UFO encounter


Registered Member
In 1995, Red Bluff California. I was doing some research on the small northern California town with a big history. Some of my research was done in the wee hours of the morning under the cover of night, as some trespassing was nessecary to complete my research on the chinese tunnels. I did not go it alone my dear friend went with me her family is held in high regard in the small community and owned a lot of it. We decided to go to the Minch Slaughter house which had been gated and closed since 1975. As we approached the fence we would be climbing a huge craft as big as a football field at least as it blocked out the stars in the sky was directly over head. The belly of this craft held a gigantic light its color that of lightening or an electric ark, very bright and not blinking, the craft utterly silent. We both watched this unknown object flying over us very low in the sky perhaps a thousand or five hundred feet. The airport was just down the way south and we thought it was going to land and watched as it headed towards the airport which we could clearly see and it disappeared, nowhere in sight. Strange yes but we quickly went on about our business giving it not a second thought and climbed the fence into the slaughter house. As we were walking on the grounds we heard music playing pretty loud and an office light was on with the door open. We walked up to the office not even considering that perhaps we may be busted for tresspassing, it didnt even occur to us at that time it was as if we were being drawn there. Inside the small office was the radio we heard, there was nobody anywhere in sight and we did not see anyone outside. On the table there sat a half cup of coffee still steaming. Again not thinking it strange we went about our investigation of the old slaughter house spending two hours looking over the entire grounds. When we decided to leave, still we hadnt seen anyone, we walked back towards the fence we had climbed to get in. Nearly as if he had been zapped into position there was a man standing outside the parked big rig looking as if he were strapping down his load as he was standing on the trailor loaded with plywood. Out of nowhere he appeared, he was just there where we had been walking around for hours, poof there he is. We walked right by him, again not thinking of our trespass, we said nothing, he said nothing, all of us were staring at eachother but no one said a word and we climbed back over the fence and left. Now this is where it gets strange. My friend and I clearly seen the same craft and the invisible man and as though we had been dusted with no big deal dust we said nothing to eachother or anyone else as if nothing at all had happened. Then two years later we both out of the blue brought up our shared experience as if the dust had been lifted from our memories. To this day I wonder, was that man abducted and returned that night?
true story

The sole reason that I have written about my UFO experience was not to convince of anything. I am hoping in time the man who appeared seemingly out of nowhere recalls this encounter too and I could possibly find him and ask him if in fact he was abducted that night in Red Bluff California.
The sole reason that I have written about my UFO experience was not to convince of anything. I am hoping in time the man who appeared seemingly out of nowhere recalls this encounter too and I could possibly find him and ask him if in fact he was abducted that night in Red Bluff California.

Oh, is that all.

Why would you think that person might be on this forum ?

Isn't there a site for abductee's ?