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THE INVISIBLE ('What?') 1984 WAR:
A War of Perception

*An Impossible Chapter in the Unwritable Book

* Copyright © 1983, ‘88, ‘92, 2001 & 2006
by K. B. Robertson

(May be used for educational or recreational non commercial purposes, with due accreditation for authorship.)

The messages herein may not portend the company that you keep, yet it is the company that may keep you and others.

Audio-visual projection and assimilation of images and sounds from movie theater sound tracks and projectors, and then home stationed television receivers, is scientifically agreed as being tantamount to 'artificial experience.'

Film 'movies' with sound tracks, as conveyances of education, art and entertainment, entered the three and a half million year old human experience about a hundred years ago. Significantly began to influence 'the masses' from about 1920; thenceforth enjoyed a series of technological improvements that soon held the entire theater going nation - and world - under its audio-visually hypnotic spell.

Artificial experience at its initial advent and introduction to the public was, for the most part, intended as and taken for a 'novelty'; a tonic boon to innocent education, art and benevolent entertainment.

Enter the Latest & Most Refined Instrument
Of Domestic & Foreign Terrorism

For better and for worse, as any large public mind and behavior controller, 'movie' films were inspired by and designed for benevolently constructive reasons, which, unfortunately if inevitably soon included some perhaps innocent advertising of corporate state products, the practice of which evolved however haphazardly at first, into carefully contrived, malevolently destructive motivations and designs.

With the passage of time and the evolution of trans-global communications and diplomacy - especially influenced by the First World War and then World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, audio-visual experience leaned more heavily toward shaping political and social views and perspectives, that is to say, movies - and then television - increasingly included 'propaganda' - not an inherently destructive practice, depending on how its employed, by whom, for what reasons.

Many importantly traditional moral codes were challenged, modified, re-arranged, displaced and/or discarded altogether.
Reality was swiftly becoming something else, somewhere else, at some other time... Reality began to be increasingly 'dismissed', in and out of judiciary contexts, 'for lack of evidence'. Heroes and villains had not previously been so widely celebrated, cheered and jeered as they have become, in what this record calls the ‘electronicoliseum’.

Loving to hate has always salted the human experience, the condiments of what the cerebralists have taught as natural components of life & death. But unnatural when introduced in artificially projected quantities – souped-up repetitions of key themes - far beyond what the average individual experienced prior to the advent of massively distributed and otherwise publicly projected 'entertainment & advertising industry' presented programming.

Before artificial experience became an American and then a world educational-entertainment mainstay for better and worse, the average citizen of the average world state in the past few generations might directly witnesssignificant acts of violence, perhaps a dozen or so times in his or her lifetime - often less than that. There are exceptions to this proffered average (in consideration of people in certain parts of the world), but then, these are exceptions to the proposed rule of the world 'average'.

Times have swiftly changed, regarding the human perception of 'normality' - and certainly 'morality' - since what has become the qualified invasion of the American home, family and culture, by methodologically contrived, deviously motivated, television programming.

In 1977 and earlier it was responsibly determined that the average television viewer, from birth to age eighteen, has witnessed from 15,000 to 30,000 vividly depicted, replicated or documentary acts of extreme - wide spectrum -violence (including torture and rape of women, children and the elderly). It has since been scientifically determined that such artificial experiences in such abundance are profoundly destructive to the human psyche and consequently, society at large...

Subjecting the often issued question:
'Why is there so much violence on television?'
The standardized (TV GUIDE) answer is:
"That's what the public wants to see."

The correct answer is that 'the public' sees - watches: because it's there, because it's on television.
(You may not own or use TV at home. But the moment you step out your front door you're influenced by those who do. That is to say, the much touted 'freedom knob' that the cynic will remind - you can 'change stations or turn it off', is no 'escape from TV' at all...)

Moreover, it is unlikely that 'the (American) public' "wanted to see the Vietnam War". Yet, it was on television, daily, for hours, for a decade - overtly called, 'Vietnam: The Television War'. Who could argue the logic of a title like that on TV, focused upon that issue? Surely tens of millions of 'autonomous and free people' were voluntarily mesmerized by it, daily…
Served up with supper and the 6 O'Clock News. 1965 - 1975.

