Two What Ifs...


Thread Killer
Valued Senior Member
What if:

A) Somehow we could "beat" the light barrier(travel faster than the speed of light OR fold time/space)

B) We could "see" somehow optically or translated optically, minute details (say at Google earth's "best" resolution), from 10, 20,100, 1000 or MORE light years away. I suspect this technology might be along the same vein as the tech that makes "A" possible.

That would be something. As an armchair historian, that would REALLY be something. Cops might like this too. "Well Mr Simpson, let's just take a snapshot of the night in question...some 1.2 light years away..."
hard to say if it's psuedo-science if it's a rational model. Nice perspectives. Any one to comment?
A) Somehow we could "beat" the light barrier(travel faster than the speed of light OR fold time/space)

It's interesting to think about. There's probably some who will show up here and claim that the government already has the technology and has been using it to control our minds since the early 90's.

Travelling faster than light would be cool, but we'd also have to have some way to communicate. Suppose we were headed at a huge planet the speed of light---well, we can't exactly SEE it, and we can't use radar or anything like that. And what happens if we broke down somewhere in another galaxy. We'd have to send a signal back to Earth that may take a million years to get there.

That's what always bugged me about Star Trek.