UFO's engine(add)


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Three levels of information-time quantification . The CT-theory considers , that person has (in current of a day) a huge quantity of inertial processes , braking , acceleration , vacuum/de-vacuum processes . Nevertheless all of them are grouped at three levels of interconnected infromational-time quantifiacation : LIQ, MIT, IQP.

n LIQ-level - level of the CT/CTC information-time quantum-correlation on the organic/inorganic level ; "person-nature" level
n MIT - CT/CTC information-time quantum-correlation on the thinking level ; "person-world-person" level
n IQP - CT/CTC information-time quantum-correlation on the spiritual level ; "person-world" level

According to the CT-theory IQP-level (so-called "spiritual level" from the ancient time) is level of ITW (information-time whole) of the Earth-system (as a system) . The Human being phenomenon consists in unique high capability "to work" on the MIT-level of information-time quantification . Such high level of the MIT-ability has not animals , plants .
As a whole, according to the CT-theory, any system (Earth, planets, stars , Galaxies) as an information in a time has own individual braking and therefore an individual inertia of own information in a time. But any system has the given three levels of information-time quantification . Any Universe object has own development of the LIQ/MIT/IQP-levels and correlation of this level . And a person will be have another thinking level in the different palnet (star) systems .
And what is more our Earth-system(planet) has different LIQ, MIT, IQP levels of the information-time quantification depending on place on the Earth , place of the Earth and Moon and Sun, and place of the Earth near Sun (seasons of year) . Therefore according to this aspect the contemporary MIT-geography prevails on the Eurasian continent and all world uses it . Another continents have mainly LIQ and IQP dominants .
As stated above , our mankind has deficiency or surplus of the information-time quantification . In particular LIQ-deficiency brings to the weakening of the immune system of a person, mental deviations and pathologies , aspiration for usage of some kinds of narcotics , alcohol . The MIT , IQP deficiencies define other groups of illnesses. That is all levels information-time quantification are deeply interconnected.. Our mankind has three kinds(groups) of narcotics : LIQ, MIT, IQP . There are some universal narcotics (and alcohol too) , which can have power LIQ-MIT-IQP gamut . But mainly, most of all have LIQ and IQP dominats . These levels of the infomational-time quantification our mankind controls very bad . Therefore contemporary methods of treatment not only narcotic or alcohol dependence , but antoher sicknesses are very superficial . Now we can imagine , that any person is an infromation in a time and has its information-time quantification in the Earth-system as in the system of parallel times ("person-person" , "person-viruses").
As a whole , mankind's history has not prevailing nations and races . In the different times different nations and races , continents have had MIT-prevailing and now are having natural LIQ and IQP-levels after MIT-youthful stage .
Each civilization has a various degree of understanding and use of these levels . The degree of development of any civilization is determined by level of the understanding and ecological use of these levels (processes) of information-time quantification . Why does the CT-theory is sure develops this idea about three levels of the information-time quantification ? Each person can be convinced in it, if deeper and more completely will familiarize with rules of the CT-theory. In the given sysnopsis we have the general conceptions of the CT-theory only .

5. Information optics .
If You can imagine that person's life is not a process from the past to the future and it can imagine as a united process as from future-to-past, so from past-to-future - You are very close to the Information optics . Imagine , if the Human being process (as any process) can consider as an process from the end , it means that person's life is some information-time quantum-pocket (ITQP) . As a whole the CT-theory thinks that all processes develop from the past to the future . And Human being's birth is bifurcation of a Human being process - opening of the ITQP .
As a whole the possibilities(laws) of the Information optics(IO) is unlimited . Any point of the Universe can "touch" to the another point . That is a distance doesn't matter for the IO.
About information transfer. According to the CT-theory a Time is a form of the energy(matter) ; an Information is a form of a Time . All these conceptions (Information, Time) have a density , can be pressed or stretched as any matter . A Time as matter has optical effects . The Information optics as a scientific applied direction of the CT-theory considers the aspects of abilities of transfer an Information à Energy à Time - about mutual correlation and mutual transfers of these conceptions as a whole . As a whole the Information optics considers the questions of the mutual transfers information(objects) in the times (individual space-time) of another objects. In particular under the CT-theory a time is not considered without its space . Figuratively the shapes of the space-time can be different for one object . We can have information about mountain in a grit and then open it as a mountain . Another direction is connected with transfer of objects form one place to another place , which can be situated in the gigantic distances .