The association of violence with hunger, angst, sadomasochism, self indulgence, pathological narcissism and capricious greed, deliberately induced by corporate state sponsorships ('Burgers and chips! Cars and toy space ships! - To kill and die for!') didn't originate there, but certainly found its culminating place at table throughout the Vietnam War. No word went out from the broadcasting industry that it had abducted the national consciousness - sending its young men and women to fight a war in a foreign land and bringing television cameras with them - a compellingly unrefusable offer ('What you want to see')...

For decades the self defending entertainment industry with its corporate state sponsors aggressively broadcast the falsehood that violence on television does not cause (more) violence in reality. Concurrent with prodigious lies endlessly repeated, about Vietnam - what the war was about, why we were there and what was happening... Interspersed with five and ten second 'sound and video bytes' that have become and still continue as audio-visual and therefore cerebral 'icons' - TV and entertainment industry termed 'teasers' - featuring Janet Leigh under Anthony Perkin's butcher knife in the PSYCHO shower; on loop in the American frontal lobes…
The Exorcist, Dressed To Kill. Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Natural Born Killers, Just Shoot Me; enthusiastically tagged 'snuff' and 'splatter' movies: logarithmically squared. ('The Smash Hits Keep On Comin' - with a bullet!')

In the early '90's, in a series of congressional inquires, investigations and hearings broadcast on CNN, a phalanx of esteemed educators and scientists presented forensic and other scientific evidence in abundant quantities, finally and publicly establishing beyond a reasonable doubt that violence on television does in fact increase violence in reality. This was proved to be true of individually influenced persons as well as and especially of small groups and large crowds of persons - which is what a 'television audience' is, by definition. Hundreds of thousands, and often millions of individuals experiencing the same audio-visual input, with accompanying emotions: simultaneously, on a regular daily basis, for years and decades....

Issues of 'censorship' and 'free speech' are brought to the defense of the television entertainment industry and its sponsors:
Whereas, in the preamble to the Constitution of the United States, 'the insurance of domestic tranquility' is plainly stated. The promulgation of violence on a national scale - the public endangerment of cross section considered citizens - is in opposition to the cited constitutional preamble. Proving not to be an issue of censorship or free speech, but instead a solemn, peace disturbing issue of public safety - incumbent and impending public endangerment.
Not an issue of disallowing adults from watching whatever their choice of (legal) programming. An issue of keeping adult classified material off the public access airways and in the control of the adult audience it is legally and morally restricted to.

As the status quo prevails, Two Live Crew, for example, can be aired by any disc jockey in the nation, over public access airways (impacting children everywhere; even when they don't 'tune it in'), howling detailed lyrics about anally gang raping a woman and forcing her to lick the residual fecal material from the appendages of her assailants... Proponents say that this 'entertainment' and 'free speech' is 'protected and guaranteed by the U.S. constitution and the Bill Of Rights.' (The inevitably impacted children - and general populace - be damned.)

At the findings of the CNN broadcast congressional hearings, no restrictions were placed on sponsors or broadcasters - no responsibilities were placed on those institutions for controlling the content of their public access projected programming.

Instead, it was 'resolved' that 'parents and teachers are responsible for what their children and students see, hear and are influenced by, on public access television and radio.' Enter the 'ratings' system. General Audience. Parental Discretion advised. Restricted - to adults, and X ratings.
Of course it is not humanly possible for a parent or teacher to control what their child or student sees on television or hears on the radio, from birth to age eighteen.

That is to say, firstly the 'violence on TV' controversy was - vigorously and extensively - denied as having a negative influence on people in reality; then it was finally and reluctantly acknowledged that qualified and commonplace TV programming does in scientifically established fact, have a destructive influence on people - especially children and young people - in reality; whereupon the responsibility for controlling that destructive influence was unrealistically projected on parents and teachers.

Another victory was chalked up in the increasingly popular tactic of reversing responsibility, further punishing and Blaming the Victim(s). The lesson learned here was that congress (along with the FCC – Federal Communications Commission) compromised its duties to protect the public from proven serious endangerment, to placing responsibility for controlling that ubiquitously projected danger on the endangered public itself... Apparently congress was paid ('lobbied') off to abandon it's duties to the public, endangered and victimized by the intruding corporate state and the offending administrators of the quasi omnipotent entertainment and advertising/ sponsorship industries.

