phenomenon has been reported as early as WWII when fighter pilots would report that they'd seen disk shaped objects tailing them and performing maneuvers that neither side had the technology to reproduce.

I've also come across interesting perspectives about the origins of UFO's, however, they are usually accompanied with wild theories that obscure any good information about UFO's.

Does anybody have any really good idea's or information that they'd like to share on this phenomenon?

The alien invasion theme is very common. Do you have a new approach that would make people want to read another invasion story? I do believe in UFO's, just not that they are aliens checking us out. :D
What if they inserted a gene in the DNA structure that at a certain time in our evolution we become "aware" by that gene switching on enlightning us that we are from another galaxy and our true selves become known?

The alien invasion theme is very common. Do you have a new approach that would make people want to read another invasion story? I do believe in UFO's, just not that they are aliens checking us out. :D

New for some maybe.

I should clarify, does anybody have any interesting insights about what ufo's are, any perspective, not so much on the story end of things.

As for my story, well.... I have an idea of the direction I want to take it in. It will sort of parallel my investigation into the whole matter. While I read and watch documented evidence about the phenomenon, a part of me wants to believe that it's the result of something fantastic, not of this world, and then as I think and read more I begin to think it could absolutely be of this world, and that it is the result of information that is not yet well known. Really, they’re both exciting avenues in their own right, but the latter is usually coupled with such deeply engrossing theories that they lose a lot of support by the average listener and are quickly picked apart by the skeptical mind, the former so fantastic that it is usually presented to us in a fantastic way (war of the worlds), mine would be the middle ground, How would the world REALLY react to an object remaining stationary, in the sky, over a city of millions, for weeks? ... the cover ups... the scandals... the lies... the wonder... the chaos... the intrigue!

One alien invasion story that really caught my attention, and imagination, was 'Childhood's end' by Aurthor C. Clark, Great book, started out with such promise, ended in a way too grand for me, but loved it never the less.
New for some maybe.

I should clarify, does anybody have any interesting insights about what ufo's are, any perspective, not so much on the story end of things.

As for my story, well.... I have an idea of the direction I want to take it in. It will sort of parallel my investigation into the whole matter. While I read and watch documented evidence about the phenomenon, a part of me wants to believe that it's the result of something fantastic, not of this world, and then as I think and read more I begin to think it could absolutely be of this world, and that it is the result of information that is not yet well known. Really, they’re both exciting avenues in their own right, but the latter is usually coupled with such deeply engrossing theories that they lose a lot of support by the average listener and are quickly picked apart by the skeptical mind, the former so fantastic that it is usually presented to us in a fantastic way (war of the worlds), mine would be the middle ground, How would the world REALLY react to an object remaining stationary, in the sky, over a city of millions, for weeks? ... the cover ups... the scandals... the lies... the wonder... the chaos... the intrigue!

One alien invasion story that really caught my attention, and imagination, was 'Childhood's end' by Aurthor C. Clark, Great book, started out with such promise, ended in a way too grand for me, but loved it never the less.

A long time ago I read a book with a unique invasion plot. It was over 40 years ago and I can't remember the title or author. But it was about these giant aliens that didn't even notice human life more often than not. They just started living on Earth and humans started living in the walls of the giant homes like cockroaches and they got treated like we treat cockroaches. The ending was pretty good because we hitched a ride to the stars on the alien ships and were able to live on all the worlds the giants lived on.
My investigation:

Two made for t.v documentaries that really got my wheels turning were:

Phoenix Lights 1997.
Secret Access: Ufo's on the record 2011.

Highly recommended watches for anybody interested in the subject matter.

From these two documentaries alone, which tie nicely together, I began to believe that there is some sort of technological phenomenon being witnessed in our atmosphere.

The Phenomenon is as such:
-Usually metal disk or triangular like objects with a high electrical charge.
-The objects have been determined to be radioactive, usually 10 times higher than normal environmental conditions.
-Red orbs are usually seen with these objects, and the orbs behave in strange ways. They leave and re-enter the disk or triangular objects. Their behaviour is unintelligible to us, but appear to be guided by some kind of intelligence.
-They have been witnessed to be small, about 10' across, up to 3 times the size of an aircraft carrier.

