twisting revelations


Registered Member
Having read through the discussions on this board about questioning one’s religion I am inspired too throw in some of my own thoughts on the validity of religious prophesy.
I should first point out that I am a firm believer that the world is 4.5 billion years old and that evolution is a reality. I should also point out that I firmly believe all life that has evolved on this planet has done so out of a preexisting pattern that is congruent through out this universe. That is to say that just like an apple seed can be said to have a predestined future to become an apple tree, so it is that this planet has a naturally occurring predestiny too do all of the things that it has done.

When I look at a road map of the United States I don’t see a scare on Gods green earth caused by humans, rather I see the planet wide development of a neural network. Capable of giving the planet a form of self-awareness. Within it is the capacity to understand, catalog and even manipulate all of its life sustaining systems, biology, geology and all the symbiotic relationships therein. Uniquely sentient life gives the planet a chance for its life to escape the confines of its thin atmosphere and spread to other places within the solar system or even its galaxy. After all the one thing that can be said about life is its persistence to spread. While this may seem to be an over simplification of why we are here, it lends itself to the notion that all of the things we have experienced in history (stone age, iron age, industrial age, nuclear age, computer age) may very well be parts of a very recognizable pattern that occurs consistently through out the cosmos.

The challenge for the believer in this is to put aside any of the usual dogma of seven day creation or a 6000 year old world and acknowledge that science might be a reality. Like wise the challenge for the scientist is to put aside the dogma that religious text are bogus and lack any true relevance in defining the future. My approach to this is to lend credence to this ancient text by exposing what might be simple pattern recognition of the development of sentient life on this planet.

The book of Revelations is 22 chapters long and for those of you who don’t know, the first chapters are simply letters that John wrote to various churches in his part of the world (describing their faults). The real meat of the story actually starts in chapter 6 with John having been whisked away to a place were Jesus himself is about to reveal what you all know as the seven seals. The seventh of which is actually further divided into seven more parts known as the seven trumpets. These seals and trumpets take up all of chapters 6-11 and because I believe they encompass an entire overview of history from beginning to end, they are all that I will be dealing with in this exercise. The subsequent chapters I believe are more detailed examinations of the things that will come about within that overview.

We begin with the infamous four horsemen, which are reveled as the first four seals are broken on the scroll. The first is a white horse its rider has a crown and a bow and is sent forth conquering and to conquer, the second is a red horse its rider has a great sword and he goes forth taking peace from the earth that they should kill one another. The third is a black horse its rider has a set of scales and he sells wheat and barley but hordes the oil and wine. The fourth horse is a pale horse and his rider is called death. Him and his followers go forth killing with sword, famine, pestilence and the beast of the earth.

Now there have been many interpretations of these symbols the most common of course is that they stand for the false prophet, war, greed, and death and it is assumed that they are all things that shall appear in the “end times”. I however have come to see them a different way. I propose that they could represent a model of development that starts in the past, and highlights the things that might be common to an emerging sentient life form. In short it is a time line.

The white horse with his crown and bow represent the innocent beginnings of hominids. Blessed with his crown of intelligence and his ability to make complex tools like the bow. He then begins to have an edge on conquering his environment. With newfound abilities of hunting, shelter and controlling fire he is able to spread across continents and explode in population
Enter the red horse and his great weapon of intelligence. He may bring us a couple million years down the road to a place in our history where Homo erectus finds himself pitted against Homo sapiens in a battle for limited resources and the rights to further populate the world. This is the time when his survival instincts are first focused not on his environment but on his fellow man, that they should kill one another.

Eventually we are lead to the dawning of civilization where a black horse represents a dark turning point in human nature. With all of our needs being easily met over abundance changes our survival instincts to pure greed. We begin to covet the finer things in life and cheating and stealing grow in proportion to the have’s and have not’s that will stay with us for the rest of our journey.

As this new greed builds empires the pale horse of death along with his followers begin to evolve the art of war itself. Man soon finds the powers to destroy crops, spread disease, and domesticate large numbers of animals. All for the sake of expanding his empires and his own glory.

