Ufo's over Denver?


Registered Senior Member
I want to know what the heck is going on around here! If anyone is in the Arvada, Colorado area or close to it. I want to know if you have any ideas. I've been searching the skies for evidence of UFOs and I have seen quite a few in the past couple months. There's been increasing unusual activity around this area. There was a bright light that seems to just hover very low on the horizon last night (October 23, 1999 about 730pm). I've been seeing this object for the past couple weeks and it's been interesting in the skies ever since. Is anyone experiencing interesting phenonmina around this area?
Check you star charts. No UFO in history has stayed put for two weeks. If your star charts don't indicate a planet or unusually bright star (and you can get good data from NASA's web site, they're very helpful), go physically out to the area and look for radio towers. Winter is coming on and the air will amplify and distort things.

As far as loking for evidence of UFOs, I'm going to get bold here and suggest that you don't. If you want to see one bad enough, you will. Search the skies for anomalies, by all means, but try as hard as you can to find terrestrial explanations, no matter how far-reaching, first. Once those are exhausted, you've probably got a real one.
Funny, I was thinking it might be something, but this thing always shows up. Either it's a ufo or a government experiment again. We do have several military installations here such as Norad, etc. How would you suggest that going about searching for one? I see a lot of unusual activity over the Denver city limits lately, but then again, it could just be my paranoia. Is there equipment I should have or anything for this? I'm determined to figure these things out. I'm sure Colorado gets a lot of sightings, it's just that no one reports them or doesn't think twice about them.

I'm also curious about something else, is there a commonality among abductees such as in hearing things or having unusual marks on their skin?
Big C actually there has been much activity in Co of late as documented by mufons filers files and is rumored to be an alien base in Denver area. go to www.mufon.com and click on news for filers files archives, as far as abductee commonalities theres too many signs to list so i suggest you go to either of these 2 sites and they are excellent. www.geocities.com/area51/lair/7180 or Dr David Jacobs site www.ufoabduction.com feel free to email me if you wish too discuss this further.

Eric Cooper
How do you mean UFO base, is there an actual 'landing' thing around here? I was thinking about going up in a plane and investigate some things. I don't know if it would be a little dangerous to do that, but if it solved my questions, it would definately be worth it. I mean some of the articles on that web site, is far out there. Even for me. But I mean, anything is possible, we just have to face up to it and hope for the best. I just want to KNOW! I want to finally see for myself because I know there's something out there because I think I may have been one of their victims of abductions.
the base in question is an underground complex, i don't know the specifics right off hand but can look into it,my specialty is more or less abductions so can help in that area maybe.

Eric Cooper
Wow, are you online right now? talk to me man! ICQ # 41100567 if ya gots ICQ otherwise, I'd like to know where this information is coming from, and if it would be dangerous to attempt to investigate in an airplane? Where do you live and are you noticing the same things? Let me know!
Big C,

If you don't mind my asking, what makes you think you might have been abducted?

MOST people on this board would not ridicule you. If you are concerned that some might, my abductee advice is to ignore them.
I know that, but I'm just a little concerned. I've been experiencing odd dreams, repeating dreams etc. Also, I have a wiring noise that I hear all the time when it's quiet enough to hear it, it's very loud and it gets rather annoying. That part I don't think is normal, I also hear noises outside that have an odd pitch to it. Now does someone call that normal? Well there might be a medical condition for that, but then what would explain the unusual sightings recently? Let me know.
An FAA map of your area will list radar and radio towers, though not their purpose. If you live near military bases or communication stations, this may be what you're seeing. The moisture in the air will act like a magnifying glass, making things noticeable that you haven't seen before. As I said, no UFO in history has ever stayed in place that long. Mark where you see the light and get the highest power binoculars you can lay your hands on and check it out on a clear day, preferable against a blue sky.

As far as the ringing in your ears, look for tinntinitus. My ears ring like crazy whenever there's a pressure change.

As far as abductees, many report scoop marks, scars and indentations. I bear all three, and when I wake up with a new one, I check my matress for anything poking up or other factors that may have caused the mark.

I actually watched one form while I was at work. I called two co-workers over and we all watched as my right hand developed a large red bump which instantly shrank back down, leaving an off-colored indentation. A second one right next to it formed just two days ago.

On my left ankle is a similar mark, trianglular in shape. This one was a rock-hard scab for almost a month. It itched from time to time, but to touch it was to send my leg into searing pain. It fell off, but I don't know where or when. I have to be careful when I excersize because my left ankle now crunches when I flex it.

On the back of my right calve are two circular depressions that also started as scabs. My arms are also covered with scars and marks, only about half of which I can account for.

But if anyone can help with a skin-related issue, it's my right ring-finger. One day the skin just dried out. It's still flexible and it's not discolored or anything, but the skin is constantly dry and it bubbles. I cannot afford a dermatologist, but one would think that this would spread to the rest of the fingers, yet it hasn't. It remains on one finger. Any suggestions?
I was just curious about something. If there was pressure change it would only ring a few times right? Mine rings constantly!!! Whenever it's quiet enough, that's all I hear is the ringing and buzzing it makes or whatever. I've also noticed that it does go in series of 3 if that's any importance. I've also discovered a little beeping noise everytime I hear music. It kind of sounds like MORSE code but I'm not completely sure. I know it seems strange, but what I think.

Visit a physician, and mention tinnitus. It's not all that hard to diagnose; if you have it the doctors will be able to tell you for sure.

Have you seen a dermatologist for these skin problems? About the problem with your right ring finger - do you normally wear a ring on that finger? When I got a new wedding ring a couple of years ago, I found I had to take it off most of the time because my finger would break out in a rash on top, and it felt as though it was burned. I suspected that maybe the ring wasn't gold, because I am allergic to cheap metals. I took it to a jeweler to find out and he said not to worry - it was real gold. But the problem was that there were little grooves on the inside of the ring on top, and that various soaps, chemicals, etc. could get stuck in there and cause a problem. He buffed it out for me, and sure enough, that solved the problem!
Oxygen -

My dad has ecxema (exema? excema?) on his hands that comes and goes - makes his hands dry and kind of flakey. For him, it's stress related, so it appears and disappears, sometimes one finger, sometimes more. Perhaps you have that or something similar. He has a medicated hand lotion that helps make it go away. (Prescription, though).

Another thing to check is your environment - see if you can find anything new that came into your environment around the same time this stuff started happening - chemicals, cleaners, new janitorial staff at work that could be using new products, etc. It may be some kind of allergic reaction? Even if you can't really afford a dermatologist, your regular physician might be able to help you out.
Excema! ARRRRGH! Brain-fart! Thanks! That was I was looking for! I do believe it's stress related. Thanks, Searcher and SkyeBlue!
i also have a constant ringing in my ears, i have had it since a little kid. but i will be just sitting their and all of a sudden it willl start. its weird

There is no UFO hovering on the horizon near Arvada. I live in Wheat Ridge, a neighboring suburb. I look for signs of the paranormal, and there are none. Depending on which direction you are looking, you could be seeing radio towers or DIA.

There is also no military base in Denver. The closest one is an hour and a half away, in Colorado Springs. Thats not really a base either, its the Air Force Academy. Plus, if the armed forces were conducting tests wouldn't they do it over all of the vast wilderness, not close to the largest city in Colorado?
Allright. So I guess there are a lot of skeptism on this subject. But I'll continue looking still. I don't care how bizarre things start to get but I know they are out there around my area. Lots of activity is going on, it's just a gut feeling. Well anyways. Ya'll have fun now.