Television industry magnates and their sponsors are - for decades - fully aware of the psychology of violence and its influence on TV viewers. The human brain has a hierarchy of priorities that capture attention most readily - in reality, when threat of violence occurs near or is directed upon a person, that person's attention is riveted on that incoming stimulation. When a person is audio-visually taking in violence conveyed to them in two dimensions via television, that person's attention is riveted upon that incoming stimulation, just as it is in the three and more dimensional world of reality.

Capitalism and 'free enterprise' are frequently held to account for this usurpation of peace and tranquility in America; whereas the declination of moral standards and the deliberate propagation of fear, confusion and chaos for profit, mind and crowd control is the real cause of the (still denied) national epidemic of violence (domestic terrorism); still encouraged, promulgated, normalized and denied by the cited, rogue corporate state and entertainment industry perpetrators.
Webster's 20th CENTURY DICTIONARY: 'Terrorism':"...use of terror and violence to intimidate, subjugate, etc., especially as a political weapon or policy."
Terrorism is in military terms, the deliberate and methodological making of war against non combatant civilians, including women, children and the elderly.

Resource information's (Most recently, Caleb Carr's highly acclaimed Lessons of Terrorism) explain that terrorism in the form of deliberately targeting non-combatants became a standard military tactic early in the institution of organized warfare as a way of depriving combatants of the certainly necessary and inevitable infrastructural support of the populated nation or tribe from which the combatant enemy originated. Late examples include The U.S. Army's wars against the indigenous natives ('nits make lice') of North America, along with Sherman's March through Georgia; 'area bombing' (of civilians in heavily populated European and Asian cities) in World War II, and most recently and conspicuously, the 'pacification' (genocidal policy) practiced by the United States military in Vietnam ('the Phoenix Program', for example) - conducted with the same ruthless motivation (obliteration or incapacitation of the perceived enemy's infrastructure).

Saint Augustine is known for his failed effort to discourage or eliminate terrorist - anti civilian - tactics from warfare, by appealing to the 'religious conscience'. Augustine was moved - immediately after the sack of Rome in 410 AD, by barbarian Goths - to write his 'unjust war' dissenting treatise - highlighting alarming comparative discrepancies between 'the city (ways) of God' and 'the city (ways) of man'. Erasmus and Martin Luther likewise put forward similarly failed advisories, as did Sir John Fastolf in advising the King of England, in 1435, during a lull in the 100 Year War between England and France. Appeals to religious institutions for restraint were quickly lost in the - especially upper echelon Catholic - church's penchant for torturing and murdering masses of innocent people in the name of God, Jesus and/or the Blessed Virgin. Whereas Sir John Fastolf, a military man, began to cast a more erudite light on the dastardly subject when he impressed other military leaders that the tactic of terrorism was counterproductive to military interests; yet still the policy went on - and continues to the present day.

The events of 11 September 2001 were not exclusively accountable to foreigners attacking America.
It happened to be a terrorist event that could not be ignored or rationalized as 'normal'. The attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon did not occur in a political or social vacuum. Domestic elements in the United States had much earlier set the stage, not only in foreign countries terrorized by the United States, but in America itself, where American citizens have been terrorized by qualified elements of the corporate state, rogue military and police elements, for decades. Witnesses comparing what they saw in New York City on 11 September 2001, to 'a disaster movie' were understandably compelled to compare those artificially experienced events with what had now unfolded in reality. Already a spate of corresponding ('cathartic') 'sick jokes' are in circulation ('The New York Skyline looks cleaner now'.)

The U.S. military and Corporate State was doing elaborate business with the Taliban and many other mid-east, Irani, Iraqui and *Afghan leaderships (before the so called 'ending of the cold war'), when *they were at war with Russia, for eight years. There are many - publicly known - connections and influences at work joining the so called 'MidEast Terrorists' and (qualified, rogue) U.S. military and corporate state representatives. Convolute, classified secret connections and influences - that were not and are not revealed to the American people, lest they recognize an enemy within, also. Bearing in mind that the 'anthrax' vehicularized terrorism that gripped the nation, narrowly preceded the 911 attacks, and that the anthrax bio-strain that was employed and distributed has since then been traced to strategic, military and corporate state origins (laboratories) inside the United States. Disclaimers have since been circulated that the domestically generated anthrax was stolen and domestically employed by foreign enemies.

‘The Invisible 1984 Machine War’, was and remains among the major - tolerance threshold expanding - settings leading up to '911' - what many astute if stoic observers are already calling, 'the falling of the other shoe', and the 'chickens coming home'.

