UFOs sighting?


Hi, i read about UFOs appearing in various countries. Why don't UFOs visit mumbai, where i live? - nawaz kunal pagare khan
Hi, i read about UFOs appearing in various countries. Why don't UFOs visit mumbai, where i live? - nawaz kunal pagare khan

Because UFO's don't "visit". People see perfectly normal things in the sky under unusual circumstances and they simply don't recognize them. This does not make them from another planet.
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There aren't any UFOs near Mumbai because the witches stole them.
There is a good chance that if a group of super-advanced aliens had landed on Earth about a 100 million years ago, then it's possible that the local inhabitants that was present on Earth at that time would have happily welcomed them to a T-Rex fast food resturant.
Don't be silly: everyone knows UFO crews carry Anti-T-Rex Guns.
How do you know they don't.

Precisely, but don't fall for it Moementum7. Google mumbai and UFO. There is an obviously faked video on YouTube that was done there. Truth is, there are THOUSANDS of highly credible sightings in India every year. Just like every other place on the planet. Nice try BB.

Precisely, but don't fall for it Moementum7. Google mumbai and UFO. There is an obviously faked video on YouTube that was done there. Truth is, there are THOUSANDS of highly credible sightings in India every year. Just like every other place on the planet. Nice try BB.

Hey, but how to spot a UFO? No radar, there isn't any sound, nor any climate, electrical interference, or any fire trail. I think the UFOs are beyond visual range. - nawaz kunal pagare khan
You mean you haven't seen the photos of the invisible UFOs that are on the internet?

It was afternoon once and i was busy reading a magazine... and there was noise like shaaack tiiiich....similar made by the laser gun mounted on the shoulder of predator movie! Then a huge tree which was beside my house fell. Many villagers came running as to see what happened! But i looked at the sky and saw no trace of UFO.
Then once i was awake the whole night and there were two thuds which rocked my thirteen floored building. I live on the first floor and it felt to me that something had landed on the terace! But no lights, no engine sound!

nawaz kunal pagare khan
That is so strange.
It happened to me as well.
A tree fell over and there was no sign at all of a UFO!
It's amazing, isn't it?

PS it is not a laser in the Predator movies.
And movies don't have shoulder on which to mount guns anyway.