Oddly the fifth seal seems to fall out of context with the rest of the seals and trumpets. But its significance is important to describing these things as a time line because it seems to be the marker for were John is within this time line. When this seal is opened John is shown the souls of all those that have died in the past for the word of God and when they cry out to know when judgment will be delivered they are told to rest yet awhile longer until all that will parish in the future should be fulfilled. It seems to have no other relevance other than time.

The sixth seal I believe brings us to what might be the most significant thing man has done thus far! While he begins by describing something that bears an incredible resemblance to carpet bombing (stars falling like figs from a shaken tree, shaking the ground and filling the sky with smoke) He ends it with a mushroom cloud (splitting the sky like a scroll) moving mountains and inlands out of there places. Causing humans to hide within caves and inside the rocks of mountains. The dawning of the nuclear age surely must be a pivotal moment in the history of any planets sentient life.

The SEVENTH SEAL is divided into seven more parts (the seven trumpets). The first four again grouped together, all have an ecological theme. The burning up of grass and trees. The poisoning of both sea and fresh water and air pollution.
The last three called the three woes may contain more detailed predictions of an impending global political view. The first seems to imply an ideology that is akin to our modern day U.N. peace keeping policies. I.E. keeping sovereign nations at arms length, trying to establish peace without imposing any kind of internal rules for human rights or organizational polices. When that fails the second woe brings on an era of mandatory polices possibly leading to an established one-world order. (pardon the pun)
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34 reads and zero replys!
I've created the perfect undisputable post!
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34 reads and zero replys!
I've created the perfect undisputable post!

Nope, you've just created an unreadably long, badly spelt, badly laid-out post that no-one has bothered to read.
34 reads should better be translated as 34 glances and 34 immediate decisions not to waste time.
Break it down and you'll get replies (and from what I've seen, argument).
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Nope, you've just created an unreadably long, badly spelt, badly laid-out post that no-one has bothered to read.
34 reads should better be translated as 34 glances and 34 immediate decisions not to waste time.
Break it down and you'll get replies (and from what I've seen, argument).

LOL, yep, I just glanced. :D
Nope, you've just created an unreadably long, badly spelt, badly laid-out post that no-one has bothered to read.
34 reads should better be translated as 34 glances and 34 immediate decisions not to waste time.
Break it down and you'll get replies (and from what I've seen, argument).
Hey man a win is a win and it dont matter if the other team forfited
(dances around with trophy held high):xctd:
back after work
Hey man a win is a win and it dont matter if the other team forfited
(dances around with trophy held high):xctd:
back after work

Another example of delusion.

Next you'll invent a new physics that totally refutes Einstein but not let anyone see it - that way you can ask for your Nobel prize since you'll never get proven wrong.

NOBODY read it, so "the other team" didn't forfeit...
I should also point out that I firmly believe all life that has evolved on this planet has done so out of a preexisting pattern that is congruent through out this universe.
Pre-existing frtom what?
It came through the Big Bang?
And congruent with what?
And your belief is based on...?

That is to say that just like an apple seed can be said to have a predestined future to become an apple tree, so it is that this planet has a naturally occurring predestiny too do all of the things that it has done.
Based on what evidence?
You've got experience of "universe eggs" have you?

When I look at a road map of the United States I don’t see a scare on Gods green earth caused by humans, rather I see the planet wide development of a neural network. Capable of giving the planet a form of self-awareness. Within it is the capacity to understand, catalog and even manipulate all of its life sustaining systems, biology, geology and all the symbiotic relationships therein.
Really? What evidence do you have to state this?

While this may seem to be an over simplification of why we are here, it lends itself to the notion that all of the things we have experienced in history (stone age, iron age, industrial age, nuclear age, computer age) may very well be parts of a very recognizable pattern that occurs consistently through out the cosmos.
"May well be" is not supported by evidence, it's a supposition.
"Consistently throughout the universe"?
You KNOW this?

The challenge for the believer in this is to put aside any of the usual dogma
And accept yours?

These seals and trumpets take up all of chapters 6-11 and because I believe they encompass an entire overview of history from beginning to end, they are all that I will be dealing with in this exercise. The subsequent chapters I believe are more detailed examinations of the things that will come about within that overview.
Belief based on what?

The white horse with his crown and bow represent the innocent beginnings of hominids. Blessed with his crown of intelligence and his ability to make complex tools like the bow.... snip...
Enter the red horse and his great weapon of intelligence.
So TWO lots of intelligence then?

