UFO Test flights in Australia?


Registered Member
Im sure everyone from Australia (And even those who aren't) Might remember a case quite a few years ago involving a vehicle travelling across the Nullabor Plain that was lifted from the ground by a UFO. The ash that was left on the vehicle was lost before it was oficially tested. Would it be so unbelievable that this and other UFO sightings in the Australian Outback could be United States UFO testing grounds. I can't say I know this from experience but from information I have collected from relations suggest something strange is happening down under. My Grandfather worked the Railways in Northern Western Australia during and after the war. For some reason, the US shipped a lot of Earth Moving equipment across from Port Headland after the war during the early 1950's. This was then taken to the middle of outback Western Australia, WHY? Living for a year in Exmouth, the word from the Harold Holt US base there was that Americans had an underground base in the middle of nowhere fenced off with restricted access signs everywhere. Because of the number of Americans living in Exmouth at the time, the 4th of July was a Holiday for all, and a Hercules was even flown in direct from the states. Oddly enough, the aircraft departed by flying East over Australia (Possibly making further deliveries). The only reports I have heard about this base existing say they if the perimeter fence is broken, expect to see choppas flying overhead pretty quick ordering you out. With some of the thoughts and ideas spreading by people including John Lear who thinks the US Government have over 30 UFO's in their possesion, where would be the best place to do tests of them? Australia has the lowest population density, and all capital cities are near the ocean. Sound like a feasible summary or am I just being way to paranoid.
If they ARE Ufo's, it's only by definition. Unidentified Flying Objects. I'm not yet ready to go extraterrestrial here. You are correct, I believe that Australia's remoteness would be the perfect place to test fly any tippy-top secret stuff. Of course, because of the wide-openess of the Outback, I bet any satellite could pick a flea off a dingo's butt without interference, let alone funny-looking aircraft. Can you provide a link to any information on this story? I'd like to see the reports.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Yes good point, the latest satelites have been proven to be able to destroy something the size of a matchbox. Would I be correct in assuming America has the most powerful satellites orbitting the Earth? The question is How often would you expect the Australian outback to be monitored for such occurances, and by whom cause I don't know of any Australia space program capable of launching satelites and the USA and Russia are the only other real prominent space explorers. Many peoples don't seem to give a damn what happens in Australia (even in capital cities, let alone the middle of the desert and outback). Even if it is "watched" UFO's are very fast agile crafts that probably wouldn't show on conventional radars and due to such flat ground in the outback desert, they could probably fly under such radars. The base in Navada is known by pretty much everyone in the world, so in order to carry out these sort of tests in secrecy a new base would need to have been constructed as backup, or perhaps the base in Navada was always meant to be discovered only to act as a front for the real bases. Of course all of this is merely speculation but it sounds viable. Physical evidence of this is the problem however, and if a base does exist I have no idea where to find it, if any exists at all. It seems the lengths most, if not all governments will go to, to keep these events under wraps is never ending. I only wish they would come clean about the whole thing soon, but the aftermath of releasing such information, even after many people feel we are not alone.
After doing a bit of research into Western Australian sightings, I have found an interesting web site with some strange sightings and also an artcile from out local paper "The West Australian" which is about reports of a UFO crash landing in the West Australian Outback near Kalgoorlie. Seems like something strange is happening around here if the sources are accurate. Let me know your thoughts, the site address is: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~amilani/wa-sightings.html
That's an interesting site. I did a post about my own experiences regarding the web-like substance. It's buried somewhere on this board under somebody else's thread. Good luck finding it. Meanwhile, I bookmarked the sight so I could read and print more at my leisure.

As to why anybody would be spying the Outback, it's common practice for allied nations to have military bases on each other's land. I think we have a couple of England's up on the Great Divide. Since the US and Australia have such swimming relations (well, I don't really know the dipomatic status, but nobody here is shouting "Aussies go home", and the Australian jihad terrorist threat never seems to get past the bar with the 25 cent Foster's and rugby on the TV. ;)), it would only be natural for the US to be allowed the use of a section of the Outback for a base or two. In fact, anybody whose friends with the Aussies (and who isn't? Every one I've ever met has been totally cool...) could have bases in the Outback, which would also explain why it hasn't been developed much. (All that wide open real estate and so few takers? Come on! I worked in land development for seven years! That big chunk of nothing can easily be turned into a big chunk of $omething!)

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.