UFO Report


Staff member
Question comes to mind, under what circumstances a government (whether USA, Mexican, Russian, Brazil etc) would try to cover up UFO sighting, assuming UFO in this case means no earthly crafts, ballons, ball lighting or man made objects?

The point I am getting at is if you were the head of a government organization (any government) and was responsible for the event and found out what it was....and you chose to cover up, what would be the circumstances? Remember the reasons would not be country specific.

Let us speculate....
Usually Counter-Espionage I would guess, Namely rather than worry about the countries populous, the concern is more of a "global" one directed at other countries.

However Intelligence Coups are a bit old hat, Since the internet it's getting quite hard for anyone to keep the lid on something, however it doesn't necessarily mean that when the lid is blown off that all hell will break loose. Just note that Tomorrows news, Will eventually be Yesterdays Newspaper which in turn will end up being recycled as some pets cage lining. (I'm say "Life goes on", and since "News" is such a commercial prospect, theres always something else happening to take it's place)
here are some things to consider:

1947 - just after WWII, the united states was probably feeling pretty confident about their status as the world power.

imagine what it felt to be informed that a race of small alien beings, thousands of years advanced than us, had 'crash' landed on american soil ?

they felt threatened, and did not want anyone to know that there could possibly be 'someone' more advanced, or 'higher' than us on earth.

thus was born the secrecy...


but! consider this:

numerous ships 'crashed' around the globe, making it appearant (at least to me) that is was a staged plan to bring forth their (alien) presence in a threat-less manner. (pretending the ships crashed, all bodies dead (except a few of course, who would be the centerpoint of investigation and a whole lot of other fun stuff)


now, knowing that an advanced race of life forms have touched down on earth, these countries became FILLED with IDEAS, GREED, and SELFISHNESS. I would like to point out here that the entire thing was going EXACTLY AS PLANNED, according to the Aliens who planned the entire 'crash landings' etc. These aliens were of the infamous 'service-to-self' orientation as some call it, I just label them Negatives.

See, they wanted to dig their way into the government agencies in order to begin their mass abduction plan. they could not do this, like i have stated, without PERMISSION. well, what do ya know, they offered us TECHNOLOGY in exchange for abduction rights..... and of course the governments WOULD LIKE TO HAVE SOME NEW TECHNOLOGY, like stryder is sort-of touching, ESPIONAGE !

so, they thought they could get ahead of the rest of Humans by SECRETELY dealing with these Aliens behind closed doors. What they didnt know was that these Aliens were decieving them, and actually cutting deals with OTHER COUNTRIES AS WELL.

hah, you know, you gotta give them credit for fooling the most powerful nations of the so called earth...

it just goes to show you how premature (or immature, you pick) WE ARE, and how Advanced they really are....

more on this later
Actual Conspiracy !

Did you know that when evaluation of German weapons and other assets was being done,Americans and co. just coudnt grasp some of the gadgets that Hitler's regime had produced.These designs were different and some of them were lift off's from Hindu texts(that they took from Tibet and surrounding regions,courtesy Himler and Co.).These highly efficient weapons or crafts were surprising for Allies.

I would presume that in a cold War era, U.S and Soviet had some tough comp. going on.Assume that U.F.Os obeserved in U.S. were plainly Soviet crafts and in Soviet these were American's.So now these highly advanced Spy planes were roaming over their respective nations.SItuation is tough to explain publically.How would Americans react if they found out that Soviets had great technology better than their own? or Vice versa?

So they covered the incident up.Now,they had some agents working for them called UFO Believers.These believers would spread rumors that these objects were from outer space.So the craft seen (which was from Soviet) was now called to be from outer space.What do you have now?Great way to cover the actual spy plan sighting of soviet to UFOs.And Finally you have Debunkers(employed by Govt.)These people,work to make believers more true to their cause.By debunking the sightings claiming their own,they actually dilute the truth(that aircraft is from Soviet),thus creating a second opinion hiding the real truth about a spy plane.

You could have another scenario : where in if U.F.Os a real (Rare possiblity),why would you cover the whole thing up? Panic? hahah! people arent crazy.Yes there is a possibility,but more than that,they would want to understand the phenomenon first before making any formal announcements,to show people that they are really in control.

just some thoughts...

P.S: Why is the posting in Blue? To Grant some Alien sense to the post? ;)

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I can't see a benefit to covering it up. Quite the opposite. If I were president of a country and knew aliens were visiting, I'd try my damnedest to open a dialogue with them, and tell everyone about it.

I mean, it would have more kudos than hosting the Olympics, being chummy with extra terrestrials, eh?

