UFO Dreams/Significant as Actual Sightings?


Registered Senior Member
Out of curiosity, I know dreams are just dreams and all, but from what I hear, UFO dreams are of significance. What's your opinions?

I just had one recently.
I would have to say that if the dream wasn't just plain wierd, like, the alien was handing you pumpkins that weren't orange or something, then don't take it seriously. If not, maybe look into hypnosis. What was the dream like, from what you can recall?

Putting it down will probably help you recall more of it....
Well, it wasn't really weird at all. It was rather believeable. For the most part anyway. It was a scene on top of a mountain pass where I know, where my Grandma lives. There, I was with someone showing him that there's many UFOs flying over the skyline.

From the view, I can see the skyline of downtown Denver in full view and many UFOs were indeed flying overhead like some airshow. They weren't attacking us or anything, just showing to me that they were there. I was showing a friend them, like I was introducing him to the UFOs/Aliens. I didn't particularly see any aliens, I just saw the crafts in the dream. Me and this one other person (whom I can't remember) discussed the phenomina for a long time. Then I woke up.

It wasn't a really weird dream. In fact, it was a as familiar as my last birthday was. So this might be something that might have happened, or WILL happen. I can't tell which.
Yeah, could have been precognitive.

You'll probably forget it, then if it happens you'll feel some deja vu. I had some massive deja vu today, it was really, really phreaking me out. I could predict exactly what would happen several seconds before it did, that really, really scared me. Almost as if I had already seen it.
You probably saw a future where advanced flying machines are the norm - since you did not see the aliens.

I had similar dreams where sometypes of advanced propulsion based crafts were flying in silent and ready to land.

I also saw an extreme future scene where a very large starship was on orbit and our military was involved in communicating to them. I have dreamt life in US in the mid 1800 and later check out to be true (the items in the dream).

It is perhaps possible for one to see snipets of past and future...under quantum reality....more research is needed in this area...
Doomz02, your not going to get a serious answer most of the time posting here. I personally don't think much of UFO dreams, but thats me. Others who are more prone to the UFO conspiracy than I would suggest that you are haveing reoccuring memories from a real obduction experience which is supressed. I don't have an opinion one way or the other with that reguard to the phenomenon, however.
It has happened to me.i was just begining to feel about UFOs...,and i had just begun to research on UFOs...and that night i was standing on my terrace and i saw it(A saucer shaped UFO of a football field size) fly at such a fast speed over my terrace and one of my cousins watched it with awe and amazement...(it was in dreams BTW)

may be it was because i thought about UFOs too much...

Why should UFO dreams be more or less significant than other dreams? We dont know what dreams are, but there is no indication that they have any precognitive value. Many psycologists think they are indicative of unconscious thought processes. Certainly our dreams often reflect things we are currently preoccupied with.

*ahem* I didnt say anything about dreams that should be significant im just wondering if some ARE. Theres a difference. I'm simply asking a question no need to get all hypocritic about it.
You asked:
but from what I hear, UFO dreams are of significance. What's your opinions?
And I stated my opinion. --- Hypocritical???

Hypocrite: A person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion.

Mmmm U lost me there.

You should not name a person without a picture. :D :D

I am sorry KM.;)
i have pics that some people would get offended with.this is a public place you know...;)

You can always crop or insert a car or fruit or flower at strategic locations to make it legal....:D :D

[Edit: replace "insert" with super impose.....wrong choice of words....he...he...]
Hehe. Well if I tend to make topics that post that kind of woman... I should post more often! LOL