There is responsible dialogue - that this is not the beginning of major terrorist activities (as old as 'revenge' - greed, looting, rapine, sadomasochism and organized if unchivalrous military warfare), but rather a tragically dramatic reminder of a popularly re-emerging trend that is still apparently in it's early stages of 'reemergence' (never long absent from the extended historical view of warfare, since the advent of organized war and sociopolitical hegemony)...

Domestically originated terrorism in America re-emerged and flagrantly 'went public' with the assassination of John & Robert Kennedy (and the nation oppressing, constitution sacking intrigue and duplicity that still accompanies those dissolute issues alone; certainly including the murders of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X ): Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Oklahoma *Federal Building bombing. (*Occurred exactly two years, to the day and hour, after the Waco, Texas debacle; *resulting in the prosecution conviction and execution of one man: Timothy McVeigh.)

There were and are other modern day precedents, one in particular, still bountifully active, generally uncontroversied and deliriously unrestrained...

Observers from within presciently beheld this generally free and sovereign nation and its citizenry, with impatient, hungrily envious eyes...

Contrived a hi-tech boosted, brute force and destructive power intoxicated method of controlling the most number of people for the longest period of time...

If you can’t govern, administrate or elucidate: entertain. Grant priority to ‘violence as entertainment’. Refer, ‘Order through chaos’.
Since described in many persuasively engineered, characteristically euphemistic ways – including, 'a little innocent voyeurism'...
And now, this...
(A word - and historical documentary - about 'our wonderful sponsors, and all the marvelous people who <knowingly> support them'....)

>>>>> * * * * <<<<<

TV reconnaissance by satellite is no longer a new consideration in the American consciousness: Whereas, those hi-tech hardware and electronics were generally unknown and uncontroversial three and four decades past... When and where it all started, with Bell Telephone Laboratories successful 10 July 1962 launching of the satellite name-saked TELSTAR, and much of the rest of that story is only recently becoming known history. The '8's 'LandSat' satellite TV reconnaissance was obscurely known to the public as a boon to scientific observations of the earth's ocean and geological and other topological conditions. Little was said about the socio-political implications of the employment of such technology - information always having generally been much more valuable - and often more interesting - than mere money.

A spate of recent popular films features the employment of TV satellite reconnaissance as focused on specific places and individuals, but even these 'sneak previews' limit the satellite technology's ability to 'recon' only from an 'above' perspective.
ENEMY OF THE STATE, starring Gene Hackman brought that misinformation home strongly in the public's perception of the limitations of reconnaissance by satellite TV - in that film, the targeted individual had to be outdoors, and, in order to be identified, had to 'look up', in order for the satellite TV to I.D. the target.

Meanwhile, satellite improvised TV has been wherever radio waves have been (wherever you can tune in and listen to a conventional radio), since TELSTAR, 1962. Since then, having been vastly improved upon and much more commonly employed; 'gathering information' from many more locations - for reasons which span from scientific to the capriciously corrupt. Individual addresses of private residences are visually accessible via the internet, though, what isn't revealed is that it is known to classified elements, whether there's a cat on your couch - or, where the kittylitter box is located.

THE HOMELAND SECURITY, and PATRIOT ACT has very recently normalized the entire, previously 'incredible' (remarkably fickle) scenario... Wherein, since the World Trade Center catastrophe, anyone's telephone may be tapped, at any time, for any reason or lack of it, without a judge's order or due cause. Moreover, since 911, anyone may be placed on satellite TV, 24-7/365, without a judge's order or due cause.

Martial Law has not been announced but is de facto, functionally installed. This observation is in response to the question of what persons or institutions inside the United States might profit or otherwise be empowered by an event such as that of the World Trade Center disaster…

1984 happened - came and went - such a long time ago, after all, *'Where is Big Brother?' - TIME magazine -*issue 1/1/'84 - can't find him anywhere. (*‘George Orwell’s predictions are ridiculous’.)

"If Fascism ever dominates the United States, it will do so on a platform of Americanism". - Louisiana Governor Huey Long

<Why don't we do it in the road? No one will be watching us!'- The Beatles>)


As an idea, 'The Machine' was composed independently, about forty five years following the advent of the public radio broadcasting era (1914), by several inventive early electronics pioneers. Later, various owners, operators and caretakers called it 'The Invisible Machine'. Its original hardware prototype came together for the first time in 1959, under military contracted sponsorship of civilian scientists and individual technicians. These were commissioned by the military, to design prove and assemble components, the total functional assemblage of which no one of these unnamed machine component builders understood.