Anyway, if aliens wanted us to know they were here, world govts wouldn't be able to stop them letting us know. So the conspiracy angle is pointless. If they are here, and we dont' know, it's not the Govt's choice to conceal it.
right. if they (aliens) wanted us to know about them (us meaning the entire globe) they would certainly do so.

it is not TIME for that, that is what i clearly can see.

As for the Soviet Spy and AMerican Spy games, that just doesnt answer questions like these:

1) why are there depcitions of "Astronauts" in ancient Sumeria ?
2) how could Egyptians and Incas known SO MUCH about time/calendar? where did this information come from? it just appeared.
3) how did the Sumerians know the solar system so well ?
4) howcome all of these ancient civilisations started off GREAT/SMART/ADVANCED, then quickly deteriorated ?

" If I were president of a country and knew aliens were visiting, I'd try my damnedest to open a dialogue with them "

except, they didnt tell the public, because they wanted to keep it a secret, because any information received could be VERY USEFUL in espionage and other war tactics... you know how the 'elite' work, all they think about it power, war, and themselves.
1) why are there depcitions of "Astronauts" in ancient Sumeria ?
2) how could Egyptians and Incas known SO MUCH about time/calendar? where did this information come from? it just appeared.
3) how did the Sumerians know the solar system so well ?
4) howcome all of these ancient civilisations started off GREAT/SMART/ADVANCED, then quickly deteriorated ?
You are assuming off course that everything started from a Western Civilization.In our Past Civilization thread,we discussed the possibility of VERY VERY OLD civilization in India and how advanced they were.You dont need Aliens to be advanced.Even today,The technologies explained in those Sutras,Vedas and Vedic Maths are just fantastic.They are accurate and is easy.For example in Vedic Maths you can do a calculation in a single step,without having to go tedious steps as in normal way,eg. calculation of 1/19 requires "n" number of steps,but with Vedic Maths(Vedas are assumed to be of age of 9000 B.C,even before and are the oldest to be written on earth.Invariably most of texts are derived from Vedas in one form or the other)it requires only a single step and can be done mentally and with tremendous accuarcy.I could give an example if you want.

you still didnt touch on the various depcitions of astronaut-like beings shown in many murals, reptilian homonids also show up.

i know u will discredit these as just drawings without meaning, but i beg to differ:

the Astronaut like beings clearly show an advanced life form that came down and interacted with these ancient civilisations- because these ancient people could not have just 'made up' a picture that shows someone who needs a special space suit in order to survive. the astronaut man shown (and its not just drawings, theres clay figurines also) has a rocket pack and a helmet (or Hull) meaning he had a special space suit.... the sumerians couldnt have made this up....
Before we think about people from outerspace wearing 20th century space suits rather than 35th century force fields and nano technology...we have not considered another possibility.

That the earth is 5 billion years old and that in the last one billion years a lot could have happened that we do not know. What if we had advanced civilization before, and the cave paintings are as a result of that - which perished in the ice age or temporal bombs or molecular disintegrators? People say, how come we have not dug up any remains of that advanced civilization? My answer to that is if someone devised a weapon powerful enough to act on the nuclear force of the molecules (the force that holds molecules together) and unleashed a large barage of such weapons, then most of the surface material will disappear to its constituent atoms or to matter powder which after a few hundred thousand years will become part of the landscape with a few remote humans left to rebuilt the civilization again and again.

Just some thoughts....
that is very valid.

i also believe in the past advanced civilisations, very much so.

and when they complain why we havent found, its simple- it was a FREAKIN long time ago ! we're not talking 100,000 years or so (like the cavemen we find) - NO - we are talking Millions of Years ago !

there is alot of legends about these past civilisations, and although they may not be 100% accurate, i think they can relay some truth about the VERY LONG AGO PAST.

You must realize it also ties in with the possibility of the Previous Life on MARS that NASA and scientists are starting to understand... Millions of years ago , Billions of years ago, Mars could have been full of life. (and probably was)

some of the lost ancient civilisations are called :
Lemuria, Atlantis, Maydek

there are several legends that relate to this- and also it should be noted that Hindus and people in Tibet recognize these ancient lost peoples in their culture.

I am very sure that there have been advanced life forms on this planet before we were even conceived.

they found an ancient tablet that shows a mapped Ural region that predates TREMENDOUSLY our peoples. and it was engraved into stone with precise tools

theres also the wonders of the world, like stonehenge, and those cool looking stone-heads on those islands, easter islands i believe ...

there is just SO MUCH goin on, it makes me wonder why No one believes any of it. It makes me believe that what i read about the Solar-Systems Orbit is true:

that while the solar system drifts AWAY from the center of our galaxy, the life forms 'fall sleep' meaning that their knowledge of the past becomes cloudy, that information is distorted, and that there are obstacles preventing clear communication of things.
but afte the solar system makes it orbit and begins RETURNING towards the center of the universe, the people become 'awakened' - meaning they start realizing things and concepts that were buried subconsciously for thousands of years.

