U.S. Biotechnology Patents


Registered Senior Member
Hello All,

I have a question:

Does the United States government or U.S. firms own the exclusive rights to certain critical biotechnology patents? For example, I know that the U.S. government owns the rights to a patent for Agrobacterium which is crucial to increased crop yields. Are there other examples of things that the United States and no other country has patents of-- that are crucial to increased crop yields?

Also, if possible, if you do not know, could you direct me to resources that could answer my question?

Thank you.
Excellent site, any others?

Also dragon-- how do I know that the patents this website is speaking of, haven't been patented in other countries?

Also a general question about patents: If a private institution (not controlled by the government) patents something-- and they first go to the United States to sell their patent. Would U.S. do anything to insure that the institution didn't sell the patent to any other countries? Have they done things in the past?

Also, if U.S. owns the rights to a certain patent-- is the information concerning that patent classified or can anybody see it? If anybody can see it, what is to stop other countries from infringing upon those patents? What institutional body insures that infringement of agricultural biotech doesn't occur? Especially considering infringement by China occurs all the time without punishment.

Thank you.
Monsanto and Genentech have quite a few patents, not just on processes, but on genes as well, if I'm not mistaken.