U.S's image in the world in further danger?????


Save the whales motherfucker
Valued Senior Member
After seeing a interesting article in The Economist about how the US is viewed in the world now and that it has to make serious effort to put back it's image of democracy i started thinking How will it go about putting back it's image of a True democracy?????.

The real trouble for US isn't how to over throw Saddam but rather how to heal it's foriegn relations after the war is over. France and Germany are now not friends no more but US needs allies. Also after majority of it's population against the war it still, however, undertook such actions against Saddamn, that has caused a lot to lose faith in the government of their own country.

Any suggestions on how US can go about damage control??? or any opinions on the topic welcomed????
It is true that it doesn't seem a democracy anymore. Maybe it never was a democracy at all. Weren't there a discussion wheter Bush was actually legally elected or not? Maybe the "democracy" is just in the appearance...:confused:
Well it would seem so now because even after all that protest against war from his people Pres Bush went to war anyway. Many are starting to question how democartic is US when it comes to protecting it's assests and securing new profitable ones. It would seem that the masses were ignored and the Government acted on it's own.:confused:
The United States was never a pure democracy, is not now and never will be. We are a represenative democracy. We elect people to represent us. They might not agree with us though. Democracy can be even worse then a tyrant ruler.

The majority of America supports the war.
Originally posted by Salty
The United States was never a pure democracy, is not now and never will be. We are a represenative democracy. We elect people to represent us. They might not agree with us though. Democracy can be even worse then a tyrant ruler.

The majority of America supports the war.

Truthseeker why don't you go ahead and educate yourself a bit more?

As Salty said, the U.S. is a representative democracy because of its population.

Also can you trust the decision of the "common person"? Look at the profiles of America's congress, how many are college educated? Nearly all have college degrees, and most have graduate or professional degrees.

House: 98% college educated
Senate: 99% college educated
U.S. Population: 21.4% college educated

If you let a bunch of commoners run the government it is doomed for failure.
Some highly intelligent people don't even have their High School

I'm not arguing with anyone, but I felt this needed to be mentioned.
Please go on...

How can a democracy exist when the government does not represent the people? It does not take an exceptionaly gifted person to know that the U.S. goverment represents the corporations that compete for the money people earn so as to maximize profits. And who do the profits benefit the most? The politicians and the corporations of course! Not to mention the very narrow demographic of the most wealthy people in this nation. Most people who actually take the time to read know why the image of the U.S. sucks. The rest think it sucks because of the inability of foriegn peoples to truly appreciate the soothing properties of Coca-Cola.

:eek:... I don't even need to reply to you... other people are already doing a better job then I could... :p
The real trouble for US isn't how to over throw Saddam but rather how to heal it's foriegn relations after the war is over.
I think the real trouble will be installing democracy in Iraq. I don't think it'll happen because no one will put any effort into it. If America want to win over the world (psychologically as well as tactically, as in a game of Risk) then that is what they should do and they should do it better than it's been done before. They should install democracy in Iraq and starting spreading it from this power base, but I don't think it'll happen.

As for the case of education, I think the attitude has gone too far in the West. Education in the way it is viewed (which is probably a result of the way it is presented) today is misjudged (in my opinion). Surely a creature should experience the environment it lives in and it is only then it can begin to imply causality of the phenomonon and then make their judgement before sitting down to write an account and provide an explanation to those who will follow! This may be why the most meaningful written accounts of anything (and most likely to be more probable) are by those who have experienced the topic of the writing.
The Ship merchants and the numerous other people who struggle for their life, those who live within the system, and have been tainted by it and as such are granted the freedom, as well as the camouflaged facade of not being distinquished from it, to drop back and actually view the system and can therefore see more clearly. There is also the added bonus of being closer to it, which gives greater insight. It is these accounts which are more valuable, despite being subject to a lack of objectivity, in a world where ideas and truths are communicated through a language which is constantly changing and differing in meaning, they are surely an evaluation. The knowledge has been taken and purified, and presented in a small tablet which would not have been created through an effort to subvert the taker! This however will only be true when the writer has struggled to put the words on the paper, the man who writes easily will also do so carelessly and will produce a tablet recommended by no one.

I think I've gone a bit off track :bugeye: :D . I think you can all see what I'm trying to say.
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Originally posted by TruthSeeker
It is true that it doesn't seem a democracy anymore. Maybe it never was a democracy at all. Weren't there a discussion wheter Bush was actually legally elected or not? Maybe the "democracy" is just in the appearance...:confused:

Sounds like fascism or something likewise...:eek:


... I don't even need to reply to you... other people are already doing a better job then I could...:p

All the nugatory things you blurt out--you won't need to say them if you do some research.

Look at the number of posts you have, most likely a majority of those posts are trifling.
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WTF is that?!
Re: What?

Originally posted by machaon
How can a democracy exist when the government does not represent the people? It does not take an exceptionaly gifted person to know that the U.S. goverment represents the corporations that compete for the money people earn so as to maximize profits. And who do the profits benefit the most? The politicians and the corporations of course! Not to mention the very narrow demographic of the most wealthy people in this nation. Most people who actually take the time to read know why the image of the U.S. sucks. The rest think it sucks because of the inability of foriegn peoples to truly appreciate the soothing properties of Coca-Cola.

If the United States is only ruled by big bussiness then why is AARP the most influential PAC? Why did we pass the shurman anti trust act? If big tabacco gives money to each canidate each year why does the United States tax cigaretts so much? Yes it is legal for a canidate to take money from a corporation in America but that is because the cure is alot worse then the posion.
This is the greatest country in the world., the finest representative country, filled with opportunity and wonderful people. The businesses are an extension of our genius as a people. The muckrakers, the Sherman anti-trust, Sacco and Vanzetti being memorialized.......the Progressive movment, if this country wasn't the finest in the world, that movement never would have happened.

I fight and defy anyone who would hurt my country.:mad:
At the its height 76% of the American People supported the war in Iraq. Today (4-15-03) 70% of the population supports it.

Who ever said that we needed to pump democracy into Iraq? All we need to do is tell them that if they harbor terrorism we wil kick them out too. We could put another figure head in power.

The point of the war wasn't to "free" the Irqi people it was to prevent Sadamm from letting terrorists live there. Well this and a little oil....