

Registered Member
I think that ufos are part of the governments plan to take things unnoticed by the police in each country so they wont get in discored by someone and when they take people that claimed that they were aducted by aliens it was just a gentics test so they can clone people so there is no aliens and when people see the flying ufo it's all fake they bulit it.
reply to leea

I think that part of your theory is right. But I find it hard to belive that in the universes out there we are the only intelligent self aware beings in the entire galaxy.
To the second part about the police. They would not have to do that. All they would have to do is put the blame on someone else. Or debunk the person or persons involved. I had a better post but the site or the net gliched and I lost it .
Re: reply to leea

Originally posted by Sethmac
I think that part of your theory is right. But I find it hard to belive that in the universes out there we are the only intelligent self aware beings in the entire galaxy.
To the second part about the police. They would not have to do that. All they would have to do is put the blame on someone else. Or debunk the person or persons involved. I had a better post but the site or the net gliched and I lost it .
you have a good point there but how do you know its true what if everything a lie about aliens what if one day somebody finds out something about that were they go public and tell the secret about there plan to make something that we can't expline and only thay can and when they build the ufos the tax money is being used to build it and people wounder why there tax is so high. there are no real ufos out there in space.
hey leea
when was the last time you went for a ride around the earth @ the same distance as the moon ?
unless you are an astronaught then you are only relying on what others opinions and beliefs make-up!
their is more evedence to suggest the existance of UFOs
than there is evedence of god yet it is clear which is the most widely considerd fact.
people will not believe something that does not suit their own purpose... in genral... so the un-biassed scientist is the rare-ist of breeds.
if you are living in a house......
and you are inside at the moment reading this message...you cannot prove that something is not outside of your house while you are inside and not looking at it!
we all know this as a fact of philisofical thought doctrine but sometimes ignore its relavence to our personal beliefs.
groove on all
what if?

ok but have you ever been in side of a ufo? What if i was right and there is no ufos its all fake and the government tells there secert and they exposed there plan? what then?

Originally posted by ripleofdeath
hey leea
when was the last time you went for a ride around the earth @ the same distance as the moon ?
unless you are an astronaught then you are only relying on what others opinions and beliefs make-up!
their is more evedence to suggest the existance of UFOs
than there is evedence of god yet it is clear which is the most widely considerd fact.
people will not believe something that does not suit their own purpose... in genral... so the un-biassed scientist is the rare-ist of breeds.
if you are living in a house......
and you are inside at the moment reading this message...you cannot prove that something is not outside of your house while you are inside and not looking at it!
we all know this as a fact of philisofical thought doctrine but sometimes ignore its relavence to our personal beliefs.
groove on all
hey leea

if the govt agencies could make even some people believe that they are responsible for all the ufo storys then they would spend millions doing so.
and would have started more dramatic stuff by now
similar to the crop circles which have already had united kingdom and USA agents trying to debunk them.
and some sponsord students, from some universitys.
but there is still no humanly known technology that can duplicate the true crop circles. :)

left right left wrong left right wrong right wrong-
wont even get you round the block forget about greater distances and(star charts) and secuential messages by idiogram(thingeys)

groove on
Re: Re: reply to leea

Originally posted by leea

you have a good point there but how do you know its true what if everything a lie about aliens what if one day somebody finds out something about that were they go public and tell the secret about there plan to make something that we can't expline and only thay can and when they build the ufos the tax money is being used to build it and people wounder why there tax is so high. there are no real ufos out there in space.

I am not totally denying that the gov't would and does not do something like this, but not all can be the government. I am just saying with all of the sightings, abductions, evidence that it is possible that there really is aliens. Besides, I think our government would find somthing more important to do than try to entertain our fantisies about aliens, including the cost of what it would have taken research to be able to create a space craft oval or circular in shape that can travel great distances in such a short time, and create a world wide campain to make everyone, friend and foe belive that there are aliens.
Re: reply to leea

:) hey sethmac,
I have qustion for you have you ever saw something that you can't explan before like? case if you have show me proof of it.

Originally posted by Sethmac
I think that part of your theory is right. But I find it hard to belive that in the universes out there we are the only intelligent self aware beings in the entire galaxy.
To the second part about the police. They would not have to do that. All they would have to do is put the blame on someone else. Or debunk the person or persons involved. I had a better post but the site or the net gliched and I lost it .
My experience

Sadly I don't have physical proof. I wish I did. Someday, I hope to do that very thing. I have to wait for technology to catch up with us or we have a major government overhaul. I was a skeptic before I was a beliver and now that I have had a chance to see UFO's in a new light it has shook my very foundation of life, religion, etc. I am seeking the truth, but all I have is theories the same as you. I guess I could put you on the spot as well and ask for proof that there is not a UFO conspericy that the government is behind it all. What I want to get across is that I belive, same as you. That is why I like to come to this board. I have had the privalege to recive ideas as well as share them. My experience is what makes me a beliver. My curiosity makes me ask why. Although I have no proof, I do have the one thing that gives me the drive: Faith...