About information-time quantification (correlation) . As stated above , the CT-theory notices, that any planet system has its levels of information-time quantification : LIQ , MIT , IQP levels. Any Human being is constantly situated and adapted in this levels in its planet's system . The Information optics studies the correlation of these levels . Every level is responsible for health , thinking-processes , psychological and nervous processes of a Human being . On the other hand every level is a conductor of the level's information , which a person don't notice , but some animals and plants "feel" it.
About information places (IP) . Any place has information("memory") in a time about contacts with another objects after the contacts . Any information in the Earth-system has its quantification(=quantization) . The anthropoinformation can quantification with parts of place . The CT-theory considers informational-time quantification in a time between objects , which can be situated in the huge distances . According to the CT-theory the category of the Informational place in its finally great significance means full superposition of its time , place(room) and information - figuratively, it's God's level of the informational-time quantification . It has not a reason to be here or there , has not a reason to be aferwords , now or before for God . Under the CT-theory after the death a Human being has some approach to the IP . As a whole the deep reason of the Human being consists in the deliverance from reason links . It's possible to say that the religions are processes of the IP of God.
About Sleep . As stated above the phenomenon of Sleep is natural appearance of information-time quantification and information optical effects . In sleep every person has such quantification with another objects , which a person can see in its dream . A sleep is a natural information-time lens , which approaches in Time or holds away objects, events from a person's individual space-time .
About information-time migration . The CT-theory considers , that information of the Earth-system (about all objects) has migration from the Earth-system to the Solar system and further .
About CT-computers and unificators . In particular the CT-theory considers the possibilities of creation of the CT-computer and CT-unificator . The main task of the CT-computer is connected with possibilities to bring of objective information in any point of the space and time in a system . CT-unificator is necessary for non-verbal communication (telepathy) between person-to-person and animal world . Very soon our mankind inevitably immerses into EE(CTC)-communication . The appearance of this level practically excludes thefts , murders , criminality in a whole .
About person's life . The CT-theory considers , that a person's life as an information process in a time is an information-inertial process . And a person's life is not finished after its death . The CT-theory studies a person's life as an information-time process and thinks, that after death a person can have close contacts with living people . As stated above a Human being as an information in a time is a kind of the formed dynamic vacuum . Any object has its information density and , accordingly - its information-optical effects of the formed dynamic vacuum . As a whole all Universe objects as kinds of the formed dynamic vacuum are kinds of accumulation , storage and transfer of information .
In particular , according to the CT-theory the Human being life and death is one of the kinds of information-time transfer from one way accumulation , storage of information in a time to the another way . The Information optics considers information-optical effects , which take place under these transfers . Different kinds of the formed vacuum have various interrelations between object and surrounding system . In particular after death a Human being has more clear vacuum condition , but it's not strong vacuum (deep vacuum process) . Under life a person has very deep(strong) vacuum process .
Vacuum is process of form . Absolute vacuum (as an process to the absolute vacuum) has information-optics effects too .
About anti-gravitational (UnGr) - engine . As stated above the nature of the Gravitation and Anti-gravitation (UnGr) is united . Both of these conceptions lie down in the GUB-nature . Under the CT-theory the UnGr is unperiodical fixing process . The Gr as a conception is periodical unfixing process . As a whole our mankind has not wide understanding about influence of the periodical and unperiodical proceses for the all vital spheres . We should imagine more wider the Gravitation and Gravitational conception . Due to the Gr some periodical processes in the Humane being organism are taking place every moment . Such caliber processes take place undependently from acceleration and braking of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems . Such methodological approach can help to see the great role of the unperiodical processes in the Earth-system . Our system has the such organisation , that any fixing is connected with an unperiodicity , unperiodical processes . The fixing processes in one's turn help to release the energy of vacuum form the matter : [unperiodical process] à [ individual fixing] à [individual braking(GUB)] à [energy of vacuum] .