Oddly the fifth seal seems to fall out of context with the rest of the seals and trumpets.
Unless, of course, the entire thing is drivel...

The sixth seal I believe brings us to what might be the most significant thing man has done thus far! While he begins by describing something that bears an incredible resemblance to carpet bombing (stars falling like figs from a shaken tree, shaking the ground and filling the sky with smoke)
Woo-hoo you can take an old text and make it mean what you want it to. Brilliant!

Nice try.
Wally wally wally!!!

That's about what I can say from what I've read.... :D
Having read through the discussions on this board about questioning one’s religion I am inspired too throw in some of my own thoughts on the validity of religious prophesy.
I should first point out that I am a firm believer that the world is 4.5 billion years old and that evolution is a reality. I should also point out that I firmly believe all life that has evolved on this planet has done so out of a preexisting pattern that is congruent through out this universe. That is to say that just like an apple seed can be said to have a predestined future to become an apple tree, so it is that this planet has a naturally occurring predestiny too do all of the things that it has done.

When I look at a road map of the United States I don’t see a scare on Gods green earth caused by humans, rather I see the planet wide development of a neural network. Capable of giving the planet a form of self-awareness. Within it is the capacity to understand, catalog and even manipulate all of its life sustaining systems, biology, geology and all the symbiotic relationships therein. Uniquely sentient life gives the planet a chance for its life to escape the confines of its thin atmosphere and spread to other places within the solar system or even its galaxy. After all the one thing that can be said about life is its persistence to spread. While this may seem to be an over simplification of why we are here, it lends itself to the notion that all of the things we have experienced in history (stone age, iron age, industrial age, nuclear age, computer age) may very well be parts of a very recognizable pattern that occurs consistently through out the cosmos.

The challenge for the believer in this is to put aside any of the usual dogma of seven day creation or a 6000 year old world and acknowledge that science might be a reality. Like wise the challenge for the scientist is to put aside the dogma that religious text are bogus and lack any true relevance in defining the future. My approach to this is to lend credence to this ancient text by exposing what might be simple pattern recognition of the development of sentient life on this planet.

The book of Revelations is 22 chapters long and for those of you who don’t know, the first chapters are simply letters that John wrote to various churches in his part of the world (describing their faults). The real meat of the story actually starts in chapter 6 with John having been whisked away to a place were Jesus himself is about to reveal what you all know as the seven seals. The seventh of which is actually further divided into seven more parts known as the seven trumpets. These seals and trumpets take up all of chapters 6-11 and because I believe they encompass an entire overview of history from beginning to end, they are all that I will be dealing with in this exercise. The subsequent chapters I believe are more detailed examinations of the things that will come about within that overview.

We begin with the infamous four horsemen, which are reveled as the first four seals are broken on the scroll. The first is a white horse its rider has a crown and a bow and is sent forth conquering and to conquer, the second is a red horse its rider has a great sword and he goes forth taking peace from the earth that they should kill one another. The third is a black horse its rider has a set of scales and he sells wheat and barley but hordes the oil and wine. The fourth horse is a pale horse and his rider is called death. Him and his followers go forth killing with sword, famine, pestilence and the beast of the earth.

Now there have been many interpretations of these symbols the most common of course is that they stand for the false prophet, war, greed, and death and it is assumed that they are all things that shall appear in the “end times”. I however have come to see them a different way. I propose that they could represent a model of development that starts in the past, and highlights the things that might be common to an emerging sentient life form. In short it is a time line.

The white horse with his crown and bow represent the innocent beginnings of hominids. Blessed with his crown of intelligence and his ability to make complex tools like the bow. He then begins to have an edge on conquering his environment. With newfound abilities of hunting, shelter and controlling fire he is able to spread across continents and explode in population
Enter the red horse and his great weapon of intelligence. He may bring us a couple million years down the road to a place in our history where Homo erectus finds himself pitted against Homo sapiens in a battle for limited resources and the rights to further populate the world. This is the time when his survival instincts are first focused not on his environment but on his fellow man, that they should kill one another.