The Big idea behind the machine is:
Audio-visual access - TV reconnaissance - without
microphones or cameras; via radio microwaves.

Machine Theory is:
Any space in which a microwave transmitted radio signal can be placed (anywhere any conventional portable radio receiver is operational) is audio-visually accessible, via television implemented reconnaissance: without cameras or microphones.

The abilities and powers of The Invisible Machine are not to be confused with its fictional counterpart in George Orwell's 1984. In that novel, the Orwellian - "Big Brother is watching" - machine also looks over its subjects, but the viewed subject must be in the immediate presence - and in front of - that (Big Brother's) 2-way TV screen:
"The telescreen could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely. Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen. It was safer, though, as he well knew, even a back can be revealing." - George Orwell, 1984 , excerpt.

On the other hand, the only spaces The Invisible (‘What?’) Machine can't see into and place on television, are exclusively those spaces where a portable radio cannot receive radio signals, such as within a deep tunnel or canyon. Such visually inaccessible spaces are called ‘radio wave shadows’ - the only blind spots in the Invisible Machine's audio-visual, ever potential omniscience.
The Machine's camera is radio (micro) waves themselves. Anywhere a radio wave can be placed by a conventional transmitter, can be automatically wired for sight and sound, by The Machine's microwave radar transceiver. Any object - animal, mineral or vegetable - anywhere within the field of that radio wave transmission can be placed - targeted - on conventional TV, anywhere, from any distance and/or angle: at the will and convenience of The Machine's operators; under the influence and/or persuasion of their up-signaling subscriber ships - the self proclaimed (Orwellian ‘NewSpeaking’) PeerAmid Society - one of the many Orwellian NewSpeak coded names for itself, employed by the EYE society's inner circle.

As an information gathering system The Invisible Machine and its operator-subscriber’s comparatively make Big Brother's 2-way TV screen reconnaissance resemble a toy that George Orwell may have extracted from a box of CRACKERJACK ('The - Students Against Gravity <SAG> endorsed - candy with a toy inside'. Wink).

The subjected Machine transmits conventional microwave radio signals in the higher frequencies; thereby providing its operators with total audio-visual television access to all spaces immersed in that radio wave signal. The Invisible Machine utilizes standard RaDaR (Radio Detection and Ranging) technology; exactly as - for the past seventy years - it (radar) has been understood to exist and function - but with the innovational introduction of state-of-the art radio technology's microwave transmitters and receivers; attachable to any conventional TV receiver, cable accessed anywhere; via satellite reception (closed circuit cable).

A conventional radar contact (blip) is electronically and optically zoomed-in upon (dramatically magnified without loss of optical resolution), by way of the Machine's (auxiliary) ultra-dense radio microwaves. For the same reason a newspaper photo yields varying detail under magnification; in accordance with how large or small the dots constituting the wire-photo-transmitted pictures are...

In this comparison, the smaller and closer together (more dense) the picture's dots, the more detail (optical resolution) will appear under magnification. This same principle holds true as applied to the Invisible Machine's usage of micro radio waves (small dot) radar; as compared to conventionally limited (large dot) radio wave radar. The Machine also provides its own lighting; facilitated by the same radio waves (invisible artificial light) serving as its camera(s) and microphone(s).

The uninitiated often refuse to consider that such technology is even possible; asserting that, 'Technology isn't that far advanced', or, flatly proclaiming that 'It can't be done' (Television can't happen backwards, here).

The mesmerized, couch potato tuber worshipping audience has been watching pictures - with sound tracks - sent at light speed from transmitters, through thousands of miles of space, and reassembled in their living rooms, for the past fifty five years (long before satellite technology); the past 50+ years of which have been in living color. Meanwhile, radar technology is older than public TV, and micro-wave technology was new (that far advanced), 45+ years ago.

The phosphorescent green blip on a radar screen that represents contact with a Boeing 747 commercial aircraft can be zoomed in upon with ever smaller microwaves, until the resulting optical resolution allows the radar operators to read the on-board menu, and/or a letter or postcard being written or magazine being read by any of the on-board passengers.

