UFO , true or not ?


Valued Senior Member
are these photos true ?



<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/saint2300/e122.jpg">
Those pictures look like hoaxes, however the question of wether UFO's are real or not, remain to be answered. Here are some very interesting sites & Pics of UFO's claimed to be uncropt or distorted in any way. These look very convincing and it's not your tipical saucer like pictures.



I dont believe in UFO's but I don't think we are the only intelegencia in the Universe either. Some believe I'm an alien!. :rolleyes:

And for those of us who are skeptics and believe all this UFOs siting are just a bunch of BS. click here

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I always wonder this , why is it that we have the best cameras, TV crews and other photograhic hardware but we never get a really great picture of these so called IFO's, yes IFO's because they are being seen and we can determine what they look like so they are identified then aren't they?

Very nice trick camera work or as was stated photoshop work that can make anything look like a "flying saucer' as they say.

You know of course that any advanced civilization can manipulate the time vortex and bend spacetime to reach wherever they want to travel without the aid of ships don't you?
UFO's exist (seen by so many), but precisely because they are UFO's there is no reason to believe they are alien aircraft.
This UFO stuff is silly. I saw part of one of those "UFOs are real" TV shows yesterday where they supposedly got a hold of a "government interview with an alien". I'm not saying that it doesn't exist but people get too caught up in it. It's not important to our daily lives so it's... not important.
why is it that we have the best cameras, TV crews and other photograhic hardware but we never get a really great picture of these so called IFO's

That's a great line that kind of sums it up for me.

But i'm kind of open-minded on this subject, in a sense that i believe we cannot be the only living planet in the universe.
Saint said:
are these photos true ?

What are their provenience and context? Photographs without such things are just photographs. They are true in that they are photos of objects that we cannot identify, though I suspect that there is at least on person, perhaps a couple, that could identify the make and model of the car from which the hubcaps come from. Probably the photographer and an assistant.
Yes, UFO's are real. In those pictures, I dunno. But one thing is for sure, I am a person given "sight" thru dreaming.

In one dream, I was a 4' grey alien without a penis that crash landed on Earth. After a few steps I pased out backwards and a human came and I guess tried to resusitate me but i woke up. I noticed a small crashed ship like that in smallville off to the right behind me up in smoke. Hmm, kinda like a simliar episode I saw on Macgyver the following day.
Oi! What happened to the penguin picture?!! Why was my whole post deleted without any reason?


Its relevant, it shows that anyone can cut and paste round shiny things into photos... Geez, do I have to explain everything? ;)
I believe in the definite possiblity of E.T. life, however, my point is that it is very difficult, if not impossible to find credible proof of such on the internet.
Are there Unidentified Flying Objects? Damn right. Are they alien? I don't know, but I strongly doubt it. I am a firm believer in aliens, but I am also a firm believer in the speed of light.
I always wonder this , why is it that we have the best cameras, TV crews and other photograhic hardware but we never get a really great picture of these so called IFO's?

Well I don't know about you, but I don't go walking everywhere with a camera in my pocket. And even if I did, I own a digital one which has an annoying time delay. If I chose to take a video of it, it wouldn't be able to even see the thing.

And then for those that DO own professional equipment, they first have to first pass these situations:

- Work.
- Sleep.
- Taking advantage of their free time (ie: having fun).
- Doing miscellaneous things such as errands.
- Having the equipment on them in the first place.
- Not being preoccupied with something else while having the equipment on them.
- Finding a UFO in the first place which has the odds of winning a lottery.

Now I don't know about you, but that's a lot of stuff to go through which *severely* limits the chance of capturing a UFO with high quality equipment. And then there's a few things we have to deal with even *if* a person *does* capture a UFO with high quality equipment:

- Knows how to use the equipment well.
- The environment isn’t obstructing their view (bad weather, trees, etc)
- Even if there’s a clear day, is the UFO at a nice view angle to show the whole craft.
- Is there an object in view to scale the object

And the biggest obstacle? Even if the picture/video I perfect, people still most likely will claim the picture/video is a fraud. Sorry, but in the age of Photoshop and other editing tools, nobody will ever have complete faith in something. Video and pictures can easily be doctured. I mean heck, if people can fake the moon landing (not saying it was, but it can be), a Sadam Hussein or Osama bin Laden video (not saying they were, but they can be), and show propoganda pieces such as making it seem like hundreds of jubilant Iraqi’s were tearing down the statue of Sadam when it was a completely staged press event that involved not many Iraqi’s, what can you expect? Nobody will believe something as astounding and earth-shattering as a UFO unless they see it with their own eyes.

Skepticism is a good thing, but everything in life can be completely untrue unless you do absolutely every single bit of the research yourself. We don’t know much, we can only take other’s words for it. I can ask someone to prove me darned near anything and most likely the only thing they’ll be able to do is point me to someone else’s references, heh. Sorry, but that’s not proof. Prove me everything right in front of me. See how ridiculous skepticism can get? Where does one draw the line on the degree of skepticism when any aspect that involves another person can be corruptable?

- N
Saint said:
i always believe there are aliens.
so, UFO can be real

I always believe there are pink, fluffy bunnies in the Andromeda galaxy
so, UHO* can be real.

*Unidentified Hopping Objects
Where does one draw the line on the degree of skepticism when any aspect that involves another person can be corruptable?

Where does one draw the line? In the sand... right in front of me. When an alien physically steps over that line and shakes my hand then I'll believe in him.

I do believe in the concept of alien intelligence as a whole, i just cant wholeheartedly believe in any individual cases presented thus far. So far to me its all just others faith, not proof.
This could very easily become an interesting thread on UFO photography, if we were so inclined. Neildo raised some good points about the probability of capturing a UFO on film/digital media should one present itself, though I'm only inclined to agree to a point.

The availability of digital media has soared in the last couple of years and one would at least expect the number of bad photographs to increased by a significant and noticeable number. Likewise, the number of fair to good photos should also have increased, since there are certainly more megapixel cameras on the market. There are even megapixel cellphone cameras now.

But this gives me an idea for a thread.... ;)