UFO in Texas


Staff member
I have an eye witness that confided as follows:

In the summer of 1970, the eye witness saw with many other people a hovering UFO in the lake area of Marshall Texas. The object wiped out the power grid (at the hydropower dam) for 2 days. The most striking item about this UFO was as follows:

The UFO was fairly flat at the bottom and silvery dome shaped at the top. The bottom glowed red hot (perhaps due to atompheric friction) to a dull grey. There was no port holes or lights visible. There was no engine type noise at all except when it slowly moved, you can feel a strong breeze of air. It was a very large possibly circular UFO that could take in several largest jets and still have room. When it left it just went very fast.

The UFO was photographed by a spectator that was collected by a plainclothes officer and the spectator never got his camera or the negatives back.

My thinking is - perhaps the UFO had some power generation problems and was there to recharge its accumulators. It could also be that the high magnetism drive system caused the power transformers to fail. The fact that the bottom was red hot makes sense due to atmospheric friction at high velocity.

No more information is available.
Yeah, first a prejudicial statement against Texans, and then a casual dismissal... shows your bias and level of credibility, especially since an associated event - a 2 day powergrid failure, is mentioned and thus researchable evidence.
Without calling into question the features of the observation, it would appear that the association of the red bottom of the object to heat effects are unwarranted, unless the witness was close enough to feel the heat from it. And to make the connection that it was responsible for the grid going down, while coincidental, would need more supporting evidence, such as the point of origin for the grid failure. There are many places in a grid, very distant from each other, that can bring the whole system down. I guess what it all boils down to is we need more information.
Oh, by the way, based on reports of the extreme speed some of these objects are reported to travel, one could assume that frictional heating of the hull would occur. My thinking is that if these were real-solid objects, they would have a propulsion system that would include a means of "moving the air out of the way".
Originally posted by kmguru

My thinking is - perhaps the UFO had some power generation problems and was there to recharge its accumulators. It could also be that the high magnetism drive system caused the power transformers to fail. The fact that the bottom was red hot makes sense due to atmospheric friction at high velocity.

No more information is available.

haha, who the hell made you a UFO technitian? How many light years to the gallon do those puppies get?
Re: Re: UFO in Texas

Originally posted by Mystech
haha, who the hell made you a UFO technitian? How many light years to the gallon do those puppies get?

I did...and I also have 30 years background in martial arts too...

A gallon of water in the fusion reactor will get you about 0.25 light years on the average....your mileage may vary depending on how you drive....
Re: Re: Re: UFO in Texas

Originally posted by kmguru
I did...and I also have 30 years background in martial arts too...

So you made yourself a UFO technitian? Through what means, exactly, did you learn it at MIT, or, maybe just start takeing 'em apart as a kid or something? haha. I have no idea what you mean about the martial arts. . . all that tells me is that you're probably old and slow :p Don't get violent when I call you on your stupidity, mayhap you can salvage your wasted life through other people constantly pointing out your errors, and if not, I'll have fun trying.
did you learn it at MIT.....

No, MIT does not teach that...I ought to know, I was there after my PhD from Caltech....

But I did learn that at Sandia...more like did the research...before moving on to private sector...you know...the money thing....:D

Yes, I am chronologically old but never slow...I drink plenty of DHMO to keep me young....
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Originally posted by Xevious
Yeah, first a prejudicial statement against Texans, and then a casual dismissal... shows your bias and level of credibility, especially since an associated event - a 2 day powergrid failure, is mentioned and thus researchable evidence.

I AM a Texan, you jackass.
UFO's seem to draw off of power stations and thunderstorms, lightning etc. this happened in 70? Marshall Texas is in my area of the woods, I was still in high school then. I sure it was hushed up, like they always are. the Goverment wishes us to remain stupid. what a joke! if you see it, and it is there, then you've seen something real! I've wittnessed UFO's on a couple of occasions, the most recent was last spring while traveling through Missouri late at nite. It was a fireball that decelerated to a near stop, and slid into the woods about a mile distant.
Few points:
  • Where was this in Texas?
  • Wat Time was it,when it happened?
  • Was the object percieved as a UFO because of its shape or its unusual behaviour,like taking an abrupt turn,travelling at an incredible speed and then reaching a halt...
  • Was the Object observed at a close range?
  • did the witness happen to see any entities other than Humans around the object?
  • Was there any intereference apart from Power station going down..Like watch moving around frenzily...

this kind of intereference has happened to my friends while driving a brand new landcruiser(battery went dead,there was no Radio for a while,An intense cold wave swept all the guys who were there in the car and they all suffered from exhaution for lots of days.All of them belonged to Rich families in U.S,one of them has a stretch Limo ;) as an example)so to say they didnt require any damm publicity...

thanks for your time.
I asked the above questions because there is lots of test flying going around over those areas by the military itself....

Here are the answers as best can be remembered so long ago:

Where was this in Texas? Lake of the Pines

Wat Time was it,when it happened? About 8 or 9 PM Summer months

Was the object percieved as a UFO because of its shape or its unusual behaviour,like taking an abrupt turn,travelling at an incredible speed and then reaching a halt... No, it was hovering with out any sound for a long time. UFO, because no one could recognize what it could be that does not have any windows, strobe lights or engine noise yet produce heat like glow at the bottom. Also it was sauser shaped with a dome on top.

Was the Object observed at a close range? Yes, about 600 to 800 feet.

did the witness happen to see any entities other than Humans around the object? NO

Was there any intereference apart from Power station going down..Like watch moving around frenzily... Just a lot of wind but no engine noise that close.
Is that GMT time? :p Why would it's bottom glow red from friction if it wasnt moving?!? Was it still glowing after two days? Maybe it stopped to cool down!:bugeye: