UFO Propulsion



A UFO appeared in a field near an air base in England as if it came from nowhere and some UFOs have been seen to fade away; this is evidence that UFOs use another dimension. When UFOs are mostly in another dimension they are not picked up on radar, they fly at supersonic speeds with no sonic booms, they fly near planes with no air turbulence, they look like they are only lights in the sky and not solid objects, and they defy laws of physics. Everything that is totally in the physical dimension must obey the laws of physics.

Remote viewing experiments conducted by the U. S. Army have shown that men can be trained to see in their minds places and objects that are far away with a good degree of accuracy. Experiments such as these show that the mental dimension extends throughout space, it is not just in your mind. Just as your physical eyes look into the physical dimension, your mind looks into the mental dimension. I believe that UFOs are using some type of mental dimension to escape being bound to laws of physics. Devices that charge-up on mental energy have been invented called phychotronic generators. [Search on the internet for psychotronic generators.] A UFO filled with psychotronic generators charges-up on the mental energy of the occupants by resonance and goes into another domension.
Dude, get off whatever it is you are on!

If somebody actually proved existence of some sort of 'mental' energy, don't you think it would be the greatest discovery of all time, trumpeted all over the world?!! And if some 'psychotronic' generator was really invented, it would constitute just such a proof, wouldn't it? Besides, I'd like to see the patent number of that thing! PUHLEEASE!!!

Just don't let them sell that marvelous psychotronic generator to you for a bargain price!! Take care...

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited May 29, 1999).]
Ooooooh, Boris!!!!!

Can't anyone else have a theory? Why couldn't there be a device that exists such as this?

Sometimes I wonder if you might (secretly) work for the government's cover-up programs! Whenever anyone makes a statement about methods of transportation through the Cosmos, that don't follow the "known" laws of physics, you have a major brain Hemorrhage behind it. Just let it "flow," allow someone else to have an opinion without cutting them down (PUHLEEASE!!! :) )

[This message has been edited by Sirius B (edited May 30, 1999).]
This is just too much fun...

But anyway, I'm not saying there couldn't be such a device. All I'm saying is: such a device does not exist. I think the reasons I gave for that conclusion are pretty straightforward, no?

I mean, opinions/theories are one thing. But buying into some quack scheme is something else...

And what was that about the government? (LOL)
Actually, I wish I did work for them; at least that way maybe I'd have some money on me!

I am; therefore I think.
Think about this, Boris...this concept of mental energy HAS been proven over and over again. No, not with the aid of any bunsen burners or telescopes. It IS the greatest discovery of all time, and it HAS been trumpeted all over the world. When will YOU check it out???????????

And you are right, Arnold. I have been able to come to no other conclusion than that the UFO's that are witnessed on this earth are nothing more than strong mental suggestions propagated by the aliens (demons) themselves. Props in the greatest sci-fi movie of all time....

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited May 30, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited May 30, 1999).]

Strange how mental suggestions can show up on videos and photographs, isn't it?

As for "mental energy": if you can't prove it with "bunsen burners", as you put it, then you can't prove it, period. It's not like I haven't looked at the various claims, psychics, remote viewing and poltergeists. Believe you me, way back I was very interested in this stuff. What ultimately ended it for me, though, is the total lack of solid evidence, or proof that you claim exists.

I am; therefore I think.

What will it take for you to acknowledge that there may be other posibilities? The kind that are not based on "our" understanding of the physical universe, but some form we cannot contemplate as yet? Are you (ever) going to entertain the thought of a new form of "science?" With "all those brains" you have, it would seem to me that you could come up with very exciting ideas (I bet you could write one "hell-a-va" script for a new "spin" on sci-fi movies)

"ya-think?"...it could happen! :)
I would like to think there is a new way of looking at things, a new form of science on the way. The problem is it took so damn long to get to point we are now that it is just to hard for anyone to just get rid of the theories we have now and decide to do something completely different.
Did you know how hard it was for Galilei to get up with the simple formula that Force (F) = mass (m) times acceleration (a) ? He had to use his pulse as a time measurement for crying out loud ! And he was studying something as common as gravity !
If we want to come to a nice, plausible description of something like telepathy, telekinesis or any other mind involving force we aren't talking about something that happens every day. First needs to be established in reproducible experiments that these forces exist ! I'm trying real hard to think my monitor into the air here but somehow it doesn't work. So second question will be why some can and others can't use these forces. Third will be to find a whole new theory to incorporate these forces with the ones already known.
The problem is that we already think we found all the possible forces that exist in nature and are very busy in incorporating them in one unifying theory. This is pure wishful thinking of course because we can hardly claim to already understand the universe after a mere 500 years of researching it on this little planet of ours. But the fact remains, up until now we don't have anything better so until proven guilty the contemporary science remains innocently the best way of describing the universe.

All I'm saying is: get me proof. As in a reproducible, quantifiable phenomenon like Plato mentions.

