UFO Gravity Propulsion Theory / ???


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Please read the last two paragraphs first. Comments are appreciated.

Many different shapes and sizes of UFO craft have been reported, and many alien beings of different appearance, color, stature, etc…have been reported. This suggests that some of them arrived here from other planets, perhaps only 10 light years away, but maybe some have traveled several hundred light years. Is it reasonable to think that their crafts travel faster than the speed of light?

Even though some alien races may have survived beyond a deteriorated environment on their home planet and may be able to live in space continuously, I think they may still require pit stops to replenish supplies! I doubt any would set out on a 20 light year long round trip to planet Earth if their crafts could only travel as fast as light. I think it is reasonable to think their crafts travel much faster than light. This fact doesn’t reconcile with our current understanding of physics.

The maneuvers made by these UFO craft in our atmosphere suggest a propulsion system that uniformly accelerates all matter within the craft including the craft. I think alien beings are not capable of withstanding the enormous G forces that their bodies would experience, if a gravity-type of pull was not exerted evenly on all of the matter in their body. This propulsion system cannot be reconciled with our current understanding of physics.

This UFO evidence suggests to me that ALL movement of ALL particle matter (to include photons, electrons, atoms, people, cars, planets, UFO craft, etc…) is caused by the pull of long (many kilometers, but length varies), high speed (light years per second) ether particles traveling in straight lines and in ALL directions. These very fast, long, linear ether particles, LEPs, occupy “empty” space, including the space within ALL particle matter. (per cent fill ??)

Also, all matter is composed of ether particles. LEPs attach to and exert a gravity-type pull, a pull that is evenly and uniformly distributed throughout matter. These LEPs have the same speed as the matter which they are attached to and their numbers are proportional to the mass. LEPs radiating from two bodies of matter interact directly to cause gravity. Meaning, LEPs which are attached to one body of matter extend thru a second body of matter and exert some pull on the omnipresent LEP field existing everywhere even within the second body and, also, exert some pull (gravity) on the matter in the second body. (Clearly, LEPs are composed of smaller particles which have an affinity for each other, are directional (polarized), and readily arrange themselves into long perfectly straight strings.)

The impedance to the acceleration of matter, inertia, is caused by the LEP field. The constant speed of light is caused by the forward pull of LEPs on photons while forward movement is impeded by other LEPs, those not traveling exactly parallel to the photon’s direction, as they move rapidly (light years per second) past and out of the way of the oncoming photon.

LEPs are either pulling on a photon at the speed of light, or pulling on other matter at a lesser speed, or traveling across the universe at many light years per second. LEPs catch up to, attach to and pull on any LEP traveling less than maximum velocity. Since LEP length builds and has no theoretical limit, gravity has no theoretical limit. (LEPs which are attached to matter might explain the hidden dark matter. Also, one might see some similarity between the LEP and theoretical descriptions of the Higgs boson.)

UFO craft are accelerated by literally cutting, ripping, and tearing away LEPs behind the craft which are pulling in a direction opposite the desired direction of travel. Accelerating the craft to many times the speed of light is accomplished by cutting, ripping, and tearing away LEPs which penetrate the craft side to side and also which are ahead of the craft and perpendicular to the direction of travel.

The field between the plates of an air insulated capacitor consists of electrostatic lines which are “particle matter” just like photons and are pulled by LEPs extending them from the electrons on the negatively charged plate to the positively charged plate. The knife particle (KP) which will cut, rip, and tear LEPs away from ALL particle matter is a special twisted, rope-like, hardened, LINEAR particle created by tightly wrapping electrostatic lines together. Once created and free, the KP spins in the plane of its long axis and about the midpoint of its long axis as LEPs pull and unwrap electrostatic lines.

The KP, when located behind and spinning perpendicular to a craft’s desired direction of travel, will rip LEPs from matter in the craft and accelerate the craft forward. Also, spinning this particle ahead of and in planes parallel to a crafts direction of travel will cut through LEPs crossing in front, causing the craft to accelerate forward, but just as important it will accelerate all debris, including air, forward and to the side out of the space in front of the craft. (LEPs radiating from debris perpendicular to the direction of travel are ripped from the debris by KPs spinning in planes parallel to the direction of travel causing the debris to accelerate sideways.) This fact may explain the lack of a sonic boom as UFO craft travel at thousands of miles an hour in earth’s atmosphere. And it may also explain how UFO craft avoid striking space debris while traveling at light speed.