Contrary to popular understandings of this relatively obscure - correspondingly neglected, high priority - issue, those who are aware of surface relay stations and satellite facilitated audio-visual reconnaissance via radio waves without cameras or microphones, still generally believe that satellite TV reconnaissance is only effected from an 'above' perspective, whereas, Radio-Radar microwave frequencies not only read the license plates on automobiles from above, but also routinely read driver's licenses inside the wallets the targeted drivers are sitting on. There is no angle or perspective limitation on the cited apparition at issue here. It is as versatile, omnipresent and unstoppable as attenuated microwave electromagnetism (bright light that you can't see; flooding even the darkest recesses, anywhere a microwave radio signal can be projected.).

There is nothing new about The Invisible Machine, except its public revelation; its own notably belated, apocalyptic appearance before a premiere open public, national / international (now, post 911 informed Actively Patriotic, Big Brother, Homeland Security loving) audience. Nothing new, but for its inner-Circle (voyeur pervert society) 'new language' -plagiarized NewSpeak and DoubleThink, from Orwell's 1984; exercised by its self proclaimed 'immaculate family' of operator-subscribers (basing much of what they do - including the practice of ‘NewSpeak’ - on George Orwell's book, 1984, and, in the alleged sanctuary of the Holy Bible, esp. REVELATION).

And, finally, what is most new of the Machine, is this publication describing it.

The original civilian designers and builders of this military sponsored hardware were commissioned by diplomatic representatives of the Pentagon. The Machine's first working proto-type was activated at its Pentagon birthplace, as its indulgent maiden voyage operators playfully toured the entire Pentagonal complex proper. Its first victim was a woman of course; followed into a Pentagon powder room. This was the first of the Machine's assaults; the amused inner circle agreed: She didn't feel a thing.
It would later be refined to see anyone it wished to see, naked (Under their clothes), anytime it suited the Machine operator’s fans, and their fancies.

The Machine thenceforth had a mind of its own - a criminal opportunity and motivation, via an unbeatable system. It was now - therefore - an itt (itt) - to distinguish itt from any other kind of it. In this way, itts corporate state affiliated operators and audience became THEM. THEY are THOSE who invented, deployed, subscribe to, socialize with and indulge in push-button assault - at and from a guaranteed safe; unaccountably anonymous distance; but that is only itts 'recreational' applications. Illegal access to and acquirement of classified and/or private information - industrial espionage, and socio-political extortion - took on a whole new method of watchful research: under ‘the invisible machine’s’ EYE in the sky. Information 'above all else'...

A movie star can not only survive X-rated pictures and/or movies of his/herself released to the public, stardom can actually be augmented and expedited with controversial publicity by such an exposure; whereas the same embarrassment imposed on a politician, or anyone with political ambitions, marks the limitations if not the end of that political career.
Therein resides the extortive formula for controlling any and all politicians of whatever rank or station - how the United States is conquered and controlled at the local, state and federal levels of government.

A matter of three months after itts advent, itts crew of high ranking scientists and military personnel celebrated the certainty of knowing the Russians didn't have anything like itt, because the Machine's first ninety day mission was the combing of all the academies, scientific institutions and military installations back in the USSR, searching for anyone (else) doing the same thing they were doing.

No. There were no RFRTs (Radio Frequency Radar Televisions) in Russia. Not in November, 1959, anyway. From that moment on, all the most top secret news in any Russian institution of informational importance was no less the same top secret (restricted access) news in the Pentagonal inner-circle: unlimited blackmail and extortion potential - privacy, only humanly being a biological imperative.

Meanwhile, in a more solemn vein, certain kinds of classified military, civilian and socio-political information is more valuable than money, and often directly relates to issues of public safety, personal privacy and of course, national security.

The alternative entertainment and voyeuristic exploitation power of the cited information gathering miracle here, is the Machine's ability to see anyone, any time itt wishes to see them, putting his or her pants on, one leg at a time.

Exclusive V.I.P. television subscribers never cease to be fascinated by the personal revelations of their Machine and itts codified non stop Hollywood movie show candid camera. Yes, anybody, anywhere, at any time. Nude! Nude! - Totally nude. Compromised positions and situations of every exciting, satisfactorily disgusting and otherwise continuously entertaining, inner-circle subscribing description.