this is why our information is so contradictory, peoples have been 'asleep' and their information gets tainted with their own preferences.

but it seems, and according to this theory, we are beggining to 'awaken'
Exactly,the point that wanted to convey.Advancement does not in any way require,Alien Technological know how or help.Alien Issue is separate from Tech growth in Old Ages.West Assumes,clearly that since it has developed recently into an advanced Civilization,Past civilization could have only consisted of Hunters,CAVE dwellers etc.This is not to say that they may be wrong,but only to say that to prove that Alien technology existed for a long time and has been helping us in our day to day routine for so long is wrong.You cannot Assume that especially after the evidence from Eastern Civ. especially India,China etc that Advanced Civilizations existed long before West began to realise Science.It may or may not be true.But Being Advanced doesnt require Aid of Alien Civilizations...We dont know,we never would perhaps.Whatever we talk here are just speculations.

PS: Even Abductees cannot differentiate between an Abduction Experience and a Dream.So,existance of Alien beings is questionable.
you still didnt touch on the various depcitions of astronaut-like beings shown in many murals, reptilian homonids also show up.
Who made these drawings?What was culture back then? As i told you that there is a distinct possibility of Advanced Civilization presence Long Time Back.If civilization was advanced as we know and as the accurate records show,then isnt it possible that artists were just making plain old fantasies like we do today,e.g Star Trek,Odessey etc.Couldnt they have Arthur C. Clarkes during those ages?Knowing the reputation of old Indian Astronomers,who had developed and advanced Astronomy,(Accurate speed of Light was calculated by Indian in Vedas,loooong Before Newton even ventured to mountain and lighthouse experiment,i"ve explained that in some thread here,i dont remember accurately),why coudnt Artists of those days,draw inspiration from that culture?from the developments etc?Human Brain could fantasize back then...isnt it?

Also,you talk about Astronaut men,I insist you read about Vimanas.All the Indian Epics state the presence of Vimanas in their Battles,what were these? Thus an astronaut could have only been the actual description of Humans sitting within the craft(i can site real examples from the epics,but i suggest you take a look at past civilization thread,where i have mentioned a lot of stuff.)...

According to Indian cycle of civilization:

Satya Yuga = 1,728,000 years
Treta Yuga = 1,296,000 years
Dwapar Yuga = 864,000 years
Kali Yuga = 432,000 years

And there were advanced civilizations in each yuga and then it starts all over....something to think about.

The Russian 120 million year old map link : The Map
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I know about Yugs(This is Kal-Yug BTW),but i never knew those time periods so exactly...hmmm... will have to check it up...

KM- so u have heard of this cycle that the solar system takes ?

do the indians say anything about the "falling asleep" as we move away from the center of our galaxy (source) and "awakening" as we return and head towards the center?

it is explained to me that this is the reason why much of the information we have about our ancient past is misleading, cloudy, and contradictory- because in essence our souls (or whatever) have been lying somewhat dormant, since we were becoming further and further from our source ?

i think the dates i had were different also, here:

interesting, the information i have is from Hindus & Tibetans, and the periods are named differently, but they seem to be similar, here:

Satya Yuga
Treta Yuga
Dvapara Yuga
Kali Yuga

and then we are supposedly in the stage now after Kali Yuga.

they dont have specific dates on these periods, but the entire cycle is said to be 25,920 - so the time is very different from what you stated.

what do u make of these discrepencies KMGuru ?
According to Mayan calendar, our Universe began 16.4 billion years ago. Mayan cycles are as follows:


Mayans say that the cycle completes in 2012 of our calendar year, when human global awareness comes.

According to Hindu system of thoughts, we are in Kali Yuga. If Satya Yuga stands for Truth, honesty integrity, then Kali Yuga would be the opposite. Treta mean three-quarters and Dwapar means 'half'.

I personally think the Mayans knew what the ages meant. Basically the change occurs in an exponential way. Technology moves in an exponential way. Mayans think that 'time' itself moves in that way. For example activity during the 840 million years would be equal to activity 15 billion year prior to that. Human civilization advanced in the last 256 years more than 5000 years prior to that. And they think, we will move in next 13 years to a level of awareness or universal knowledge.

I think, we will have a great war in 2011 that will last 7 months and come to realization after untold deaths. OR, far more outlandis, we could have real vistors from outerspace and hence the dawn of new age.

As to moving about the galaxy, is not we complete a cycle every 320,000 years? At some point we will get close to the center. I am not sure anything would happen that is several times different from what is happening now. But I am open to ideas. As to whether we fall asleep meaning go through a frozen time zone, who knows if such is possible or against the laws of physics.