And we should imagine that our life , Earth-system's life, Universe as a whole are situated in these two processes constantly . The UnGr-processes are connected with energy allocation ; the Gr-processes are (caliber) stabilizers of these processes in the World - "e la nava va" ... . That is these two processes have deep natural interrelation . As a whole our Earth(Universe) as a gigantic steam-boiler is filled of the Ungravitation . The processes of the Great Universe Braking (GUB) extract from dynamic vacuum a huge quality of energy and lights stars . It possible to say , that the Universe (vacuum) , as if stabilizes ("drops anchor") , at the expense of the stars , planet systems , Galaxies , hard matter as a whole .
Every of us is process of the formed vacuum . And as a whole the World is processes of transfer unperiodical processes in the periodical . The strong GUB-processes constitute heavy stars and planets . The clashes of the dynamic flows in the dynamic vacuum constitute spirals of Galaxies , and supernew stars . We can see , that in the Earth-system these vacuum dynamic flows have manifestations on the macro-level : rotation of the Earth kernel , moving of the continents , earthquakes, tsunami . We can see the clashes of the local dynamic flows under earth - tornado and global electro-magnetic field in stratosphere (with parameters 1,618) . All of these are natural manifestations of the local or global UnGr / Gr disbalance . Our Earth is a gigantic UnGr-engine(machine) . As stated above we as a matter are the process of vacuum . Now we get the energy from the hard or liquid matter (coal , oil , gas , atom) , which is formed vacuum process . We can take this energy form vacuum directly .
UFO's engines . In order to examine the principle of the UnGr-engine try to analize having factual account of the UFO-s observations for a comfort .
Now in some labs takes place the experiments with super-conductivity and magnetic field where the weight of the objects become less . As a whole spaceships of the more advanced civilizations , so-called UFO-s , use the sherical UnGr-engines for flights . They use engines with unperiodical radiaters and fixators , which allows to overcome Gr-field (settling the "Gr-shield") of the Earth by means of free of the UnGr-field , potential of the Earth . Therefore eye-witnesses can see that UFO , as if shimmers of lights . The UFO's engine uses principle of the local dynamic disbalance of the Gr - UnGr of the Earth . Therefore after the the UFO-s appearances are watched anomalous zones . The UFO's UnGr-engine , all UFO's system is based on the natural caliber principle in link : UnGr - Gr . It allowed to avoid overcharges under the abrupt accleration or braking .
UFO's weapons of safety : Mainly , in case of danger UFO uses LIQ-MIT weapons and "sleep-bombs" . The LIQ-MIT weapon paralyzes of a person on the LIQ or MIT (or mixed) information-time quantificatrion . The LIQ - sense of fear ; MIT - hypnosis . Usually under contacts pilots of the UFO at the beginning use LIQ-means , then - MIT-means and after the contact - "sleep-bomb" . The "sleep-bomb" is mean of momentary immersion if sleep with purpose to wipe off contact information in the Human being's individual space-time(IST) . As a whole they can read IST-information of the Human being on the IQP , MIT-levels of the information-time quantification at a definit level , and , naturally, foresee person's actions .
As a rule the UFO-s use combinative principle : "Gr-shield" and "information-optics" effects for its transfers . Using the last principle the UFO-s in case of need can be situated in any point in one moment . As a whole the UFO-s use information-optics effects for transfers between planet systems (for huge distances) .
The quantum-structural principle of the accumulation and storage of information . About phenomena of telepathy and hypnotism . As stated above a Human being is information-time quantum-packet (ITQP) . The whole person's ITQP is , so-called , "Mega-packet" , which consists of the some Super-packets(pockets) , which in one's turn consists of the simple ITQP-s . Figuratively, it looks like a tree with fruits . According to the CT-theory any information has its density and elasticity ; every person's ITQP has these quantum quantities . Due to this fact , the person's ITQP is not distroyed under contact with surrounding information . In this connection ITQP looks like a lense(of camera) , which focuses taking place events (objects) under different angles . Every camera can its limit of the film . And a shape of the ITQP has limit for fixing . We print at the computer day by day but every computer has its limit of the memory . A person was burn and his ITQP has started to fill by means of organs of senses and during his life the person's ITQP coming up to its limit . From the very birth every person learns to get information by means of the language , reading , situative constructions. That is the ITQP - is Artificial Individual space-time (ART-IST) of the Human being . It's one side of the Human being problem .
