UFO Aliens will be friendly - Here's Proof!


Registered Member
I often am amused when people talk about aliens as being monsters that only want to conquer or eat us.

Excluding the "abductee" craze that so far has no basis in truth outside of the "X-Files", we have no evidence that any UFO - if there are any at all - has ever interacted with humans on purpose. If ANY UFO report were EVER real, then why didnt' they immediately start shooting?

If you believe in evolution and the natural and logical extension of the influence of technology and society, you have to believe that any aliens that we ever see will be the nicest people you'd every meet - really!

Here's why:

They probably have evolved different requirements for
mental existence and thought. For instance, if you extend
Maslow's Hierarchy of Prepotency above "Self-Actualization",
what's next? Altruism? Spontaneous and Total Empathy?
Adaptive Radiation? If you have satisfied the motives for
power and security and can do anything with technology,
what's next? Perhaps it is to study another planet, the same
way we are fascinated by a primitive culture in the Brazilian

We have recently gained insight into how much damage we do
when we inject modern society's thinking and technology into
primitive cultures. If we evolve for another 500 years and
can go explore space and come across a primitive culture that
is still warlike and cannot go out into space, wouldn't we
just observe? If we are trying to do that now, in 500 years
we would not only be committed to that concept but our
technology would be good enough to allow us to observe
without being obtrusive. Imagine what we would think and
would be able to do in 25,000 years.

Social scientists have known for years that as a society evolves, it becomes LESS warlike, not more. This is esspeically true when all the basics of life are met. Travel to distant planets is an optional exercise that would not be pursued if the people doing it did not have enough to eat or shelter. They would expend their resources satisfying their basic needs first. It is therefore logical to assume that any UFO we see here is here out of some other motive than to conquer or consume. More likely out of curiosity or a willingness to help.
Welcome to Sciforums, Moses. I think that this subject belongs in Pseduoscience. I think when you have been here for a bit you will find that posting in the proper catagory is important. Sometimes the lines blur as it does with this posting. I will leave it here unless it goes into aliens.

Happy posting!
I never met an alien without a telescope.

Well, except for those illegal aliens. BLAH ! ! !
heyya moses
welcome to the board.

Sociological-pseudoscience of self-destruction.
i understand your point in regard to the advance in society although
there is a small anomaly that seems to impede the general run of events.


This seems to be the case with every civilization to date in human history.
is that what we can expect?
Heinsight is only useful if you choose to live with and around things that wont change!
We have consistently evolved in technology but not in intellect.
This is our undoing!
the pre cursors to this will be
Intolerance to
Sexual (gender) discrimination
Racial discrimination

i fear it would be ill advised to assume all ETs have our best interests at heart.
@ what point would they too undergo internal struggles.

i like your thoughts on the issue
you sound like a good ambasadour :D

I'm glad to have the opportunity to discuss it. I feeling is that we are approaching a time in our (human) evolution in which wars and intolerance are less likely than in the past. this is mostly out of necessity of having to leave together but there is also some basis in sociology science.

If the aliens have evolved to the point of a large brain and
extended space travel, they probably have a very different
social order than we do. We tend to compare them to how we
would act if we were them and that just doesn't work. They
are not going to view us the way we would if we were in
their place. The common idea that all they want to do is
conquer us and dominate the Earth is our projection of our
own ideas onto them. If you had the technology to travel the
universe, what possible gain would there be to dominating a
primitive society?

These aliens are also very non-aggressive. Psychologists
have long since discovered that learning plays a role in the
development of aggressive behavior. As IQ goes up, all 13
different kinds of aggressive behavior goes down. If they
have hurt people in their explorations it is inadvertent or
unintentional. The same way we don't set out to harm the
primitive tribes that we study in social and medical
experiments, yet we have destroyed whole societies by giving
them an axe or just the awareness that they are not alone.

If we are aware of that now and in our best behavior, we actually strive to protect such primitive tribes from our pollution, then isn't likely that we will do better in the future - perhaps the far distant future? And at that time, might we not have the technology to support that effort. For instance:

We already have stealth technology on aircraft to avoid radar. The Army has just discovered a fantastic technology that provides camoflage that automatically mimics the immediate surroundings. this is real SciFi stuff but that is now. Imagine how that might improve in 50 or 100 years when WE might be ready to launch a starship to the next galaxey.

