UFO Sighting


Registered Senior Member
Here is a snip from UFO Sighting that was reported:

1800 Callin Code: 000827 1.8.2000 SA
Date: 1st August, 2000
Day: Tuesday
Time Reported: 12.34pm
Location: Tolley Road, St Agnes - South Australia
Reportee: Jim
Report given to nearest rep: Charmaine Ballam
Shape: Elongated ball shape [possible cigar shape]
Objects: 2
Colour: Grey/silver metallic
Sound: nil
Duration: approx 12 mins
Direction: travelling SSW - East, then South to North
Conditions: Clear blue sky, no planes/birds or clouds observed
Witnesses: Jim and Andy

Jim and Andy are both Pest/Weed controllers and they were out on a job.
Jim was gauging the wind to see if it was blowing too strong [due to the
fact that spraying cannot be done in strong wind]. He did so by glancing
at a tall tree nearby, whilst doing this something caught his eye at a 45
degree angle approx 3- 5 km away from their location, in the sky.

Jim [who had sunglasses on]thought that he was seeing 2 balloons just
floating in sky but as he continued to look at the objects realised that
they were not balloons but something else/different. He turned around to
his friend/co-worker Andy and said 'Hey have a look at that'.
Andy [who didnt have sunglasses on] said 'Yes they look like 2 metal
elongated balls'.

They both continued to watch the objects for a few more seconds, when they
saw one of the objects start to do circular movements around the other, ie:
circling quickly around the other about 4 times. Then the other object
moved horizontally - front to back, around the other for 5 or 6 times then
Approx 30 secs after they had stopped, Jim took his glasses off and noticed
that both objects had a 'grey aura or dark cloud defined shape, like bees
were encompassing them. This cloud/aura seemed to pulsate strongly and then
the objects disappeared. Jim's friend Andy confirmed that.

Jim then glanced back at Andy to see if he had seen all that, which he had.
Then within 2 secs he glanced back at the sky and the objects had moved from
their 45 degree angle to be directly 500 metres above them. Andy said to
Jim ' Here they are here!' Andy at the time was on the other side of their
truck. The objects then looked as if they were on top of each other.
They also appeared to be 4 times bigger and clearly metal and oval shaped
Jim and Andy agree that the objects must have travelled against wind at
least 5 - 6 km to be directly above them.

By the time Jim looked back after again checking with Andy that he was
seeing all of this, the objects had gone. Andy who had a clearer view said
they just where there one minute the next gone...just disappeared.

After discussing this sighting with Jim, I asked if he would be happy to
fill in an AUFORN UFO report form, which he agreed to, stating that he would
be able to draw what he saw etc. Jim has also asked for AUFORN website
address, which I have supplied.

Charmaine Ballam
A.U.F.O.R.N. rep South Australia

Reputable witness? I hope so, Jim is my brother, who until now didn't believe in UFO's.
Here are some extra's he left off the list:
After the event happened and they were looking around - for approx.' 15 minutes after the event - they experienced 'spots' before their eyes..as if they had been staring at a bright light.
De`ja-vou' experiences all afternoon while working..they felt that it had all happened already and were going through it all again!
Viewing time period ~10 minutes.
2-21/2 minutes total sighting time that objects were actually watched.
When sunglasses ( polarized ) were taken off, it allowed Jim to see the described aura which appeared steady but pulsated for approx.' 10 secs before the object 'disappeared'.
When the object 'seemed' to just disappear - a flash was noticed directly before hand.
On return to the area the next day.....discussion about the event revealed a lot more had happened than first thought the previous day.
Feelings of coincidence seem to be occuring since the event.
They were parked near a very large iron shed during the sighting..
The size of the object was seen to be the size of Jims thumbnail at arms length - at approx.' 4-5 kms away.
The size of the object was seen to be 5 times the size of Jims thumbnail at arms length - at approx.' 500 metres directly overhead.
A stubborn reluctance to talk of the event seems to be evident in both witnesses.