The radiation effects felt near UFO craft as they hover or accelerate away may be caused by the very short wavelength photons created as KPs unwrap. The electrostatic lines that make up the KP become very short wavelength photons. This may explain much of the colorful illumination reported surrounding UFO’s. The spinning KPs may create additional illumination by ionizing atoms in the atmosphere. The downward pressure felt by people located beneath the craft would be caused by KPs as they spin - cutting, ripping, and tearing LEPs away from matter in the human body. (If a UFO craft is spotted near ground, it would seem safest to just stay as far away as possible. Some alien occupants may not be very friendly, probably because hunters or military have fired weapons at them. Reports of aliens firing laser-like weapons at humans may be accurate.)

Saucer shaped craft that land on earth frequently leave a circular shaped irradiated area on the ground. Apparently, KPs radiated downward from the saucer rim may sterilize the soil beneath making new growth of plants difficult. Some reports suggest this radiation can be intense enough to start fires in dry grass. The ejected KPs in this radiation pattern forms the shape of a cylinder or cone. It should be recognized that unidentified submerged objects, USOs, when breaking the surface of the water frequently create a waterspout beneath them. If the KP radiation pattern beneath the saucer is cone shaped, it would accelerate vertically all matter within the cones volume, including the saucer. This would account for the water spout, and it may also suggest a method of creating a tractor beam.

LEP propulsion allows UFO craft to accelerate quickly to thousands of miles an hour, make fast sharp angled turns, and stop very quickly. LEPs are a source of immense energy. And, of course, LEPs are much faster than photons for communications. Nanometer sized molecular motors may be used to create KPs.


The KP is being suggested as a way to affect the LEP field. A short video (about 5 min) I saw on TV during the summer, 1996, suggested the same to me. The video showed a highly magnified view of a printed circuit board type device. On the board were thin filamentary conductors in a doubled-back spiral (Fermat’s spiral), that is, one conductor wrapped 85,000 times into the center of the spiral, reversed direction and wrapped another 85,000 times to the outer edge of the spiral, making a complete circuit. The entire circuit was about the size of the head of a pin. The entire board, about eleven inches square, was covered with these pin head sized circuits. Above the board was a mirror image board with the same circuits on it, so that these spiral circuits faced each other. In between the boards was a conductive layer with a single very small hole located centered in between each pair of spirals. A cut of the board also showed channels where a coolant could have flowed. The voice on the TV said it was not known if the board was used for communications or propulsion. I thought it was a communications board, mainly because some spirals were flat and some were concave. I don’t know if this short video was disinformation like “alien autopsy”. However, I don’t think the general public would have been very interested in it. At the time I had been trying to think of a way to wrap electrostatic lines together and the design of this device looked suitable. It seems to me this device could create KPs and cause faster than light digital communications by chopping up LEPs at two different rates.

Rough calculations suggest that since the length of conductor in each spiral may be about 100 meters and since the average rate of electron flow in commonly used conductors like copper, aluminum, silver, gold, etc., is in mm per second, these spirals are probably superconductors. Our current limited understanding of superconductors may be hindering efforts to recreate this technology.


This is theory stretching!
KPs spinning in planes parallel to the craft’s direction are ejected forward of the craft at the speed of light. They cut LEPs crossing in front of the craft. This causes the craft to be accelerated forward and debris to be accelerated forward and to the side. The KPs etch a tunnel in the LEP field which extends a million miles out. Assume the forward speed of light going down the tunnel has been increased 20 times relative to the speed outside the tunnel just by etching away LEPs. The craft, if it could travel one tenth the speed of light outside the tunnel, would now be traveling one tenth the light speed inside the tunnel or 372,000 miles per second (double the normal speed of light). It seems very plausible that KPs traveling down the tunnel at 20 times the speed of light could easily etch away new tunnel at the rate of double the normal speed of light in order to maintain a tunnel length of a million miles ahead of the craft.


“Linear space particle” may have been a better name than LEP, “linear ether particle”. Since I view the LEPs as the medium, I wasn't thinking of the old, ether meaning - a "luminiferous" or particle type medium thru which waves propagate.

I recall in high school seeing pictures of large spiral coils of copper wire 2 or 3 feet in diameter which were used to try to create a particle. Apparently, unsuccessful efforts to create KPs, a particle composed of electrostatic lines wrapped together, were attempted in the 1950’s, and probably many times since. I suspect efforts still continue, perhaps using nanometer sized molecular motors. I am hoping someone reading this might recognize the KP, have knowledge of efforts to create it, and be willing to share that knowledge. Thanks!