Exactly when, where and why The Machine was predisposed between 1959 and 1961 is unknown to this record, but itts highly classified military deployment surfaced as early as 1961, in what was then called French Indochina/Vietnam. In those days the Invisible Machine operators called itt 'the VC Finder' - the Vietcong Finder.

Word is, the Machine could find anyone, including all of our very own scattered remains - be they only wafts of crimson mist in the wind; as well as spinning dog tags and chains dangling from the triple canopy trees... The Machine was there, ‘helping to win’ - ‘seeking an honorable end’ to - the war in Vietnam.

A Continental Misunderstanding, continued:

In conjunction with the American involvement in Vietnam (‘the television war'), the Machine as a package, began to be mass produced. The early package included varying powered transmitters and relays, with corresponding ranges and black box receivers, attachable to any conventional TV set. Later, early ‘60's packages were collectively served by a single reflecting amplifier satellite in stationary orbit; making obsolete, formerly employed high powered relay (long range, ground based) transmitters - all of this International Business and free enterprise under exclusive military contract.
'For classified secret military use, only against enemies of the U.S.; outside the inter-continental limits of the U.S.'

The Invisible Machine nullifies any semblance of citizen sanctuary and privacy, in and out of the domestic domicile.

The public is told of Watergate icebergs, spy satellites, listening and reconnoitering devises; this or that electronic and/or microwave probe, and sideways-looking radar. The public is not told what these terms actually mean; neither, to what devises and deployments some of these publicly aired technical references actually refer; nor with what socio-political consequences.

Least of all has the American public been informed that the Machine (The VC Finder) is capriciously deployed all over the United States - especially California - since at least 1964.

Military cryptological radio frequency reflection satellites, attenuated to ongoing ground based VC Finder access frequencies, attached to any civilian computer bank with a radar dish on the roof. When is the last time "you can't televise backwards" saw a radar dish on a roof somewhere?
Well? Right there, is how and where itt could happen here, backwards - right under and up your nose. Any reconnaissance vector mode, including from the bottom of your commode.
Total audio-visual living color television access to any space upon and/or above the surface of the earth; anywhere a portable radio can receive conventional radio signals. Si. Good Morning Vietnam.

All of this is so apparently Felliniesque and not so apparently the ongoing techno-socio phenomenological status quo, we are implored to further consider some more familiar, introductory information and manners of speaking of itt. As itt continues, like the controversial 500 pound canary, to fly and perch and sleep and poop wherever and upon whomever itt pleases...
Prevailing unrecognized within the regular every day oceans of invisible, man-made light upon the Orwellian NewSpeaking, DoubleThink plagiarized seen. Omni-directionally emitted from radio transmission towers and immersing to brightly flood-light every cubic centimeter of day or night, lightened or darkened, cloud or fog obscured city, suburban or pastoral country space.

Radio waves, transmitted at light speed. Invisible 24 hour per day illumination in all directions as far as the unaided eye can and cannot see - into the surrounding environment containing all of the people, flora, fauna and other fancy stuff beneath their codified, orbitally flying eye. Surveillancing and occupying all of the urban and pastoral locations in all of the land and air spaces, all over this swinging, my country ‘tis of thee I sing... From see to shining, (codified) see. Coaster to coaster - camera obscura - wiring. Si si. They also sacrilegiously codify itt as the Vatican holy see. Hee hee.

Watergate is so often daringly referred to by commentators as 'the tip of the iceberg.' One can only marvelously wonder (Through a glass, darkly?) at the chillingly cubicle thought of the (elusively tinkling) rest of it...

Watergate. Iceberg. The Watergate iceberg largely entailed the electronic bugging of the White House Oval Office. It had been done before, by Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy. But never before had any other president occasioned to produce - and then boldly release - such hotly misspoken, expletively deleted copy. How perfectly clear EYE makes itt.
Any iceberg, it is common knowledge, finds buoyancy (suspensory displacement) with about 90% of its mass beneath the surface of its supporting (water) medium. Ergo, that part of Watergate revealed to and known by the public, constituting everything above the controversial Watergate iceberg's waterline. The remainder of the presidential office scandal of the century therefore remaining immersed, beneath the surface of public awareness. Invisible. Unrecognized. Socially ‘all-knowing.’