Eventually we are lead to the dawning of civilization where a black horse represents a dark turning point in human nature. With all of our needs being easily met over abundance changes our survival instincts to pure greed. We begin to covet the finer things in life and cheating and stealing grow in proportion to the have’s and have not’s that will stay with us for the rest of our journey.

As this new greed builds empires the pale horse of death along with his followers begin to evolve the art of war itself. Man soon finds the powers to destroy crops, spread disease, and domesticate large numbers of animals. All for the sake of expanding his empires and his own glory.

Oddly the fifth seal seems to fall out of context with the rest of the seals and trumpets. But its significance is important to describing these things as a time line because it seems to be the marker for were John is within this time line. When this seal is opened John is shown the souls of all those that have died in the past for the word of God and when they cry out to know when judgment will be delivered they are told to rest yet awhile longer until all that will parish in the future should be fulfilled. It seems to have no other relevance other than time.

The sixth seal I believe brings us to what might be the most significant thing man has done thus far! While he begins by describing something that bears an incredible resemblance to carpet bombing (stars falling like figs from a shaken tree, shaking the ground and filling the sky with smoke) He ends it with a mushroom cloud (splitting the sky like a scroll) moving mountains and inlands out of there places. Causing humans to hide within caves and inside the rocks of mountains. The dawning of the nuclear age surely must be a pivotal moment in the history of any planets sentient life.

The SEVENTH SEAL is divided into seven more parts (the seven trumpets). The first four again grouped together, all have an ecological theme. The burning up of grass and trees. The poisoning of both sea and fresh water and air pollution.
The last three called the three woes may contain more detailed predictions of an impending global political view. The first seems to imply an ideology that is akin to our modern day U.N. peace keeping policies. I.E. keeping sovereign nations at arms length, trying to establish peace without imposing any kind of internal rules for human rights or organizational polices. When that fails the second woe brings on an era of mandatory polices possibly leading to an established one-world order. (pardon the pun)

FYI long posts tend to get ignored!!
Oli how did you know about the new physics thing when I haven’t shown it to anyone? That just creeps me out. Anyway I have just analyzed your post and found that it contains three statements and thirteen questions. I’ll start with the statements.

The first one "”May well be” is not supported by evidence, it's a supposition.” This one has merit, I looked that word up and sure enough there is a lot of supposition in this post. The second two however “the entire thing is drivel...”and “Woo-hoo you can take an old text and make it mean what you want it to” While they do have some entertainment value they really only suggest that you might be a little closed minded and prejudge mental about this whole thing. The same could said for about ten of your thirteen questions.

Never the less I did like the “universe eggs” thing. Do you mind if I use that?

It seems you were having trouble with the concept of preexisting patterns in nature. Let me explain. It’s sort of like when your girlfriend gets knocked up. She can go down to the library and check out a lot of books that can actually tell her hundreds of things about the development of her baby long before she ever gives birth. She can do so because the process of childbirth and development is well documented. And while we don’t know if the child will grow up to be a hooker or a banker we can say it will likely grow to be an adult.

So you see preexisting patterns in nature are a part of our reality. That is why we can say that prehistoric man never had an Ipod. He was destined to follow a pattern. And it is therefore only logical for me to suppose that any other universal egg that produced intelligent life would do it in a very similar way. Rendering it as a somewhat predictable process.

By the way thanks for your advice on breaking up the post, my glances have already shot up to 74!
Oli how did you know about the new physics thing when I haven’t shown it to anyone?
I'm a genius, of course.

The second two however “the entire thing is drivel...”and “Woo-hoo you can take an old text and make it mean what you want it to” While they do have some entertainment value they really only suggest that you might be a little closed minded and prejudge mental about this whole thing. The same could said for about ten of your thirteen questions.
Because anything/ everything you said in the post is unsupported - hence at the moment it's a product purely of your own mind.
Im not prejudging, I'm wondering WHY we should accept it as presented since there is nothing to corroborate your take on it.
Suppose I took, say, Winnie-the-Pooh and ascribed a whole set of meaning to it, predicting the next fifty years of computer development...
WTF? Would be your first reaction... you'd want an explanation as to WHY I should think that, and why the comparison was valid.

Never the less I did like the “universe eggs” thing. Do you mind if I use that?
Be my guest, it won't be the first time a phrase of mine has been used.