This post is a sincere attempt to try to make sense out of phenomena that is not well understood. It is mostly theory. Please keep in mind that the theory presented is metaphysics until people have created the KP particle and experimented with it. However, the short TV video that I saw and the pictures I saw in high school are facts. Does anyone have any additional information on efforts being made to create a KP, a particle composed of electrostatic lines wrapped together???? Thank you. jgjenson
Ok, dude. Let me suggest that if any of this technology exists, it's probably been patented by the likes of Boeing or General Dynamics and won't surface until they've made it into a weapon of some sort. But good luck in your search.
You might be correct, since getting people with direct knowledge and security clearances to offer up what they know will be extremely difficult. However, there are those who took the pictures I saw in high school and those who allowed that short video to be shown on TV, and they probably wouldn’t mind verifying those facts. I can only try! jgjenson
The main problem with any theory based upon UFO's and their capabilities is that all the Reverse Engineering and speculative pixie dust that makes the "Craft" fly tend to neglect that the individual(s) that reported them have potentially Added their own twist of individuality while making a fabrication or mundane story become more illustrated for the masses (especially considering the whole host of various books, Documentaries and films based on the subject, it's a money making media engine)

By all means, Think about "What if" a UFO was real and how it could achieve this or that, but understand that it's going to be governed by various laws of physics that no matter how much the storytellers like to attempt to bend, Can not be bent.
The main problem with any theory based upon UFO's and their capabilities is that all the Reverse Engineering and speculative pixie dust that makes the "Craft" fly tend to neglect that the individual(s) that reported them have potentially Added their own twist of individuality while making a fabrication or mundane story become more illustrated for the masses (especially considering the whole host of various books, Documentaries and films based on the subject, it's a money making media engine)

By all means, Think about "What if" a UFO was real and how it could achieve this or that, but understand that it's going to be governed by various laws of physics that no matter how much the storytellers like to attempt to bend, Can not be bent.

Stryder, though I've never seen one, the existence of "unidentified" highly maneuverable craft is very close to being indisputable. Due to the advances in video technology and cellphone etc. we are seeing tons of things that have never been filmed before.
I wouldn't claim to know the origins of any of them (alien/human etc.) but I know I don't like it.It scares the crap out of me. But I feel it's an issue that is not going to go away but instead grow to an international level so I am trying to come to terms with it.
Remove ET from the mix and there are a few things we know for sure.
EX. Germany was working very hard on "anti-gravity" devices during WWII and the U.S. has surely continued study just as they have many of the scientific studies recovered.
Also,there is a scientist in Canada who has created (in his garage) a small, crude antigravity "craft" that lifts and lands smoothly with (I think)just focused EFs and a big amplifier, so we know it's possible by human means on a small scale with no "back engineering".
In my opinion, with the energy crisis hoodoo, this will be the focus of the future.
You can use Lorentz Force for the craft propulsion. That may be what the new generation of UFOs from Nevada are using. Can you use it in deep space? May be yes....force is force....but the craft may need a lot of electrical power like 70 to 100 MW worth peak power.

There is another method...but until I test it and if it works, patent it, I can not tell.
Also,there is a scientist in Canada who has created (in his garage) a small, crude antigravity "craft" that lifts and lands smoothly with (I think)just focused EFs and a big amplifier, so we know it's possible by human means on a small scale with no "back engineering".
In my opinion, with the energy crisis hoodoo, this will be the focus of the future.

There was also Hutchison with his Antigravity (Poltergeist) Lab, which is usually mentioned by those that are well into there UFO's and aliens. I couldn't suggest Hutchison's stance on whether aliens exist or not, however his lab utilised a large amount of radiology projected into matrix of a specific volume of space in his lab (A room) this allowed him to manipulate the matrix of frequencies around any objects that were put in the room creating "Anti-Gravity".

The reality is though that any form of "Anti-Gravity" works similar to Magnetism in the way that any Mass that is Floated has to have it's weight dispersed across space and the only way to do that it's to have a specific carrier. with Magnetism it's Magnetic's where polarisation interconnects molecules until the Magnetic source's effect becomes too weak to have an effect. The same goes for using radiology, you'd require a certain strength of manipulated an object over distance, the further the distance the greater amount of energy has to be used to be converted into frequency.

This is why most small 'prototype' anti-gravity craft might be able to hover to a certain height, but they can only go as high as the Atmospheric pressure allows for the weight displacement. Go too high, the atmosphere becomes weaker and therefore stronger radiological fields would be necessary to generate the same weight displacement. (I wouldn't suggest riding one high up without a parachute.)