My ideas:
-in phoenix lights, they point out that the craft that slowly flew over phoenix had 7 large odd lights that seem to glimmer, almost like a liquid. If it is true that electrical charges in the atmosphere can give off light, then I think that when these craft are observed, it is the very 'lights' themselves that are giving these craft their lift and maneuvering capabilities. Take the triangle craft, they always have three lights.
Now I'm not trained as a scientist, but I think I have a way to prove my theory right, or disprove it. Are the colors of the lights seen in the ufo's caused by the gas content of the atmosphere? or are the colors of the lights caused by the intensity of the electrical charge being generated by the objects? If the former, is there much variance in atmosphere gases from place to place, if so (a lot of assumptions here) then I would guess that the color of the lights people witness on the ufo's would be rather consistent place to place.

Anyways, just throwing out some ideas, any thoughts? Any students of electro-magnetism or meteorology? Or just any information in general?
You will need some basic clues, one of which you already have - "not alien"

Yeah, I guess this phenomenon has been witnessed as early as WWII when fighter pilots report seeing the same objects we see today. And there is really only one historical source, which I know of, who could have paved the way for such technology well before WWII and that would be Nikola Tesla. I'm not saying he created the first ones, but maybe an off-shoot of similar research conducted by like-minded scientists eventually developed something. But then you're left with a very big conspiracy. Something that has been withheld from the public for almost a 100 years.

One idea I have for the erratic movement is this, If they do operate under some electromagnetic principles, maybe they're able to not only navigate according to earth's magnetic fields, but also other objects more subtle electromagnetic fields, such as an aircraft.

Plus there are some inherent problems with the human source theory behind the phenomenon. they're able to move extremely fast in all directions. The amount of G force one would experience on one of these craft would be unbearable, modern computer-aided navigations systems are still being perfected. I can't get over this hump, what's "driving" these things so to say?
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Plus there are some inherent problems with the human source theory behind the phenomenon. they're able to move extremely fast in all directions. The amount of G force one would experience on one of these craft would be unbearable, modern computer-aided navigation systems are still being perfected. I can't get over this hump, what's "driving" these things so to say?

They are not biological and don't have the same G-force limitations we have and they don't worry about how long it takes to get here.:D
Yeah, I guess this phenomenon has been witnessed as early as WWII when fighter pilots report seeing the same objects we see today. And there is really only one historical source, which I know of, who could have paved the way for such technology well before WWII and that would be Nikola Tesla. I'm not saying he created the first ones, but maybe an off-shoot of similar research conducted by like-minded scientists eventually developed something. But then you're left with a very big conspiracy. Something that has been withheld from the public for almost a 100 years.

One idea I have for the erratic movement is this, If they do operate under some electromagnetic principles, maybe they're able to not only navigate according to earth's magnetic fields, but also other objects more subtle electromagnetic fields, such as an aircraft.

Plus there are some inherent problems with the human source theory behind the phenomenon. they're able to move extremely fast in all directions. The amount of G force one would experience on one of these craft would be unbearable, modern computer-aided navigations systems are still being perfected. I can't get over this hump, what's "driving" these things so to say?

What you're overlooking is that there have always been people who claim to see things. Just as there are people who claim to see UFOs today, there were people 200 years ago claiming to see monsters and demons and fairies. Humans have tremendous imaginations.

What you should immediately be wary of are the details of the claims you're reading. Of the people who say they've seen something, very few say they've seen one up close, and even fewer say they've been inside of one, yet most make claims to the size and constitution of the alleged craft. People call them "metallic" and "huge," despite there being absolutely no way to tell either of those things from the typical distance a "witness" stands from the object, which is usually just a blur or a spec in the sky.
invoking Nikola Tesla is really bad. he has been vilified by the woowoos by their misinterpretation and promulgation of some of his ideas. he really deserves better.
They are not biological and don't have the same G-force limitations we have and they don't worry about how long it takes to get here.:D

Very possible and rational. But then this points to the alien theory. Which I'm not against, but I just want all the info I can get.

What you're overlooking is that there have always been people who claim to see things. Just as there are people who claim to see UFOs today, there were people 200 years ago claiming to see monsters and demons and fairies. Humans have tremendous imaginations.

I've long since abandoned the idea that it's a human perception phenomenon, like ghosts. Unless there is directly planted misinformation on behalf of professionals (which is conspiratorial), then I'd say this skeptical take on the UFO phenomenon is weakening. The only other possibility is that professionals are being paid by the media to embellish or lie about what they've seen and witnessed (for our entertainment). This too has problems, because now I must conclude that all those people who are professionals, by our societies standards, are either delusional and not worth of being taken seriously and respectably, or sellouts. The sellout idea cannot be taken seriously by me because there are records on what these professionals have witnessed long before their experiences were turned into entertainment.

invoking Nikola Tesla is really bad. he has been vilified by the woowoos by their misinterpretation and promulgation of some of his ideas. he really deserves better.

