UFO Detection Device


Registered Senior Member

I was lookin around the websites, and I've come across a device that can detect UFOs (apparently). I was wondering if it was logical to build such a device or if there's ANY device that detects such UFOs.
Would it happen to be the one at Futurehorizons?? If it is, any stuff from there is just b.s.

But if UFOs really do exist, then I think you'd have a major pain in the ass in order trying to detect them. Usually radar works just fine, apparently.
No.. there's several devices from several different areas of interest that sell the item. I'm just curious if its a serious product or not, since well, the normal civilian can't afford radar equipment.

wow...that futurehorizons site has some cool stuff...if i had a few grand to spare i'd definitely order some of it just to see what it does.
Yeah I agree. But I don't have that money and it's probably all b.s anyway, even if would be nice to test some of it out. I ordered a lightsaber from there once, but it didn't work:(. They only gave me the hilt, no blade or nothin...

It was awhile ago tho...
A compass,a magnet would just work fine...

that is to say if U.F.Os do have such strong magnetic fields around them as we have heard...

I personally would be very skeptical of something called a "UFO Detector" just as I would be skeptical of something called a "Sasquatch Detector", or any other " (insert paranormal phenomenon here) Detector". I don't know much about the device itself so I can't speak authoritively. I will say however, that from my experience, UFO's are a very random phenomenon - you never know where or when your going to encounter one. What principals can one use which will detect a UFO conclusively, and not be decoyed by a hundred other things like strong electromagnetic currents, ect. ?
I was wondering if it was logical to build such a device or if there's ANY device that detects such UFOs

What exactly would one detect ? In other words, what are you looking for ? Are you looking for something to detect so-called alien crafts or something to detect swamp gas ? Since no alien artifacts or evidence exists, there is no data in which to use to create a detection device.

Pollux, thanks for that link. That had me LMAO for hours. Hilarious!
I see that Crank dot Net gave it only a "cranky" rating. Which leads me to believe that they didn't read it fully. I would have given it the "Illucid" rating.
The device is supposed to operate on electromagnetics, according to it's description. My question was: how can it detect a UFO and not be decoyed by a thousand other electromagnetic phenomenon?
Hah, works on electomagnetics, you say? Know what else works on electromagnetics? A flashlight, a computer monitor, a camera. . . hehe, electromagnetics is pretty fucking broad, you realize.

As for UFO detection device, well of course it's a gag product, DUR! What is the most that anyone knows about UFOs? *waits for someone to raise a hand* anyone? anyone? Buler? *sigh* That we don't really know what the fuck they are, all we know is people see crazy little lights, and they are either stars or airplanes, or planets, or flares or something, or that we just don't know what the hell they were. And if no one knows what the hell they were, then what information do you have to go on to make a UFO detection device? That you can see 'em! that's it! Your eyes are UFO detecton devices. . . and oddly enough they also make use of electromagnetic feilds :p how fuckin' conveneint.
this might work

The incidents show us a huge disterbance to the magnatic fields cos they use the sun and the planets gravity as a power source. so it is the best way of detecting it and it seems to be lot of places have thease divices to check on astioroids but not to detect UFO's isnt it funny

they had a building in the US that detected magneted fields in hopes of finding a UFO... an alarm would sound when a strong magenetic field was high above the building. in this buildings exisitance the alarm only sounded once and one guy rushed outside to have a look but unfortenly it was very cloudy out and nothing was seen...
the building is no longer around due to lack of funds... gee wonder why

"a watched pot never boils" meaning you dont look for UFOs, they find you!
My neighbours and I used to spend the summer nights sitting outside just watching the sky and talking. Every night I was able to show them a ufo