On the other hand under the CT-theory every of us (as an object) was burn with own Individual Space-Time (IST) . According to the CT-theory form the very birth every person has , so-called , "Clear-IST" . It means , that a Human being has some another IST before ART-IST zone . This Clear-IST zone lies down between phase of embryo and two years old of the person's life . The CT-theory considers , that a person in this IST(Clear-IST) is situated in the IST of the Earth-system . It possible to say , that situating in the Clear-IST zone a person has not own individual space-time . A person is situated in the Information -Time Whole (ITW) of the Earth-system .
During person's life , when a person enters in the ART-IST zone , the Clear-IST zone covers by ART-IST zone . But the CT-theory notices , that a person of any age can be observer of the ITW-connection and to connect to the ITW . It takes place in the phenomenon of "boundary sleep" (BS) . The BS-condition is condition , which appears in period of falling aspleep , when person's consciousness fixe the ITW-phenomen . In this period a person can see the different unfamiliar situations: talkings and actions unfamiliar people in unknown places , unfamiliar nature , cities , objects as a whole . That is a phenomenon of the BS takes place in the boundary zone it's between ART-IST zone and ClearIST zone . The phenomenon of prophets in some aspects bases on the BS-conditions . Imagine the ART-IST and Clear-IST spheres (zones) as two computers : Clear-IST is a huge ITW-super-computer and ART-IST is a little personal computer . In the BS-condition the programms of the ITW-computer and ART-IST computer are compatible .
As a whole the phenomenon of the Sleep is natural phenomenon of transfer from the ART-IST zone to Crear-IST zone . But in this situation ART-IST computer don't remember ITW-information .
The phenomenon of the hypnotism connected with ART-IST zone . In paritcular children to give way to hypnosis very bad , because of children are more situated in the Clear-IST zone . Therefore being in the Clear-IST zone children have phenomenal gifts to foresee and foretell events . Some twins in the childhood period are possessed of the telepathy gift between them . As a whole the CT-theory considers possibility to increase of the BS-condition for creation of the natural Human being BS-conditions and for electronic embodiment as the CT-computer (=ITW-computer) .

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The tree of the ART-IST "computer" consists of the Super-packets of "I'm" , "Memory (of actions)" , LIQ, MIT, IQP superpackets as a whole - the quantum-structure of the accumulation and storage of information in a time . That is every event in the person's life has its information-optics refraction on the LIQ , MIT , IQP levels . Therefore in psychological sphere we face with some psychological an physiological bifurcations (which develops then as pathologies) . Due to the complimentary temporality a healthy person has some middle senses about surrounding information (events, objects) . But we can imagin about this bifurcation from sick persons (drugers) . In particular , drug addicts notice that colours, taste , shapes , sounds , time of the habitual processes and things become another than before the using of drugs . It usually takes place under the LIQ information-time quntum domination (under using of the LIQ-drug) . The MIT , IQP diviations take place as an enter on the ITW-level of the Earth-system (MIT, IQP-drugs) .
The CT-theory notices too , that these diviations take place in the phenomenon of Sleep . In particular in dreams a person has LIQ , MIT , IQP diviations depend on LIQ , MIT or IQP deficiency or domination in the ART-IST (simpler - in the person's organism) . That is according to the CT-theory we can notice the facts of information-time quantification of the Human being under the influence of the external or internal factors . The Individual Space-Time of the person is dynamic structure , which under the current processes has constant (momentary) changes (reactions) every next moment . And it has its density and elasticity .
