UFOs, what's the deal?


Registered Member
I'm highly skeptical of the notion that UFO's are alien space craft. I do believe that these unidentified objects exist; just the whole alien thing sounds ridicules.(do believe in life else ware in the universe though)

Fact: A UFO sighting occurs somewhere on the planet every three minutes

For the sake of this argument, lets assume that someone witnesses every UFO incident. That’s a UFO in our atmosphere every three minuets. Twenty every hour, 480 per day and so on.

If these objects are alien craft, what could they possible be doing sending the 480 per day. What we they gain from hovering over an urban area then shooting off quickly?

Throw some ideas around.
well, I have some links.. Also, you can download some pretty weird UFO activity from the spaceshuttle videos.. they show up around it all the time! our planet is like a garden compared to the nearest one that we know of. Why not visit it? our atmosphere provides safety from meteor showers, and it is a great place to get energy and minerals, water, and experiment with us. we don't know for sure that they aren't interfering with our way of life. we are a barbaric race.

I understand what you are saying, those reports are interesting in that people describe the same type of crafts Nation wide, so there is definately something to them.. all these people can't be nuts, or making the stories up!.. I'll provide more links to view and download movies from credible sources.. some of the pics are hoxes for certain, which is pathetic for the truth seekers. assholes have to make the truth harder to find. all they do is fool themselves...they aren't funny and it shows a lack of dreamers. One day it will all be understood, and the skeptics and fools will want to hide. I keep an open mind, but, I HAVE seen UFOs for certain! I need no more proof! I think its exciting to wonder about.. and to see the different types of craft. there are numerous accounts in the bible, and on cave drawing of spacemen, and crafts. I'll send a couple of good links to follow, and there are some interesting videos to download also.



Hey, I like the name of this thread, reminds me of myself, hah. I'd have to agree, here, that if there's nothing (Well certainly nothing credible) linking UFOs to the idea of alien space craft, why beleive it? Don't be so quick to shout out how open minded you are as if it's a virtue, because all it means is that you're trying really hard to beleive shit that you want to, and don't really have any reason (and I would contest, any right) to beleive in, it makes you look like an idiot!

It's a lot like the argument of religion being valid just because there is a gap in knowledge somewhere, we don't know one hundred percent what the begining of the universe was, but that don't mean it was created by an almighty diety, just as the fact that you don't know what's in my sock drawer doesn't nessisarily mean that god is in there! People have to be able to look at a situation and say once and for all, without feeling ashamed "I don't have enough information to acurately hypothisize about what it is!" in such an instance as that, one is much more prone to realize that comming up with the most bizzar and self serving answer isn't the solution to your problem, that's what we created the scientific method for!

I myself have seen a UFO, once, it was a warm summer night, I was walking home from a friends house, You can see open sky uninterupted for miles here in Arizona, and I happend to see a very large bright light, which moved around pretty damn quick, and then with one sharp movement, either burned out, or accelerated faster than I could follow, or something like that, because it was gone. But am I running around talking about alien space craft, and adopting some sort of messed up philosophy stating that humans are just to dumb and clearly inferior to our fabricated alien superiors, so of course we can't KNOW that they are here or think of any LOGICAL explanation for why they'd be just buzzing our atmosphere for years and years and years, never really doing anything.

Anyway, that's my two cents.

And remember kids, stay in school!
more poeple have seen UFOs than you think...

aliens, ETs, other beings (whatever you wanna call them) probly been comming to our planet to observe and understand us. much like human beings do every single day. In some religions its belive there was "people from the heavens" and "glowing fireballs", so UFO sightings must been around for a long time. personaly I think the virgin Mary was impregnated by Aliens so they could try out a new "human/ET hybrid" or something and the bright light the wise men followed was a Alien Ship :rolleyes:.

Mabey they are too shy to make contact....
Mabey they just like to absorb local radio and TV transmissions and sit back in their "fancy SUVs" and watch "Independence Day" on the 3D video projector while eatting space popcorn covered in moonsalt .


And yes We must remeber that UFO means Unidentifyed Flying Object! so what most people could be seeing is a bird on fire or some nut testing out his own flying creation..................

I think "Real Alien Ships" and "Beings Not Of This Earth" exisit
"Don't be so quick to shout out how open minded you are as if it's a virtue, because all it means is that you're trying really hard to beleive shit that you want to, and don't really have any reason (and I would contest, any right) to beleive in, it makes you look like an idiot!"
...contest? do you have any right to Judge me? are you holier than thou? I'm old enough to believe what I want, without asking your permission.. it makes you look like an idiot... an open mind IS something to brag about!

"so of course we can't KNOW that they are here or think of any LOGICAL explanation for why they'd be just buzzing our atmosphere for years and years and years, never really doing anything."

how do we know they aren't doing anything? Earth is a waystation, a tourist attraction maybe? or a long term experiment ? and as far as contacting us, reckon how many farmers blast them with shotguns, or our military tries to blow them away? I don't blame them for staying aloof from us.. we as Humans, usually attempt to destroy what we fear.

....As I said..."I" am convinced! I could care less what you think!

A Canadian: "I think the virgin Mary was impregnated by Aliens so they could try out a new "human/ET hybrid" or something and the bright light the wise men followed was a Alien Ship ."

...I've long wondered this.. like Jesus was a test tube baby.
Here is a good LINK i still like going too. Its got some real good stuff on it!!

or check out the main site HERE
Heh, there's the old "humans suck, we can't know anything" argument, again.

Look, all I'm saying is if you don't understand how to think, don't even bother to try until you learn! You're only doing yourself a disservice.

If there's nothing to be seen, there's nothing to prove, no aliens means no fucking aliens, give up the ghost! It's fun to think about, but we don't live in your happy fantasy world.

"If there's nothing to be seen, there's nothing to prove, no aliens means no fucking aliens, give up the ghost! It's fun to think about,"

...Like I said.. You haven't walked in my shoes, or looked through my eyes.. you ARE acting like an idiot!

"but we don't live in your happy fantasy world."

... no shit! not enough room for you AND me in it!.. you Are cocky ..ehh? you must feel threatened...or blind.

A Canadian.. thanks for the link! I have the sts48 video.. its awsome! it looks like the one following is attacking with a spray of some sort.