UFO pole (if it doesnt work just answer the questions in a reply)

Have you seen a UFO or been abducted? by one?

  • Yes, both

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Seen a UFo

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Been abducted

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • neither, or I know someone who has

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
Have you seen a UFO before that moved erratically and/or was bright?

Have you been abducted (tell the truth!)

Do you know someone who has had any of the above happen to them?
Maybe it was an UFO I saw, together with my friend we were going home by bycicle in the middle of the night of course, as always.
Then we saw that strange, lighted Object, hanging in the sky.
It was just hanging there in the sky, like it was not real. It was, real.
We looked at it for five minuts I guess, then all of a sudden it disappeared on us. So we saw it, so it was gone...
It was very strange and made the hairs on our arms and in our neck stand straight up.
We both.
It was very strange, it was something not known, something that looked at us.
We could feel it....somehow.
Well, I think there is Alien contact on this Earth.
Just not everybody knows it, because most of the humans shoot first and ask questions later.
But I think the contact between humans and ET is real, here, on Earth.
Why not?
It seems the only hope we have, some good reason to stop destroying Earth and Nature.
We, stupid human beings, destruct all....
I've noted down some occurances that you may class as a UFO but in reality they are neither Objects or Unidentified.

My first was during a discussion within a chatroom were someone showed eledged pictures of ufo's that kept appearing over a webcam connection with a Volcano in South America. I relaised what the guy was seeing wasn't a bunch of UFO's that kept changing pattern.

Camera's work on the use of light from the surrounding area, on occasion if a camera is hit by a strong enough light (An intense light) it will actually appear as if it's output or film is blanked, like it has been blinded.

Since this Webcamera was in use on the top of a volcanoe/mountain, it was being controlled from the use of Satellites, and these satellites communicate with it on a frequency that could be percieved as intense if the camera was surrounded by it. It meant that everytime the camera was turned you would see black dots in the sky, where the satellites were communicating with the camera.

Of course this then spans out with the fact that these frequencies can occur and matrix sometimes. It's noted in quantum mechanics that if you have something like raindrops occuring on a puddle, you will notice that if say four all hit at the same time, where the circles that emminate from the impact area of each drop meets makes a Wave peak.

This means that if you have for instance a country with a matrix of RADAR that are both military and civilian there is a possibility that certain areas will have intersections that have a higher value than others. where these intersections occur, it's likely that "UFO's" might be spotted.

It is also known that certain research groups are participating in studies that involve Electromagnetic frequency manipulation, and they would be classed as Civilian black ops. They won't share details with anyone, but they are behind some of the largest corncircle stunts, Poltergeist and UFO's that the civilized world has seen or heard of.

It's also noted that some secret research AREAS have people out flying KITES at night, the reason for these kites is simple. At first people should know that if their is secret research there is bound to be people trying to do some espionage, or spying, one of the methods that can be used is Spy Satellites.

Spy satellites might not be able to pick up normal images during the night, which means they will swap to some other medium, like infrared etc. So to stop the cameras from spotting whats going on down, in or around a facility you would have to think of some method of BLOCKING the frequencies that the spy satellites will be using.

This pretty much means you need a FARADAY CAGE, a method where frequencies are absorbed or redirected. In this case having a bunch of metalic kites strapped together and flying about, they act like a conductor which means the Spy satellites can't see below the kites. And intense lights might be used to try and blind cameras.

As most people will state 99.99% of UFO's can be accounted for.

Some sketchy info can be found at:
What are you saying now Stryderunknown?
You doubt my sighting of an UFO?
Well, more people do.
I know, that is enough.
And I was not alone.
There are a lot of sightings.
Some are true, others are not.
How do you know it is for real?
As I said, you can feel that...
Yes, then you have to learn 'listen' to your feelings very well.
Most of the times you simpy know.
Just know.
Everybody who has seen a real UFO, knows it.
You feel it, inside, an uneasy feeling something is not as it has to be.
Oh, everybody has other experiences.
You can never say that it is not true.
And now I have nothing to say any more.
Banshee, I'm not saying your lieing or you didn't see what you say you saw, I was mearly pointing out that somethings that people claim to be UFO's are actually created by some group somewhere that finds it amusing in one sense, and informative to their projects.