Figuratively our IST(of a person) as a goalkeeper watching the dynamic play situation , which , if it needs , contracts or stretches , jumps , catches or reflects the kicks . That is , as stated above , our IST is constantly situated in the dynamic of the complimentary temporality or temporal compensation of the current events . But every mechanism has its own limit and weak places . So a hypnotist can enter in the "I'm"-Superpacket to command by person . As a whole , due to the elasticity of the IST a person very easy enters in the Clear-IST zone . And it's not accidentally , that being in the hypnosis a person can enter on the high information levels .
The facts of phenomenon of auto-hypnotism confirm quntum-structural construction of the IST.
In the end the quantum-structural aspect appears in the different or whole perception of one event (process) of the different persons .
As a whole according to the CT-theory a Human being is very close situated near the Clear-IST. Trifling drug doze , word , glance it can be enough for diviations on the LIQ , MIT , IQP levels of the person's information-time quantification . Figuratively a Human being if it's not falls down so goes along the edge of the Clear-IST zone . During a day a person feels few natural needs for sleep. In particular we have much more facts of telepathy between persons in the sleep periods . So it takes place between relatives , twins (more close quantum-structures) , especially in case of sickness or death . Figuratively if we imagine the Clear-IST zone as an top of the mountain , then can be understand that observatories are settled on the tops in order to get more clear signal . In our case (aspect) in the Clear-IST zone persons has much more complimentary temporality .
As a whole for the CT-theory , if we refuse from Clear-IST zone (and whole conception about information-time structures) then we should refuse from the phenomena of telepathy , hypnotism , sleep, Human being , information processes in space and time at all .

6. The phenomena: "Sleep" , "twins" , "Dolly" , "Coincided sleep" - Supersleep .
The CT-theory and Information optics explains phenomenon of Sleep as a process of natural quantification of an information in a time . But a sleep has definite task - defantomization and re-quantification of information in the individual space - time of a person . In sleep(dream) the nature of a Human being tries to distruct a negative information , relieve individual space-time of definite information . In sleep take place unimaginable confluences and separations of the objects, events . It's not accidentally .
Our sleep-process is , figuratively, phenomenal computer, which unites, or divides infromational-time files according to the quantum-parameters .
In the information-optical aspects a sleep is a lens between "yesterday-quantification" and "today-quantification" of a person . The CT-theory considers, that a person's longevity can be achieve by means of sleep-mechanism , rejuvenating of a person's organism during sleep-process . That is the person literally from day to day will look more younger. Further it will be possible to rejuvenate by means of technical way . In this connection the CT-theory enters concept of Coincided sleep (or Supersleep) .
About "twins phenomena" . Twins have practically one individual space - time(IST), therefore between twins takes place telepathy effects . As stated above , they have whole quantum-structural process of the information accumulation and storage . Due to this fact twins have high level of the complimentary temporality as if united IST .
About "Dolly phenomenon" in the CT-CTC aspects . In a whole the Dolly phenomenon is "Golden Fleece" for scientists , which study temporal processes . According to the CT-theory in case of experiment with sheep "Dolly" we have a fact of the Additional braking . Today we know , that for Dolly was used a donor's cell of a sheep at the age of six . And now during two years after its birth Dolly has grew old under eight (6 + 2) . That is we have a matter with the Additional braking : donor's cells have its individual braking = 6 years and it is one individual space-time ; Dolly(as a satellite) is another individual space-time . Who has read the CT-theory completely knows : any exit in a new space-time system is connected with Add. Braking . The "Dolly phenomenon" is closely connected with "lethargy phenomenon" , when a person after lethargic sleep begins fast grows old . In a whole - linear aspect - donor's cell has had 6-year of Individual fixing and Dolly's has 2-years of Ind. fixing .., donor and Dolly have united individual space-time (a stage of Complimentary temporality ) . But after the 8-years Dolly will be grow old as a self-dependent creature . That is Dolly will enter in the stage of Complimentary temporality Compensation.
That is we have an example of the information-time Re-quantification (Re-Q is the phenomenal modification an information in a time) . And individual additional braking it's necessary for Dolly for maintenance its UnGr-potential . And due to this case we an example of complimentary temporal effect (CT-effect) of the temporal superposition . Dolly has absolute coincidence of main parameters of the information-time quantification with its mother (on the DNA-level) , therefore we have CT-effect of superposition of them times (2+6) . Here the Re-Q velocity is 1=3 (that is in 1 period (year) takes place 3-periods) .
