UFOs again!!!!!!!!

Perhaps one of the blades came off and hit the damaged one still attached.
UFO's has been used as an excuse to cover up for agencies misconduct, companies messing up, and people destroying property. Just blame it on aliens.
"UFO had been allegedly stolen the young boy Peter Peterson's homework on Literature and Math when he was going to his Union Middle School class" MSNBC reports
LIttle Pasture Timmys UFO

I saw it about 55 years ago.!!!

When i was about 5 year old... me an 2 nabor girls... one 11 an one 13
was playin in my front yard in the shade of a small mapel tree... it was
aroun noon... an eventho they was som big white billowy (seeminly
motionless) clouds in the sky... it was mostly very brite an sunny... an
all the sudden the bigger girl shouted LOOK... an me an the other girl
looked an saw her pontin up in the sky (south-west about 10 o-clock
high)... an when we looked whare she was pontin an saw what she was
seein... the the 11 year old screamed an then all three of us screamed
as we instantly jumped up an run towrd the house.!!!
I was brangin up the rear an i remenber seein ther hare floppin from side to side as we neared the front door... but i dont remenber nuthin after that.!!!

But what i saw was somptin big an dark an cigar shaped movin faster than
any cloud i ever saw... an it didnt look nuthin like a dark cloud cause
it had sharp defined lines... an on the side of it was a pattern of easily visable darker circle shapes (about 4 or 5) in a vertical row.!!!

The thang wasnt spnnin or turnin in any way... jus movin at a steady
speed thru open sky behind the big white clouds.!!!

If the 2 dum girls hadnt been thar i woudda kept lookin an mayb figere it out.!!!

Below is a animated gif i made about 4 year ago which gives a good idea of what i remenber seein.!!!

The movment in the gif is jerky... the real thang was movin in a smooth stedy motion... the gif plays over an over... but i only saw the vertical row of dark circles 1 time... an i only saw the UFO for about 3 seconds.!!!

UFOs allegedly crash into a wind farm;


But guess this, the pseud from the 'Flying Saucer Bureau' says;

"To hit two of the blades, any object must have been about 170ft long."

Er, just how does he come to that conclusion? A slow moving object ~1ft across could smash both blades.

Oh, I know how he comes to that conclusion. Sheer speculuation

So a resident skeptic takes some time to propel the farce? :D

Pretend 'disclosure' comes soon followed by the New World Order.

Nice forum by the way.

It is a nice forum, yet it's a science forum. Rather than insult you I will simply ask if you have any evidence to back up your statement.

So, do you?
So a resident skeptic takes some time to propel the farce? :D

My point in posting was to show that the guy from the 'UFO Bureau' went before the press and made a statement about the object's size, and it was complete and utter horseshit.

Somehow he's arrived at a size of 170' for an unkown object, by making assumptions, and made himself look a fool in the process. Just like UFOlogists tend to do.
My favorite UFO story was reported on NPR during an interview with a reporter for a tabloid going out of business. The NPR interviewer asks the reporter about some of the amazing stories he has written. Then he asks him what the best headline was that he ever wrote. He answered, "An alien raped my weed wacker." The reporter went on to tell the story of visiting someone who made the claim and taking photographs of the brutally twisted wreck of the lawn tool. Hard to top that headline.
Another UFO mystery solved. Well it was never a mystery. The police saw that the lights over New Jersey were flares on balloons. Still MUFON claimed that they tried the flare trick and it was implausible. To see how people get carried away looked at these videos:

Which light sin Phoenix? Are talking about the planes or the flares. There were two separate events.