UFO similarities


Valued Senior Member
How many of you have seen ufo's that you think are extra terrestial craft?

I've had two experiences. The first time, about 15 years ago, I was just stargazing as I was walking towards my front door (Putney London)when I saw this light in the heavens travelling at quite some speed. It seemed to be flying very high in the atmosphere or maybe it was just beyond it
I followed its dead straight trajectory until at one instant it made a very sharp 90 degree turn instanteaneously and accelerated incredibly quickly out into the deepness of space, disappearing.

The second time I saw one, was in Cyprus October '99, again I saw this light travelling very fast and very high in a dead straight trajectory, but this time it just kept going until eventually it disappeared from view.
Interestlingly, both times the craft were heading in a northerly direction.

Any similar sightings?
Yeah, kinda. I live in a valley, so the smog tends to pocket in, but one summer we actually had a fairly windy day to blow it all out to sea so I took advantage of the cool night and clear skies to watch the satellites and shooting stars. I was watching them for quite some time and it was almost midnight when I spotted my last one for the evening. It was nothing spectacular, just another light moving across the sky. On a whim I made a wish on it, and it suddenly threw a 90 degree right turn without changing speed. It continued on until the horizon, where it vanished from sight.

PS: No, my wish wasn't to see a UFO. :)
i have had a experience with something like that,
my friend and i were watching the stars one night, it was about 1 in the morning, and i also live in a valley were the smog builds up, but we were watching saltalights, and looking for ufo's.
but we saw this ufo going from west to east, wich is different, becasue most of them seem to go from the south to north, but it was going and once in the middle of the sky, it turned sharp;y and accelerated to the north, and then alkmmost to the edge of the horizon, it seemed to turn into what ,my frined and i seemed to call, 'lightning' and it dissapeared with a flash wich light up the surrounding sky for about a second, then we couldnt stop tlaking about it for a lond wile.

thats all i got


Reading these last post just woke me up.

I am a resident of Canada, and about 10 years ago, on vacation in the maritimes, I decided after a long supper to walk outside on the boardwalk by the sea.

As I stood there gazing at the clear night sky I saw two lights moving at high speed over my head, and just cutting a trail to the horizon.

I remember thinking, I must be seing double, ... until the left light took a sharp 90 degree turn, and kept on going... the other light kept on going straight on.

I have spoken about this with friends before, but I was amazed to read about the same kind of experience, from person like you and I, on this site !

To be honest I just froze reading your comments !

Hey, I am not alone out there !!! LOL

Many people have seen UFOs in some way or another, but not to many have seen with their own eyes the technology they use.
I guess after seing what experience you have all writen about, it is safe for me to say that i am one of the lucky ones that have seen the technology. This is something that made up my mind about beleiving that there could be other forms of life capable of traveling those distances between planets.

My experience began when i met this old man that was renting on the same street where i used to live in Mexico. His house was filled
with parts to make inventions.

This old man began to thrust me after i treated him for neumonia. So for some reason he started to show me some of his inventions, or if you want, discoveries.

One that amazed me was a metal, stronger and thinner than steel. With more magnet power.

But here comes the interesting part. He showed me a toy that was shapped like a flying saucer.

About 5 inch tall, with a red light on top and bottom. These lights started glowing and making a very acute sound. All of a sudden this toy started hovering over the table. I asked him how is this possible, what source of power it uses. He told me it was self-powered, of course he did not tell me his secret.
After the toy hovered over the table, it flew out to the the side at a speed witch i had never experienced before, and came back to its position in a fraction of a second. I said do you have strings attached or something. So he covered the toy with a glass and the toy was still flying.

When i asked him about the possibilities of other beings from outer space using this technology, he replied that they are using it, and that the material that is used to make these kind of ships, is indestructible by the speed of light, and that they could travel hundreds of thousands of times faster then the speed of light, just imagine when we will.

I asked him if he had ever encountered UFOs.
Not only he had seen them, but he had experienced encounters of the 3rd kind.

My thoughts are that they had something to do with him discovering this technology.

I beleive that someday we will be able to travel the galaxies just like other inteligent beings do. It would be silly to think that we are the only planet capable of sustaining life. What would be the purpose of making all those billions of stars, just for the pleasure of the human eyes, I DONT THINK SO.

Beleive it or not, that was my experience,
and if no one beleives me, thats find with me, at least i know i experienced it and thats more than enough for me. I am who I am
there for I live.