UFO or bust

Robert Patterson

Registered Member
Hi Robert Patterson here, just another UFO fanatic like you, I hope. I know what you mean about the looks; it stems from communicating with civilizations below warp speed capabilities.
For instance I study energy and therefore relate everything to it; the point I am trying to make is of a subliminal nature. When the motion pictures first came out the advertising media used subliminal messages such as a bag of popcorn, or candy and soda pop between the frames to subliminally seduce people into purchasing their products. The government's position was that this was illegal and supposedly put a stop to it. The advertising media simply changed it to colors and shape, subliminal colors being orange and blue, green and yellow and lavender.
Colors are an electromagnetic frequency; the human eye is a photo optic receiver, photons, photo optic, and photo electromagnetic frequencies. The next time you turn your television on notice how many things are advertised in orange and blue and Note the number of times you are being flashed colors and shapes. Also when you drive down the street Note the colors of the shopping center you'll find orange and blue predominant.
I was eating lunch out today and some people in the restaurant had mentioned that since the creation of television I presume invented by Arthur C. Clark I'll stand corrected if I'm wrong, stated that their children had become overweight and not one of them ever fed the livestock anymore. And they wouldn't do their chores. So I explained to them these subliminal colors and it was not the children's fault in fact it was the advertising media at fault for subliminally seducing their children. Boy you should of heard the laughs and seen the faces of the people in the restaurant to them I was some kind of freak to be shunned from the restaurant.

I know that's off the beaten path a little, sorry if I bent your ear!

I in fact I have been reverse engineering UFO technology, in 1975 in Falcon TX at approximately 7:p.m. myself and five others in my party witnessed four bright stars in the shape of a diamond or square depending on your perspective when instantly the top star shot into the depth of space Stopped! Streaked from its western departure point to the north did a loop spiral into the depth of space screamed back over its western departure point Stopped! The UFO pulled these maneuvers three times each time stopping over its western departure point only deeper into the depth of space and then screamed into the depth of space so far that we could no longer see it. The reverse engineering aspect of this is not to treat the UFO as an unidentified flying object, rather treat it as an anomaly and associate it and scrutinize it to known anomalies in nature and bingo! You end up with the basic building blocks for Antigravity and Superconductivity.

Initially I intended to write a book aimed at the UFO community titled the Ultimate Heist Antigravity/Superconductivity however it has culminated into my inventor’s portfolio. I am now currently seeking funding from the Department of Defense/Department of Energy. The dilemma is should superconductive technologies/Antigravity be openly shared? Would it be smart to keep it as a trade secret? Should I go public? After all free energy belongs to the world does it not? Signed the Temporal Subliminal Man!


Hum I remember 2 years ago watching with my telescope a Star turning and lighting like a diamond from blue to red to green and yellow.
It was in west south of France ; but the thing seemed to be turning around the earth in orbit. What you think this may be hum ! Is it a sattelite ? Also many shapes like other triangles are lighting deep. What is that ?
Tell me !
I think things been kept hidden to us for a long time and that even astronoms know about the subject.
I think this pPatterson guy is talking a load of bull. It seems to me that he's just trying to wind us all up.

It definitely does not sound like a satellite: they move so fast, you would have real problems keeping your telescope on the target.

Could be a regular star, I guess. Stars all seem to 'orbit', since the earth turns around its axis. As for the changing colors, could it be dirt on your telescope lens acting as a prism? Could also be ice crystals in the atmosphere giving you the 'rainbow' effect.

I am; therefore I think.