We might, for instance, be able to have dynamically molded masks that allow us to appear to change form into anything or anyone we choose. If I can imagine now how that might be able to be done (using "active metals"), then I can see us being able to do it in 50 years. such technology would allow an alien to move among us without notice.

we might, for instance, have the ability to bend light around objects, similar to the way light bends around stars or around a straight edge. I can imagine how that could be applied to make an object - a spaceship - appear to totally disappear by bending the light around the ship so that when you look at it, you can only see what is beyond it. We actually know how to do that now, we just don't know have the technology to do it, but I can see us being able to do it in 50 - 100 years. such technology would allow an alien to easily move among us without notice.

If they have all this capability, you can also imagine they also have some really awsome weapons. we already have a bomb that will literally blow up the entire earth. Really! We also have one that will kill only people and not damage property. We have one that will destroy all electronics and not kill people. etc. etc. The weapons we are working on are equally incredible. Guided rail guns that can shoot smart bullets at 15,000 ft per second! Laser rifles. Sonic weapons that can tune to the resonance frequency of specific structures and reduce them to rubble while not touching other structures.

And there there are the bio-weapons. With the definition of the entire human genome, we now can make designer germ warfare that attacks whatever we want on the human body. suppose you want people to be able to walk and listen but not talk and not be able to use their arms. No problem. You dial into a computer the genome that controls those functions, design a retrovirus that carries a DNA modifier and spray it out of an aircraft flying at 100,000 ft. Instant subjugation of an entire country. In 5 to 10 years, this will be possible this easily.

The fact is that any alien capable of getting here is not likely to come here to conquer but if he were, it is not likely we would have even the slightest chance of putting up a meager fight. the fight would be over before we knew it started. If we believe that, then there is nothing to fear.

By the way, the bit about sexual preference intolerance ...that too has been solved. Science has known for some time that being gay is a biological imperative that is no different than being hetero or Asian. Evolution does not support same-sex mates for obvious reasons - no procreation - but just as 1 in 2000 babies have downs syndrom and 1 in 6 are left handed, there is a 1 in 25 (or so) chance that the incredibly complex development of the sexual preference mentality of the baby's brain does not exactly match with the perfect evolutionary model. I avoid saying that it is a "flaw" in development because it occurs with such regularity. If humans were assembled in a factory, it would be called a failure in quality control. Similar to the way we made the Hubble Space Telescope. It was made "perfectly" - to a tolerance of .00001 inches - but to the wrong set of specifications and it could not focus until a corrective lense was added. Being gay is not a matter of choice or religion or moral decay - it is simply life.
We know this now but it will take years for it to become common knowledge and to reconcil with the very resistive religious beliefs that are based on centuries of misunderstandings, but it will happen. Eventually, being gay will be about as unusual as being left handed is viewed now. We are headed to that time.

(I'm not gay but I am left handed)

that is off the subject but I had to put that in.

Live long and prosper...

:) :)
These aliens are also very non-aggressive. Psychologists
have long since discovered that learning plays a role in the
development of aggressive behavior. As IQ goes up, all 13
different kinds of aggressive behavior goes down.

Sounds logical. This means, this week, the average IQ in US just dropped 50 points. We are ready to kill....
hey all

yo kmguru
your kinda rite in my opinion although the unfortunate twist is the dammage is now done, and so, intent; it is mesured as illogicaly
as ego revenge.
DAMAGE LEVEL ... unacceptable
basic effect loss in economy
end result .... bankruptcy
the U.S.A are well justified in there war effort.
the question to be buried is how large the number of
innocents from this point on???
i gues one of the biggest lessons on a non emotional
basis would be to change the way that people as threats are
mesured and scanned.
Is psychology good enough to be wheeled by a mear human with
precise depth of diagnosis...?
an everchanging analysis more a nature than rule ... ? :D

yo moses
will the mamalian ego settle to accept second place?
now theres a question..?... :)
i like your point about "they could be walking about us rite now"
kinda almost raises a light of hope in that if they can get off this rock and hang out in other regions then one could feel vaugely
settled in that they choose this planet for now :/ :)

groove on all

an everchanging analysis more a nature than rule ... ?

How true...if damage at this level is unacceptable ($300 billion or so), then any escalation will be unthinkable. So you think, we will fix this?