Ufo! (Minor event)


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
From Bothell, Washington, looking approximately westward, 0235 hours approximately.

Quite simply, a slow-moving pinprick of light ... I forget which way to measure, so I'm guessing 60-70 degrees from the ground, moving S to N. Object small, trajectory quite straight, color not quite white. I saw it for three seconds before it faded quickly into darkness.

I mention it only because, while I'm used to both meteorites and satellites, this moved faster and was brighter than a satellite, and moved more slowly than meteorites I've seen fall. I'm not discounting a high-altitude event; all the meteorites I've seen outside of a set shower (I see nothing at Space.com yet indicating a shower tonight) have all been low-altitude, including one that I could hear sizzle overhead.

So, on the off-chance that the Reticulan invasion has begun, you heard it here first, but aside from a high-altitude meteorite I'm open to suggestions as to what it was. Mind you, I'm doing pretty well for my Ufo sightings, including identifying two (weather balloons), so whenever the sky behaves in a manner I'm not expecting, it's worth a mention.

I highly doubt anyone who might have seen it has any realistic expectation of anything but a mundane explanation, so there's my two cents.

Tiassa :cool:
I've seen similar

I've seen similar things to what you describe quite a few times. However what was strange for a few that I have seen, is that what appears to be a satellite stops almost instantly, sometimes they'll loop a few times, but usually just change direction. I've also seen then fade a couple of times, seemed like they were heading away from the planet?

Perhaps an experimental ... I don't know. It shouldn't have disappeared like that if it was an airplane, and it didn't seem to have any flashing lights about it. I mean, the sky wasn't perfect, but an airplane wouldn't have disappeared like that, I don't think. I'm thinking a nice hunk of meteorite way the heck up there. Maybe even one of those that "skips".

But it was nice to have an odd moment with the nightside. Nights are getting too mundane for me :p

Tiassa :cool:
whyat abouit an airplane?
I live about 500 metres from an airport. I certainly know what an airplane looks like:) I can't explain what I've seen any better, lots of people have seen satellites, their pretty much the same except for the movements!
Sorry to be the voice of reason but I think in all likelyhood its gotta be a space ship from an alien planet outside our solar system. I get pretty skeptical when people start talk about 'satilies' and 'meteorites' and stuff . . . I just call 'em how I see 'em and I've seen a few (mabye a few too many?) . . .