UFO Link


Registered Member
Hiya all,
At http://kornisufos.tripod.com there is the definitive UFO site, Pictures, Roswell, Area 51, Crop Circles, Abductions, Brazilian Roswell, The Moon Landing (Apollo Hoax), Conspiracy Theories and more.

what's with the whole John Renz thing? Can you tell me more about it?

Great site.
alright korni, I'll debate you on that page that says that the moon landing never happened. You make a good case, but you overlook a few key facts:

-How did moonrocks taken on the journies to the moon get back to Earth? I'm not sure if we sent any satellites that returned to Earth to the moon but we likely have more on Earth than they [the satellites] could hold.

-that picture of the sun being a halo could be a lense flare or a reflection of some sort

-the flags were probably made out of flimsy material that wavered when they were tilted, and I believe that a gust of wind would probably move the flags more often and more violently if the landing really was fake

-How do you explain Apollo thirteen and radio black-outs?

-there could be a pole or something in the way of the light in the second picture with two shadows. Plus there are numerous other rocks in the area, how come they aren't projecting multiple shadows as well? How come we don't see more of this?

-allen shepard could've simply overstated his hit, it happens all the time and he probably wasn't used to hitting golf balls at 1/6 gravity.

on one of the moon missions astronauts placed mirrors on moon surface for scientists on earth to measure the growing distance from earth to moon[with laser send and reflect]
I doubt tht mirrors were sent there by a robot. In those times to build a robot tht could do it would have been more difficult rather than to send a human
Even if NASA and US cooked up the hoax, it could have easily exposed by Russia, our enemy at the time...
A few answers

Hiya all,
First of all, John R. Renz's whole story as well as some drawings of what he saw will be on my site in the near future. As for the moon landing coments:
1) The moon rocks is a good point, which I have no definite information about, althoguh you can speculate about them being made in a laboratory somewhere, becuase all of the materials on the moon are present on Earth although in a lesser quantity.
2) The halo on the sun is a good point also, I had a professional photographer look at that picture and he said that it could quite easily be cuase by having a camera with many lenses and even though the cameras used on the moon were quite primative they could still produce that effect, however if you look at that picture again, the sun is behind the astronaut and his front is lit up, which is also odd.
3) The flag si debatable, I have watched a video of the flag and it looks just like it is fluttering in the wind on Earth. If the film was made on Earth a real rocket would not have been used, a crane would lift the LM (lunar module) so you would not get a huge blast from the rocket engines.
4) Even if parts fo that picture of the multiple shadows look normal, some do not and this strongly points towards a films studio with artificial lighting, which was not taken to the moon.
5) At the time of Apollo 13 interest in the Apollo project was fading, so it woudl seem logical to have something interesting happen on number 13.
6) Is there proof that those mirrors are actually on the moon? Or did NASA just claim this?
7) It would eb hard to expose the hoax, especially at the time becuase it was such an exciting thing and it was man's greatest achievement so people would not like to listen to stories about hoaxes and conspiracies especially not when they are coming from the Russians, and the Russians have not to this day set foot on the moon becuase they still claim that it is impossible.

I hope these help, if you have any other questions I am happy to try and answer them.

-With the Apollo 13 thing I'd think that it'd be dangerous to put a few guys in space and then detonate a piece of the space ship, even in orbit around Earth.
-If there were multiple light sources all of the rocks would definitely have multiple shadows.
-With the flag fluttering in the wind I think it may be that since the flag is likely just normal linen or plastic or whatever with metal rods inside it (to keep it from just angling downward and apearing dreary) the metal rods could be the source of the fluttering, and it would be easier for it to resemble wind than gravity because of the lack of gravity on the moon.
Hiya Shrike,
The Apollo 13 capsule is reported to be in pretty good shape by people who have seen it, and if you belive the Apollo missions were a hoax then the ship was not in orbit anyway. Think about how many people watched the Apollo 13 movie, is it possible that the original mission was also just a movie designed to spark off some new interest?

On the pictures the rocks tend to have shadows which point in different directions rather than have multiple shadows, which I agree could be expected but it does just depend on the way the lighting is set up. You can agree though that on pictures taken on the moon the shadows should all be parallel.