It seems you were having trouble with the concept of preexisting patterns in nature... snip... So you see preexisting patterns in nature are a part of our reality. That is why we can say that prehistoric man never had an Ipod. He was destined to follow a pattern. And it is therefore only logical for me to suppose that any other universal egg that produced intelligent life would do it in a very similar way. Rendering it as a somewhat predictable process.
Hardly congruous processes - birth has happened many many times - the universe and rise of life once only (so far as we know).
You're taking a (so far as we KNOW) one-off process and assuming that it's a following consistent and predictable pattern.
An unconfirmed pattern.
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A wise man once said that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush... Even though the rise of life on a planet that led to intelligent beings has only happened once (as far as we know) it has indeed happened. This to my mind makes it the only tangible evidence with which to judge.

Without precedence, empirical evidence would not exist... For as far as I can see around me and as far as I can see into the past everything on this planet exist because of repeating patterns. Couple this with the fact that the laws of physics here are the same as they are out there in space and I can see no logical reason to think that life would evolve outside of the parameters that I can witness right here.

That’s not to say however that chaos isn’t a big part of it all, just that in the end it becomes a mute point. (i.e. when the forest burns down the forest grows back, and it doesn’t matter which tree goes where). Anyway that’s about the best I can do to “corroborate my take on this”

On a side note, I read in the rules for this department that I can’t say God doesn’t exist but would you consider it outrageous to claim that the nature of the universe is omnipotent?:itold:
A wise man once said that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush... Even though the rise of life on a planet that led to intelligent beings has only happened once (as far as we know) it has indeed happened. This to my mind makes it the only tangible evidence with which to judge.
And you can't extrapolate a trend from a single instance.

Without precedence, empirical evidence would not exist... For as far as I can see around me and as far as I can see into the past everything on this planet exist because of repeating patterns.
Patterns that you see or patterns that you've plotted?
The human mind is notorious for seeing patterns where none exist.

Couple this with the fact that the laws of physics here are the same as they are out there in space
So far as we know and can see (check out "becoming" - the laws of physics may not hold everywhere).

and I can see no logical reason to think that life would evolve outside of the parameters that I can witness right here.
So because you can't see why they should you autonatically assume that they DO, and base everything on that.

You still haven't explained why revelations is worth anything.
And you can't extrapolate a trend from a single instance.
Nor can you deny that one exists. Isn’t one still greater than zero?
Patterns that you see or patterns that you've plotted?
The human mind is notorious for seeing patterns where none exist
I’m pretty sure that a qualified anthropologist could in fact point out many well-studied and supported patterns concerning sentient life. Things like the development of tool making,
agriculture, language or animal domestication.Is this not what science really does? Finding the predictable patterns in our reality.
So because you can't see why they should'nt you automatically assume that they DO, and base everything on that.
Yes that is exactly the reason for my supposition. A mountain of circumstantial evidence verses no evidence to the contrary is a no brainer.
You still haven't explained why revelations is worth anything.
Ah yes there in lies the rub doesn’t it. Winnie the Pooh never claims to describe the evolution of computer science. And yes it would be ridiculous for you to try and make it do so. People are not fools. The texts that I have used in my threads do claim to be about the metaphors I have suggested they represent.

But even then people can smell a rat. When Saguist started his thread on Genisis and had gotten it wrong dozens of posters pummeled him for days. I submit that the silence that my threads have had to endure suggest the opposite.

I think there are a host of unspoken fears about possible implications if I am right about these matters. But I also think that they are totally unwarranted. I don’t see a theist having to give up anything sacred to acknowledge these possibilities. Nor do I see an atheist having to accept anything sacred about them.

So in the end I guess it doesn’t have to be worth anything to you or to those on the other extreme. But it does mean something to me
and other people who choose to stand in the middle. (looks around at a totally empty room):(
You completely misunderstand the underlying reason why atheists don't give credence to the bible. It's because of religion and it's own agenda which would be like a dog on a leash which has no interest and intention in going the same direction as you in the first place. For religionists to occasionally backfire with vague connections is not only moot but disingenous in motivation on their part as scientific integrity or inquiry is not respected or sought regarding thier beliefs.