UFO and the Space X Rocket

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Looking at the serial photos of the event, the object is clearly there and the rocket explodes when it is right by it. Very strange.

And Elon seems to agree:


"Important to note that this happened during a routine filling operation. Engines were not on and there was no apparent heat source," said Musk questioning how the rocket could spontaneously erupt in flames. "Particularly trying to understand the quieter bang sound a few seconds before the fireball goes off. May come from rocket or something else."
UFO I'll agree with (it's unidentified, and it is flying)

Could it be related to the explosion? While I guess it could be, my questions are simple: How (by what method) would it be involved? And why would it be involved?

A competing agency? Perhaps, perhaps... but that's a HUGE risk to take for what is, ultimately, a minor setback. I've also read theories that a suitably skilled marksman with a high powered rifle and an incendiary round could have done this... but again, why? Even assuming high skill and a great rifle, you are talking a shot of around two kilometers or so, which still puts you "on the grounds" and at high risk of detection and arrest.

As far as this being the work of "teh alienz" ... again, why? What would an extraterrestrial species have to gain by doing this? It isn't going to ground SpaceX (or our off-world efforts) for any meaningful length of time... I guess pettiness could be a reason, but if we are the target of an alien species petty enough to waste the resources on something like this (or advanced enough that doing this is the equivalent of driving down the street smashing mailboxes with a baseball bat) well... I think we have bigger things to worry about then heh
I don't think not knowing the motives for a ufo destroying a space rocket means lessens the fact that it was done by a ufo for some intelligent reason. I mean when it comes to nonhuman intelligences, who can second guess why they do what they do. There IS a history of these craft interfering with missiles and such though...


"One of the men, Capt Robert Salas, said: "The US Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it."

He said said he witnessed such an event first-hand on March 16, 1967, at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana which housed Minuteman nuclear missiles.

Capt Salas continued: "I was on duty when an object came over and hovered directly over the site.

"The missiles shut down - 10 Minuteman missiles. And the same thing happened at another site a week later. There's a strong interest in our missiles by these objects, wherever they come from. I personally think they're not from planet Earth."

Others claim to have seen similar activity in the UK.

Col Charles Halt said he saw a UFO at the former military base RAF Bentwaters, near Ipswich, 30 years ago, during which he saw beams of light fired into the base then heard on the military radio that aliens had landed inside the nuclear storage area."
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IOW, the standard military denial line. Electrical malfunction! Yeah, that's it! Question: how does a "confirmatory witness" NOT confirm?

"An in-depth post incident investigation of the E-Flight incident was undertaken. Full scale on-site and laboratory tests at the Boeing Company's Seattle plant were conducted.

Declassified Strategic Missile Wing documents and interviews with ex-Boeing engineers who conducted tests following the E-Flight Incident investigation confirm that no cause for the missile shutdowns was ever found. Robert Kaminski was the Boeing Company engineering team leader for this investigation. Kaminski stated that after all tests were done, : “There were no significant failures, engineering data or findings that would explain how ten missiles were knocked off alert,” and “…there was no technical explanation that could explain the event.”===http://www.cufon.org/cufon/malmstrom/malm1.htm
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Easy - someone "reports" that they said something they didn't actually say, and the "witness" comes out and says "Oi, that's bullshit, I didn't say that"

Then it can't very well be a confirmatory witness now can it. Maybe a backpeddling one after the military thugs took him into a back room...
I don't think not knowing the motives for a ufo destroying a space rocket means lessens the fact that it was done by a ufo for some intelligent reason.
I don't think that we are logically able to presume or conspire that every UFO that is seen is controlled by any intelligence, while so many more possible and likely contingencies remain.
I mean when it comes to nonhuman intelligences, who can second guess why they do what they do. There IS a history of these craft interfering with missiles and such though...
No, not at all: There certainly though is a history of missiles, rockets etc, blowing up for many reasons particularly during the infancy of this new endeavour of flight.
But as we improve technologies and gain experience, these accidents diminish, not withstanding unproven intelligent inspired UFO's and/or conspiracies of one form or another.
But Alien/s destroying our attempted space exploratory trips does make for great headlines!