Yeah, I think you're right. I should abandon this avenue.
Very possible and rational. But then this points to the alien theory. Which I'm not against, but I just want all the info I can get.

I'm not opposed to the possibility of intelligent aliens on other worlds. But what I find kind of doubtful is that any biological life might be able to reach us in any kind of time frame to make space travel a reasonable venture. But we have almost reached a technological level of creating selfaware machines, and they could survive longer in space than biological creatures. I don't necessarily believe that's what might be, but the speculation is interesting.:D
I'm not opposed to the possibility of intelligent aliens on other worlds. But what I find kind of doubtful is that any biological life might be able to reach us in any kind of time frame to make space travel a reasonable venture. But we have almost reached a technological level of creating selfaware machines, and they could survive longer in space than biological creatures. I don't necessarily believe that's what might be, but the speculation is interesting.:D

No, the speculation is grand. selfaware machines? I don't pay much attention to the idea. Some kind of Organic/technological hybrid? Or perhaps somekind of virtual machines?
If you were to make headway with an investigation into aliens/UFO's etc, where would you start? And how would you know which way you're headed?
The general options offered are "alien or hoax?" Then the "man made tech" which leads you back to common science and where to?
Try going back to the 1860's, to the rapid progress in science in regards to the fundamentals of matter, then watch when and how it suddenly comes to a grinding halt, so that today we are still playing with the hybrids of yesteryear's tech.
As the saying goes "there is nothing new under the sun."
If you were to make headway with an investigation into aliens/UFO's etc, where would you start? And how would you know which way you're headed?
The general options offered are "alien or hoax?" Then the "man made tech" which leads you back to common science and where to?
Try going back to the 1860's, to the rapid progress in science in regards to the fundamentals of matter, then watch when and how it suddenly comes to a grinding halt, so that today we are still playing with the hybrids of yesteryear's tech.
As the saying goes "there is nothing new under the sun."

I like it, but I'll need a bigger hint. Your suggested investigation is broad and I wouldn't even know where to start or what to look for, honestly, despite the clues.
I like it, but I'll need a bigger hint. Your suggested investigation is broad and I wouldn't even know where to start or what to look for, honestly, despite the clues.

Based on some of your posts you are capable of finding out yourself, in all fairness to your own adventure.

I will give you some clues known by the pioneers, but rejected by modern 'science' -
1. Matter is totally changeable and interchangeable
2. Matter is not self sustaining or self existant
3. Matter operates by forces many times more powerful than itself
4. What we see is a demonstration of those forces and can be proven by anomolies and phenomenon passed off as mysteries by the ignorant
5. What did Isaac Newton like to study the most?
6. What theory was the last one dismissed by modern 'science'?
Science took a detour in about the 1860's. What we have today is called common science. The other science went uncommon and secret and it does not need a strong conspiracy to hide it, because it defies common sense, or naturally acquired perceptions and common science.

This imbalance in the distribution of knowledge is not new and has been so for thousands of years, but the superior knowledge was fairly widespread during certain periods in history and with particular societies. Archaeological wonders like the megaliths and pyramids are not understood, and covered in fabrications. Although many writers and researchers have come close to finding out, their conclusions are often inadequate or fanciful - like aliens from outer space.

Have people seen 'alien' life forms in modern times and throughout history? Yes, some populations were controlled by 'aliens' in various means, others more sensible worked out ways to resist and destroy them. So knowing this secret science is not always linked to making vile experiments with natural life. They are not superior, rather quite vulnerable, but whole populations are easily fooled by their exhibitions. The saying "you can fool some of the people some of the time.." applies here.

The trouble is, that we are living in a society that is seriously ignorant of the real nature of matter.

The French revolution began a political drive to get rid of a fundamental belief that the pioneers had about nature.

This political science gained power with communism and went world wide through education.

The way things are at the moment, it is impossible to introduce or educate people about it, for the following reasons; a net work of science doctrines, false religions, common philosophy, deprivation of free thinking, discrimination and prejudice, image and money, and widespread insanity.

Where's your proof for anything you just said? Sounds like you are taking entertainment TV a little to seriously.:D