UFO/ETI Research


Registered Senior Member
I've been lurking here for a couple of months and I must say that the discussions are very lively.

I'm interested in researching unidentified flying objects with respect to getting demographic data first, then branching out into other areas.

In school, we learned that demographics is one of the first places to begin so that's what I'd like to do.

If anyone is interested, I have a questionnair in word format along with a statement of my purpose.

Also, if anyone can point me to other studies that have done similar research, I'd be grateful.

I know there are some sceptics here (and pseudosceptics) but I'm trying to do serious research without bias to one side or the other.



You might look at Patry & Pelletier (2001). They found that UFO-related actions such as sharing anecdotal accounts of UFOs or abductions, were related to pre-existing attitudes toward the phenomenon.

Patry, Alain L. & Pelletier, Luc G. (2001). Extraterrestrial Beliefs and Experiences: An Application of the Theory of Reasoned Action. The Journal of Social Psychology. 14(2) 199-217
Here's my answers, it might be interesting if everybody in the thread answered likewise, so we can get a handle on ech other.

I, Male, White, College+, System Manager, Single, Don't Believe.
II, Never, Yes, Protestant, Homeowner, Suburban,
III, Thriller, Documentary, Non-Fiction, Rock.
craterchains... has anyone explained to you yet what happens when a meteorite spinning with its axis parallel to the surface and perpendicular to its direction of travel, breaks up before impact?

try this at home. get a round paintbrush, put some paint on it, hold it parallel over a piece of paper and spin it on a parallel axis without changing the direction the brush is pointed.

Bigger than a paintbrush and not rocket science :D

Well once again (since this has been explained to the two of you over and over) that chain was already broken up before it got close to the planet. On top of that the velocity/angle where incredibly high and steep... not the situation which would make chains.
Hello Ylooshi:

Demographics and language play a major role in UFO history.
Take a look at this map: http://www.larryhatch.net/NAMALL.html

Sightings seem to congregate in high-population areas yes, but
there are hidden surprises! From the same *U* database,
I learn that New Mexico has or had something like NINE TIMES
the number of sightings per capita as New York! That's a
little hard to dismiss, and there must be other factors.

There are probably similar anomalies in this European map:
http://www.EURALL.html but I haven't had time to dig
those out.

David in Melbourne might like this map:

Best wishes - Larry
I found your maps and data interesting and promising, Larry. I'm curious at the actual methodology (detailed) that was used in choosing the individual sightings to put in the database.

I noted that you included an extensive bibliography... I'm assuming this is the source of the sighting information, but do you also seek out first-hand sightings?

Also, ylooshi, I downloaded your Word file and I used word delete all the answers but my own. I'll email back to the address you provided. I'm interested in seeing your data as well. But since your post count says "1 posts" I'm thinking that might just have forgotton us.
@ phlogistician: thanks for your reply! What a wonderful way to get the data back. Much easier than trying to do what skinwaker did... he circled the answers with text boxes :)

@skinwaker: Thanks to you too! I'm loggin on about four - five times a week to check this and other threads. So far n=6, so if I can get back some significant data, I'll post it right here.

@larry: Great site! I'm with skinwalker though. In another thread, he asked some very interesting questions about what the data says socially. I'm going to ponder that one some more. Maybe crazymikey, persol and wellcookedfetus have some input.

@crazymikey: I've noticed you have some very good points in your "Proof for ETI" threads. I have to agree with *some* of the critics points too, but there's still a few things I think that they haven't answered. Anecdotal evidence may not be the best proof, but the *volume* of eye witness accounts alone has to be considered. If this doen't prove that *something* is going on out there, I don't know what would.

I personally try to maintain some impartiality to the whole deal, but I find the UFO/ETI thing very fascinating. The religious aspects that skinwalker mentions also have a ring of truth to them, but that doesn't mean that UFO/ETI is a full-blown religion... if it were, people would be praying to the "alien gods" and there would be some sort of doctrine ro text.

Nice try though... he may be on to *some*thing.
Hello Skinwalker:

" I'm curious at the actual methodology (detailed) that was used in choosing the
individual sightings to put in the database. "

The vast majority of sightings reports come from that same bibliography
http://www.larryhatch.net/USOURCE.html yes. Some others come
from UFO-related email discussion groups, and occasionally first hand
accounts come in thru my email links on my website. I don't actively
seek those out (too many cracker boxes) but recommend people to
UFO Reporting Centers like the NUFORC in Seattle.

I filtered out mountains of junk by now and still do. Simple lights in
the sky, fireballs, cult / contactee garbage just aren't good enough.
When I see an interesting account, I try to read between the lines
for some (obviously subjective) indications of credibility. Is the
witness a repeater? What are the odds of a single person seeing
genuine UFOs (whatever they are) every weekend? One guy
mailed me a CD with pix of every contrail, aircraft and sunset in
(place deleted). I'm not going to learn anything that way.

It took two decades to put this all together, the program in C
language and all, and now its obsolete! (DOS format!)
Please nobody ask for freebies, pain in the a**.

What I do is put up the maps and statistical images on my
website. Someday when I retire I hope to whomp up a
Windows version which will provide a small income stream.
Please nobody offer to do this for me!

Let me know if you have other questions.
Some of those might be answered here:


Best wishes, and thanks for your interest. - Larry
@crazymikey: I've noticed you have some very good points in your "Proof for ETI" threads. I have to agree with *some* of the critics points too, but there's still a few things I think that they haven't answered. Anecdotal evidence may not be the best proof, but the *volume* of eye witness accounts alone has to be considered. If this doen't prove that *something* is going on out there, I don't know what would.

Thanks ylooshi,

In fact I also agree with some of the critic points:

Some UFO/ETI accounts are religious or cultist movements
Some UFO/ETI sightings are delusions
Some UFO's are weather baloons, neon lights, blimps, meteroites
Some Radar cases are caused by temperature inversion
Some human technologies(after 1940) are indigenous

Unfortunately, the critics are not this "open minded" instead they want to pass of the entire ETI/UFO phenomena with the aforementioned. Some of them even consider research of ETI/UFO to be bullshit(Q, Vorotx, Skinwalker) and its researchers to be fanatics. "anecdotal" is simply a dismissal tactic, yet at the same time, they would consider "anecdotal" evidence from scientific journals or from the government, to be legitimate. A bunch of hypocrites, my friend.
Hello again Skinwalker:

You must be psychic! Yes, Chris from Australia.
There remain seemingly solid reports however, and those
must also be considered. I just catalog and map them,
and do some statistics. -LH
ylooshi heres my answers:
I. Male, white, less than college, image processing assistant, single, dont believe.
II. Never, no, other(Atheism), with parents, Rural.
III. Comedy, Sci-Fi, Sci-Fi, Rock.
Thats probably revealed a lot to the people around me now.