In a whole and methodologically we should know that under making of Dolly it's necessary to change some parameters on the DNA-level in order to overcome the CT-effect of the temporal superposition . And second way is connected with decrease of temperature of body on 1 degree . When our science finds the ways of decrease of temperature of a person's body on 1 degree our mankind can increase the duration of its life .
In a whole we should more deeply study the "Dolly phenomenon" as a phenomenon of CTC (compensation) under CT-effect . We have a matter with temporal compensation - "satellite phenomenon" of the add. Braking . That is the formula : 2 + 6 is the temporal compensation of Dolly (6 years was compensated) under compimentary temporal coincidence of the main parameters of information-time quantification , that brings to the Re-quantification of Dolly of two years to Dolly of eight years . It should be a natural mechanism of removal of CTC/compensation and Re-quantification on the DNA-level .

7. About the CT-Mankind

The CT-theory has some purposes and tasks about mankind development .

About the mankind's evolution (CT-Mankind - CT-Mk-1,2,3) :
Period of development in the next centuary: 2005-2015 . This is the main conception and foundation of the CT-theory . Under the CT-theory our mankind is at the beginning of a Complimentary temporality period. Very soon it will be the CT-mankind . The CT-mankind will be has some levels . Now the vector of contemporary applied sciences develops our mankind to the electronic technologies . Very soon the means of communication will be placed in the brain and we'll be needn't in the mobile telephones . The Internet is a first LIQ/MIT-communication phase of the CTC-Mankind . In the next stage our mankind will have more strong means of communications for receiving and transfer of information. It will be the first step to the CT-Mankind of the 1-st level .
In the Information optics (rejuvenation and health program) will be started the scientific works in coincided sleep direction and some people can live nearly 300 years ; in communication - transfer an information within the Earth-system on the IQP-level communication . As a whole under the treatment will be used two main direction : chronotherapy of CT-CTC aspects in link : a Human being - viruses, and chronotherapy of the information-optical effects , which can snap back of the illness in a time . Due to the Information optics can be read and store information in different materials : water , air, vacuum .
Appear the first approaches to creation of the "vacuum cinema" , which allow to create and store chronucle of all life for one person . As a whole it'll be "Era of open person" . With possibility to open any lie , people begin to open its inner substance (soul and thinking) . The mankind will drop some complexes , but not the Bible commandments . So the open mankind gets a huge creative and health potential for his development .
In this period will be done the CT-computer , which allows to find out definite information condition of the objects in any point of the Earth-system , but such information will be enough to struggle against criminality . In this period will be done first anti-gravitational(UnGr) engines.
The CT-Mankind of the 2-d level - period of 2020-2040 years will achieves practically IQP-level communication -telepathic transfer of any information . In a whole it will appears the Unified Fund of Information Supporting(UFIS) . At this period any person will be as if mini-concern (company) and to have a huge information supporting and practical execution by means of the UFIS-program . This mankind will be "honeycomb" mankind . That is every person can be linked to a few works and to execute it in parallel in the different places of the World . Possessing of the programmed braking processes a person of Mk-2 can model many objects (in particular - food) .
As a whole it's look like a principle of the ant hill . Any ant is linked to the common job .
Phew! can you just run that by me again?
I want to understand it, really I do. But please make it short and simple.
.....I'm sorry, it was just too long and ...... well, I've heard rants like this before - usually from Amway representatives! :)
I think somebody needs some Immodium AD. Even accounting for a lack of proper comprehension of the English language this drivel makes no sense at all. Maybe tabbla-whatever has an alter-ego? No, scratch that. At least we could figure out that tab was trying to say something.
Addendum-Dude, we come here to TALK about the paranormal, not to BE paranormal.

You are doing it again. STOP take a deep breath then let it out and repeat as necessary. Why didn't you E-mail the info? Is it becuase it not real? Try responding to to your other topic before starting this rant all over again.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born