U.F.O siting`s

Hi Chad,

Velcolm to nutzville.

Try reading through the other posts first and join in on a discussion thread.

Lots of abductees and some abductors supposedly lurking in these parts of Exosci.


Tony H2o
Yes I have witnessed UFOs on three separate occasions. I also experienced something very alien. My first sighting occurred when I was in my teens shortly after our family had moved to a small town on the edge of lake North of the city. One cool summer night my father, younger brother and myself had gone outside to rescue the cat from a fight with another cat. After breaking up the fight we were commenting on how crystal clear the stars looked. At this point we noticed a bright object moving from South to North. It should be noted that my father had been an aircraft controller and Scotland. This did not looked like an aircraft it had no flashing lights. My father figured it was a satellite. He had just finished saying this when the object suddenly traveled in zig zag pattern covering the great distance in an East West direction at great speed. Then it returned to its original direction at a very slow speed and then it vanished.
The second sighting to place at night during the winter. My parents had gone out for the evening so I was baby sitting my younger brother and sister who were in bed. My friend Larry was there also. After we had just finished watching the hockey game, Larry started to fall asleep. He told me to wake him up after the late news because there was some movie we wanted to watch. After the news I woke up Larry and walked over to the television to change the channel. As I passed by the living room window I noticed it seemed to be very bright out for the middle of the night. Then I noticed the shadows of the trees around the house were moving across the snow. When I looked up I could see a large object moving slowly over and away from the house. The object was glowing green with an orange rim. I called for Larry to come to the window. As he got there the object moved away. We waited for a second and then we could see the object again high in the sky about quarter mile away. It suddenly came down out of the sky toward the ground at a very high-speed. We thought it was going to crash into the ground but as it got closer to the ground it slowed to a hover and then landed behind the trees. We could see it glowing through the trees for some time. Larry and I contemplated whether or not to go out and see what it was. We knew the snow in the fields where the object had landed was hip a deep so we decided against going out to investigate at night. But by this time the object was gone. The next day Larry and myself waded through the snow to the spot where the object had landed. It had been snowing all morning and we found nothing.
The third incident to place many years later. A dozen of us had gone down to remote lodge in upstate New York. As night fell we decided to build campfire down by the lake. As two of us were carrying wood down to the lake, we noticed a bright orange light coming towards us. At first we thought it was a helicopter but we can hear no sound. Then the object started to go up and down and from side to side. Then the object shot straight up into the night sky and vanished. The very alien incident I will post later because I am running out of time and have to go to work. As a result of these incidence I have been interested and studied this subject for 30 years.
P.S. Chad I noticed that you live in Peterborough. The first two sightings took place on lake Scugog.
I think everybody has seen UFOs (by definition). The only question is, how many of us think they are extraterrestrial spacecraft?

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
I do. I don't think all ufo's sighted
are extraterrestrial but do beleive that some are. From talking to people who I could trust theres no doubt in my mind as I have said in my other past posts. I have had only a few other experiences which I have not posted one involving the Air Force which confirmed my suspicion and what I was told. The craft people see on the ground or close to it and the events of the encounter make the extraterrestrial hypothesis logical.
From my past investigation of how the military has handled reports etc. I can say to you ALMOST certainly that we are not alone.