There is a point that certain people tend not to realise that UFO's don't exist when their is no people about, and as for people "knowing" that they are UFOs/Aliens, it's quite possible that a form of mind corruption from some university is just adding to their light show to make it that more believable, thats why "You know", if you should find yourself back in that predicament, Ask yourseldf "How do I know? And which university or group is putting thoughts in my head?" It surely winds them up.
No one is putting thoughts in my head
It won't work, in any way.
I am to stobburn? or what do you call it in english, to let people play with my mind.
They can't come in...
Even with 'force' it will not work.
I am who I am.
I know what I know.
And it is good to be me.
And to know what I know...
;) :p
So StryderUnknown, are you saying that when invisible radar collides with itself it creates a sort-of shimmering vortex? Like the northern lights? It sounds like a good idea but the fact is that radar is invisible, you cannot see radar because it is basically a sound, therefore if it collided and rose up in a shockwave you still wouldn't see it. It soooouunds right, because you'd think that an advanced alien race would be better pilots, right? They probably have more vomit bags than ration packets.
Okay the image is small, but it's actually from quantum mechanics and shows how light eminates through holes in some cards, when you look at the matrix ont he right of the image you see where all the waves cross each other from the card with two holes.

I show this to give you an idea oof what occurs to make a UFO, Of course I neglected to explain the Radar further.
I mentioned RADAR just to give people a visual clue, but you have to understand that most antennas can look for other signals outside of the original range, and also collaboratory matrixs do cause an anomolie.

You might say they are invisible to the naked eye, but that is only why they travel in a straight line, or through something, when their voyage is stopped by an equal force coming the other way they will become visable.

This is especially noticable if you look at a rise in a road on a hot day, the tarmac causes such a heat that heat vapours make the road seemingly disappear.
Although normally you wouldn't see the heat, if you were walking along the road.

I know another alternative is Spy equipment, take for instance the recent UNMANNED spy planes, they would have need testing and so operators could learn how to fly them, and someone taking a drive in a desert is a "Target", perhaps they wanted to see what they were doing (More likely ordered too)

This should give a clue also. (You might also check out Alt.mindcontrol in the newsgroups.)

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Ah, I see now. It is logical, did you come up with that theory yourself? It's a good one, you should try to spread it around the internet WITH your explanation.
What do you mean by Shrike is......????

Can you explain????
Thank you.
just forget about him. He seems to follow me around the forums, I dont know why. Anyway, does anyone else have anything to say?
I saw a UFO the other day. I am not saying it was an alien spacecraft, only that it was something I couldn't identify that was flying. I was out in my backyard with my kids and we were looking at clouds using our imaginations when I noticed a bright, slivery sphere high in the sky. I watched it for several minutes as it slowly tracked across the sky. I finally went in and got my binoculars and looked at it closely. All I can say is that it was silvery and seemed to change shapes from a sphere to a cylinder and was moving slowly across the sky. If I hadn't been looking at the sky for a while, I would never have noticed it. Yes, it could have been a balloon, but it did not appear to look like any balloon I have ever seen.

In another story, my brother was once traveling from California to Nevada on a highway ( 15 or 5, I can't remember) at midnight. He said he came down a long hill with the road stretching out in front of him for many miles. He suddenly noticed off to his right across the desert, several huge lights lighting up the desert floor. He then noticed three triangular shaped craft slowly moving across the desert coming from his right and moving to his left. As he was proceeding down the road, the craft got closer and closer to him. He said they each had what seemed to be huge spotlites on each corner of the craft that were lighting up the desert floor. The craft passed over his car as they passed across the highway. He said he leaned his head out the window, but could only see black triangles with bright lights at each corner. He also said he heard absolutely no sound other than his own car and the wind and that the craft were moving extremely slowly, too slowly to be typical airplanes. When I asked him why he didn't stop and take some pictures, his reply was "what, are you crazy? I was out in the middle of the desert at midnight. There was NO way I was going to stop". He said he could see them progress across the desert until some mountains hid them from view.
