UFO's To IFO's The Military Time Line


Registered Senior Member
Living in Nevada for @15 Years I have been personal Witness to a multitude of what I would consider UFO's. The fact is however that the classification "UFO" in no way assumes a craft or object is of an extraterrestrial origin. It just simply means I have no idea what hell I am looking at. For example I and a few friends while driving through the desert not sure of the year early 90's witnessed a Black object flying around the Mountains from one view it looked like a disk then as it moved it appeared to be a V configuration. Was it changing shapes?? Nope!! Just appeared differently depending on the viewers perspective and the Crafts movements. A few years later they unveiled the Stealth Fighter that was my UFO. "Now an IFO" As a matter of National Security the Government of the United States must keep Secrets, its for our protection. The question is how many of you agree that our national well-being depends on a closed lip policy? Even if they are also concealing information on Non Terrestrial artifacts, Craft or Little Gray Men. And if so what criteria do you feel would have to met before realeasing said information to the general public.
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I agree that at the current time it is hard to determine whether what we are seeing in the sky represents our own technology, reverse-engineered technology, or "alien" technology.

What I DO feel comfortable with is that similar technology first seen in the 1940s is unlikely to have been "ours" given the state of our technology at that time.

I don't know if the government will ever reveal the truth given fears over the effect of disclosure on our society, economy, and religious institutions.

Perhaps the government has obtained information to suggest that this presence is not well-intentioned. I wonder whether we are not let in on the truth because mass acceptance of this phenomenon would actually give it a greater objective reality and even a foothold in our dimension.
Why Hide?

Why would you want to hide a technology which would finally be made available to general public. And I have heard time and again a reason of "national Security" been given by Army folks and Pentagon officers. what is all this bull crap all about ... the only time US was attacked in non-war time was during 9-11 by outsiders...and they did not use any new technology.

Why is this reason given .... why is that 4 trillion Dollars worth of Nuclear weapons are lying hidden somewhere in United States created by our own tax dollars which we will never see and I hope we never see them in use.. All these clandestine schemes concocted by the Pentagon Ops just eat in to the tax payers checks while we get a stoopid Stealth Bomber which would not be used if not for our elected representatives trying to find countries to use this new technology...

I say bring every dollar spent out in the open and let the citizens decide on what would you want to censor...
Peace :m:
< sarcasm >
Yes!!! That way as SOON as we develop a new technology...EVERYONE else in the world will know about it! That is SUCH a good idea. I would never want to feel safe knowing our technology is secret.
< /sarcasm >


Well ...Puhlese ....No more of feeling safe arguments...

First it was Nazis ...then Commies....Islamic Terrorists .... Wake up dude ...these guys feed on your fear ... has any country ever attacked US without US really attacking them first ... No one is crazy enough to do that ...US is very strategically placed it does not lie surrounded by Israel, Germany, ....or countless such countries...where the secrecy would be a factor in their defence...

I repeat ..$4 trillion spent on Nuclear Weapons ... $400 Billion Spent on Star Wars Program ... no body has seen these weapons ...are they all on paper to make you feel good ...

I am not saying declare everything out in open I do respect the code of secrecy ...but when the defence budget runs in Trillions and have Black projects which are not even shown to the elected members I feel something is not correct.
One reason the "truth" about zero-point energy and cold fusion technology will never be revealed is because it would make obsolete the entire fossil-fuel/petrochemical industry and all of its associated infrastructure. This is one of the linch-pins of current economic system. In addition, this "limitless" form of energy like all other forms of energy would undoubetly have military applications. Do you think we want North Korea or Iran to get hold of this in addition to nuclear technology.

This would never be acceptable to the powerful military-industry interests which likely drive a good deal of govt. policy both in the US and abroad.

I agree with guru in principle but feel sadly resigned to the above realities.
The cold war is over, world war is a thing of past...US had its share of victory and losses. There are no threats to US citizens I feel there never was ...it was just a creation of war mongers in washington acting as pimps on behalf of power brokers and defence contractors. Has North Korea or Iran ever attacked US on its soil or have they ever supplied any military aid to our neighbors to attack us as we did in case of Iran and North korea ...we should realize that being a bad boy in world politics would give rise to this paranoia of US under attack.

Though I agree that there are technologies that will never be brought out in the open but do you think other countries are sitting on their hands ...they will eventually get them ...

It is late I have to sleep ...will post more if this discussion survives.
<i>One reason the "truth" about zero-point energy and cold fusion technology will never be revealed is because it would make obsolete the entire fossil-fuel/petrochemical industry and all of its associated infrastructure.</i>

As if something like that could be kept secret, if it existed. Get a grip, people!
Agreed James R. I do believe something such as this may come to exist perhaps hundreds of years in the future, but DEFINITELY NOT NOW!!! We are a world power, but we weren't always the only one, and at the end of the cold war if Russia really wanted to destroy us, just release all the technology that was putting us ahead. We weren't SOOO far ahead of Russia that they didn't have most of it too.

In my opinion Any invention, Idea, device, process....Ect that has the possibility of being militarily advantageous or damaging to the profits of Big Business will be stonewalled or hidden away from public view until such a time that its impact will be negligible. A perfect example is automobile drivetrain and fuel delivery systems on our so called modern vehicles. These have not changed much since their conception> "EAT THAT GAS"
Soon however the Earths fossil fuel situation will become critical and you just watch and see how many new improvements spring out of nowhere like magic.
Thanks for the post HyperBand I would like to add some more to what you posted.

It so happens that the General American attitude towards the whole process is like followers and you hardly see anyone as the leader ...the moment someone feels differently he is demonized by the Power Brokers and the whole ruling administration.

US does not take part in the Environmental issues with the whole world and is happy in Selling SUVs and Trucks to the population not a single president has ever said please start using efficient cars or alternate fueling system. But trust me the moment alternate fueling system is more lucrative to the business leaders it wil be good for the Administration and the General Population.
So I would say that lack of Leadership and thinking ability has promoted this fact of hiding the technology till it can be oligopolized (If I may). Without going into details look at Cigarette Industry ..

Any Thoughts...