If i had a flag on the moon with metal rods in it it would stand straight and maybe move about a bit but it would not flutter. If you just watch the video you don't see anything starneg until you think about the fact that the flag looks just like it does on Earth with the wind blowing it, this would not occur on the moon. The fact that all the footage was slowed down to half speed to make the astronauts appear to be in 1/6 Earth's gravity conditions could explain why the flag seems not to be exactly like it would be on Earth.

I am happy to answer any more queries, I may post some of these questions and answers on my site under the article, would anyone here mind if I did this?

People witnessed the astronauts getting into the saturn v rockets and going into space, and I bet that at least SOMEONE pointed their telescope in the right direction when they were supposed to orbit the moon and saw them there.
Hiya Shrike,
I do not dispute that the astonauts went into space, I beleive that they did so on every Apollo mission, however I also believe that they stayed orbiting Earth, a telescope would not be powerful enough to see if their craft had gone to the moon or not, if it was you would be able to locate the LMs (lunar modules) which should still be there now. as there is no telescrope powerful enough to do this we have to wait until next year when the Japanese are sending a ship to orbit the moon and take the most detailed pictures yet, so detailed that if they are there, astronauts foot prints would be visible. If the astronauts stay orbiting Earth, they can keep under the 3 intense radiation bands which are around our planet (one artificial - ask if you want to know more), the Apollo missions are the only missions every to supposedly go through this radiation, this is one of the main Russian criticisms of the program It can be viewed in another light though, in favour of the moon landings being real. Maybe this radiation scerwed with cameras and NASA realised they would not be able to make any footage of the moon and successfully transport it back to Earth so mocked up the footage in th Nevada desert.

lets wait and see until the japanese send up that satellite, I heard about it too. We can stop throwing sand at each other for now though.
Hiya Shrike,
I think it will be more interesting if the Japanese do not find any traces of a lunar landing, what would NASA do then? Would Japan agree to airbrush things in: it would make for a hugly awkward situation for NASA. I think the topic is something you either are strongly against or strongly in favour of. I wasn't alive in 1969 when everyone stayed up all night to watch the event and then celebrated it so I guess I don't have anything in me to want to believe that the Apollo missions were not hoaxed. However rather than saying that it definitly was hoaxed, I am just sharing the information I have on the topic. I fully accept that other people think otherwise and that both sides of the arguement can criticise each other's stories becuase there are things that don't add up both ways and my guess is that we will never know anyway but I could go on forever about why, nice debating with ya though,

it should be 'korni are ufos'

yes yes of course (shakes hand). Excellent debate, but frankly I don't care, at least at the moment whether or not astronauts landed on the moon or not. If they didn't NASA will probably pay off the Japanese to put some pictures in. It'd be REALLY interesting if astronauts actually did land on the moon and then some alien scavengers stole the spaceships or something. How we'd prove that I don't know but it's just a thought....
oh have you updated anything to do with our old friend Jonny Renz? When r u planning to do that?
Hiya Shrike,
I have all the files (text and drawings) on my computer, I am currently going through all the text with a spell checker which is going to take a long time but when I am done all I have to do is upload it, It should be within the next 2 weeks, I'll post on this forum when I am done.

Belive me the Apollo missions made it to the moon and its proven, go to one of the big telescopes and look at the moon you can still see the markings on the surface, unless you want me to belive that aliens made them, there is no wind in space.
If i had a flag on the moon with metal rods in it it would stand straight and maybe move about a bit but it would not flutter. If you just watch the video you don't see anything starneg until you think about the fact that the flag looks just like it does on Earth with the wind blowing it, this would not occur on the moon.
The flag flutters because of the close proximity of the lunar modules and the astronauts.
There may be evidence that they had "fake moon surfaces" in and around NASA facilities at the time but i think thats to be expected as they would practice the landing over and over.
So what happens with Jonny? If it's 'top-secret' or something just give us a hint. He sounds like he's completely bonkers.
I'm sure that you can't see the markings/LM's on the moon or there would be no debate and it would mean that the Japanese satelite which is going to take detailed close up pictures was insignificant.
As for John's story, he may sound strange with all his postings online but from what I've read of his story it is incredibly detailed and very interesting, there is a military side of things for those of you who like that kinda thing and it all looks very interesting to read and it has never been published before so it should be one to look forward to.
