Two sides of an issue

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Undertaking an exercise in understanding both sides of an issue.

Whats the other side of apartheid?

What kind of compromise is required when faced with racism?

How would you commisserate with human rights abuses?

What kind of understanding should one have of ethnic or religious discrimination?

Please feel free to openly express your support for the above so I can see your side of it.
I agree. Which is why I am soliciting the other side of it.

Its unfair not to understand why people support and act on these urges even if they are intolerable to me.
I agree. Which is why I am soliciting the other side of it.

Its unfair not to understand why people support and act on these urges even if they are intolerable to me.

maybe but you phrase your questions asking them in an intentially extreme way. It makes you come across as an asshole as well presuposing that all people on the other side believe that the worst crimes commited by their side are justified. You would get you answers if you used less extreme examples in your questions. You way of arguing quite frankly to me is kind of sloppy.
maybe but you phrase your questions asking them in an intentially extreme way. It makes you come across as an asshole as well presuposing that all people on the other side believe that the worst crimes commited by their side are justified. You would get you answers if you used less extreme examples in your questions. You way of arguing quite frankly to me is kind of sloppy.

Well I'm trying to learn how to be more accepting of human rights abuses so that I can understand why people are willing to overlook them when expedient. Perhaps I can then reach the state of civilisation where such actions become commonplace and less relevant than immediate disasters like a few cents increase in the gas bill.
Well I'm trying to learn how to be more accepting of human rights abuses so that I can understand why people are willing to overlook them when expedient.

their is your problem your assuming that the choice is an easy one for the other side when all to often its not.
their is your problem your assuming that the choice is an easy one for the other side when all to often its not.

I'm willing to understand how they make this difficult choice too. At what point does it become necessary to overlook human rights abuses? How do you reach the point where you say, I support the government/ troops in what they are doing because my society is worth it?

I don't understand your questions.

Whats the other side of apartheid?

Do you mean "what is the opposite of apartheid", or do you mean "what are the arguments in favour of apartheid"?

What kind of compromise is required when faced with racism?

Why do you assume that a compromise is required. Please explain what you have in mind.

How would you commisserate with human rights abuses?

Are you asking how one ought to express sympathy with victims of such abuses, or how one ought to support those who commit such abuses? You're not being clear.

What kind of understanding should one have of ethnic or religious discrimination?

Please give some specific examples, since there can be positive and negative discrimination and you haven't specified what you're talking about here.

Please feel free to openly express your support for the above so I can see your side of it.

Support for what? Your questions? Huh?
Well I'm trying to learn how to be more accepting of human rights abuses so that I can understand why people are willing to overlook them when expedient.

Why do you think you ought to be accepting of human rights abuses? I'm confused.

If you can't understand why certain other people accept them, I suggest you start by considering self-interest on the part of those others. Think, SAM. Brain engaged. What might motivate sombody to abuse somebody else's rights? Come on, you're a smart girl. Think. Let me know what you come up with.
What might motivate sombody to abuse somebody else's rights?

No idea. I'm trying to figure out how to comprehend things outside my liberal bias which is prejudiced and extremely biased against such actions. As has been pointed out, I only reflect those points of view which support my own biased racist view [e.g. liberal Americans who favour the racist anti-American view where civilian casualites of dark skinned foreigners are given priority and are considered relevant].

I'm attempting to cross this great divide in my prejudice and embrace opposing viewpoints to understand what I am missing out on by not understanding points of view that I do not support, based on my bigotry against such notions. Clearly there is an entire world of philosophical outlook that has escaped my attention.

One wonders what you think you've been posting about for the past several months then. Or, more likely, you're playing dumb again.

I'll wait until you've come up with something before continuing this discussion. Go away and do some research.
Research is exactly what I am doing. Compromising with apartheid and the bigotry of embracing only a liberal point of view are notions that I have never felt the need to understand before coming to sciforums.

So I think sciforums should be the best place to try and understand what it means to be civilised in an entirely new and unique way [for me]
Why do you think you ought to be accepting of human rights abuses? I'm confused.

If you can't understand why certain other people accept them, I suggest you start by considering self-interest on the part of those others. Think, SAM. Brain engaged. What might motivate sombody to abuse somebody else's rights? Come on, you're a smart girl. Think. Let me know what you come up with.

he is basing these off his views of the Israel supporters does that help clear things up.
In other words, SAM, you're trolling and playing stupid.

I also note that you ignored all my questions, diverting the topic and avoiding direct questions as usual.

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