And it's not like I don't want to believe in mental energy just because I have this thing for modern science. My reasoning is: if you go on investigating every odd thing, you will never end up doing anything constructive. There are just too many ideas floating out there, and life's too short to consider them all. So, I am not going to spend my time on anything hypothetical, until it's more than just a conjecture. Then I might be willing to *entertain* it. As for belief -- that'll be a ways further down the line.

Now, some conjectures are more interesting to me than others. For example, when I just can't understand something, I'll definitely look for alternative explanations. Thing is though, that when it comes to thought, and mind in general, I can conceptualize it rather easily without help from any mysterious forces. So to me, the 'mental energy' idea is simply extraneous and unnecessary.

Oh, and one more thing. My working theory is that mind is due entirely to the brain. In other words, I assume there is no such thing as a soul. Given that, the human brain is only an organ like many others, and physiologically it's no different than the brain of an earthworm. So, in my view when people propose that humans possess some kind of a superpower, they are attributing the very same abilities to earthworms. In my mind, that's just plain ridiculous.

But again, I am not omniscient, and therefore could ultimately be wrong...

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited May 31, 1999).]
Im going to have to agree with Boris here on this one..

Arnold is trying to prove one unknown with another.. Saying UFO are interdimensional because of Remote viewing experements. Its like saying aliens are time travelersuse They found a crop circle that looked like a bycicle.

You can't prove one unknown with another..I just hope I made some sence.. well probally not.
Oh well it's only life.

Please don't tell me you actually believe that do you????????????? great..just great!!!

so are you saying what abductees have experienced is nothing but projected
images... and all the scars and markings..
blood..shit account for nothing???
and so I guess then abductees can just blow
all this off..because it isn't real anyway...
I can't believe you, man, I just can't believe you..you of all people..

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited May 31, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited May 31, 1999).]
O.K. "good people!"

I understand what you mean when you say you await proof! One thing that still puzzles me, when you (Boris) say that it would take a great deal of time to expound on those ideas that have no substantial proof, I wonder what would our current laws of physics be like if the scientist (of long ago) had not taken the "time" they did. I am sure it took them years (sometimes generations) to develope their "ideas" into what we know use as our basis for reality.

Before we knew the world was round, someone had to look into the sky and make a determination based on their findings. Why wasn't it enough to accept that "the world is flat?" After all most of the science we are familiar with was not "widely" accepted wnen it was first introduced. Was it? We are living in a new age of technology. With this new age comes new ideas that should be given a fair chance to develope (if a person would like to take on the task of developing them).

Boris, it would be a dramatic step forward for the "science-minded" community to stimulate the developement of new ideas (even if they are not the most popular ones :)).

When you are brushing your teeth before bed tonight, ask that man in the mirror if he might be willing to acknowledge the possiblilities of new forms of science :). Then try an devote thirty-seconds to think of the possiblities! I would love to know what you come up with.
There is a slight problem with the initial theory that sparked this discussion. Even if an alien race could traverse the <u>massive distances</u> between stars, and they could use another dimension, they would not be invisible.

The third dimension is visible to the second dimension. Only a shadow of it, yes, but that shadow is visible.

The fourth dimension is visible from the third dimension (hypercube) as a shadow. If an alien spaceship shifted between the dimensions, we would see a trace of it no matter what dimension it was in.

This is all hypothetical, yes, but it has more substance to it then any of the theories presented here. It is passed around within the egghead world, and can be verified scientifically and mathematically.

Search for the
truth, not your

Although I am not a beliver in God. (I also don't belive in New York City. (take that as you will))

Speaking from personal experance.. Scars can be faked. I had a close friend who well lets put this in a nice way.. Ummm is now living rent free on the 3rd floor of the hospital. who belives that he is/was an abductie. Had scars from them and everthing. Of course the scars were self inflicted. (and don't try to tell me they couldn't have been cause I was the one who walked in on him carving himself up.)(and for the record those scars I saw him make he still claims were made by grays)

In his mind aliens were causeing this .. so in a way both of you could be right.. (I am not saying that UFO/Abductions are ALL fake or made up All I am saying that the possiblity of some cases being made up exists.)

:( I am wayyyyyyy sorry ..my last post was
very uncalled for... just hit me the wrong
way... I really am sorry


I suppose people can fake some of the scars..
but why the hell would one do that??
Self mutilation??? why???
Even though some, and I can't believe that
the number would be that high.. may do this
does not mean all do..I know I know.. you
did make yourself clear in saying not all..
but I think it is because of those cases..
well it would make it bad for the ones who
are not faking it...
Why do people fake abduction injuries?
Because they feel life has dealt them a raw deal (isn't that special?) and they deserve a little attention and respect, that's why.

And if you work for a living, because you want to change that raw deal that life deals all of us, then you pay for that sad bastard who's sitting up in that hospital bed, as we read this, grinning.

And so it goes.
I really have no idea why someone would mutulate themselves.. But as I said in my friends mind it wasn't him doing this.. So well who knows what is the motavation. It does cast a shadow of doubt on some cases though..

"They started self mutalating because I told them it would bring them brief fame."

[This message has been edited by Double Overdrive (edited June 02, 1999).]

It is funny only to those who think the truth is funny.