Before & After 9/11/01 & The Patriot Act, in Public Perspective:
"It's impossible. It can't be done. I don't believe it. It may be possible. It could be done. It has been done. It's happening now. It's been happening for a long time. EYE knew it all along..." continued.

Their 'sniffing satellite nose has got a code'... THE POLICE know - 'Every move you make! Every breath you take Every smile you fake! EYE'll be watching you!' - The (Thought) Police (starring ‘Sting’), from the 1984 released, ‘Big Brother is Watching You’ album.

Smug. Pushy. Routinely snatching unreachable stars off the street, at random; mostly determined by physical appearance, and putting them in the movies. And all Dear Reader need do is act naturally. Do you get the picture? The (self proclaimed 'elite') subscriber-ship does. The Invisible Machine and entertainment industry sponsored war upon the amusing seen - they are fond of musing among themselves, in their inner-circle language coded, Orwell plagiarized, language-slaying NewSpeak. It gets - and goes - orbits - round and around.

Dear reader may recall Nixon's personal secretary, Rosemary Woods, just before her boss - under court order - released an enormous quantity of tapes to the Watergate Committee.
In the middle of that voluminous tape release was a much-controversied erasure of 18 & 1/2 minutes duration; which Rosemary Woods has accounted for as:
'An accidental erasure with a foot operated treadle devise.'
- TIME magazine, paraphrased.

Merely an accidental erasure on the part of the presidential secretary, while expeditiously reviewing the tapes for release, transcription and distribution. Every expert who has since studied the legendary 18 & 1/2 minute gap in the Watergate tapes has agreed that It is a recording of ‘eighteen and one half minutes of sixty cycle hum, probably from the high intensity lamp the presidential secretary used on her desk.’
- TIME magazine, paraphrased.

Inner-circle word is, that the extracted material at issue here, was the subjection of the information gathering miracle described in this ('incredible', 'crackpot') report.

Contrary to the popular ongoing perception of the besieged Nixon office & administration, that ex officio executorship did not exist at the topmost apex pinnacle of the 'Watergate iceberg'; but rather, on the bottom of that same, so called iceberg - buried beneath the 90% portion that very few people see, glimpse or imagine. The Invisible Machine. The flip side of the 'tip of the' Watergate 'iceberg': the entire orbiting, expletive-deleted, radar contaminated pile...
(' Well it's not my fight! And EYE'm not your
captain! But EYE'm a radioactive!' )

FROM HERE TO SERENDIPITY, in 18 & 1/2 minutes flat.
Eighteen and one half minutes. About the time it takes to read Part I of this (um) fiction story. No big shakes - military industrial bourgeois V.I.P. cable TV. H.B.O. SHOWTIME. From BONANZA through THE BIG VALLEY and on to THE HIGH CHAPARRAL. From New York to Hollywood. From the beaches of San Clemente and the off-shore anchored Bebe Reboso yacht pennants, to the foothills of Reagan's home based Santa Barbara. $100,000.00 per subscribing American living room. TO HELL AND BACK, with the rite connections.

From Here To Serendipity, unchained
Complete information system. Peerless intelligence gathering. Information War starter and ender. Reconnaissance epitome. Extortionist black mailer's heaven. The advanced hobbyist's (formerly couch potato's) silver solder of FORTUNE magazine-subscribing recreation. EDGE OF NIGHT cutting through AS THE WORLD TURNS. The very Jones the entire, ambient neighborhood is desperately trying to keep up with (In color!).

‘You're so vain! EYE bet you think this song is about you! Don't you?’ (‘There’s that crazy person that thinks they’re on TV all the time.’)
The personal computer, satellite anchored solution, with revolving monitor. Reel to reel re-runs. A second opinion. Automatic updating. Itt's the hitherto unavailable, corporate state sponsored personal education and entertainment solution. The publicly thrown up, incandescently seasoned, entire Watergate Enchilada. Rite of the Valkyries (APOCALYPSE squared) under your up-signaled nose.

The military industrial, corporate state sponsored - Allen Parson projected – EYE ROBOT in the sky. The rogue CIA, Servicing a new genre of radio stations that look over and sometimes even talk back to itts listening audience; aptly and routinely described by a popular San Francisco radio station as, 'KFOG, in the air, everywhere.' Disc jockeys, celebrities and a high percentage of FCC license holders of every social rank, caste, public and private broadcasting plumage; including the L.A. and N.Y.C. entertainment industry's radio and television personalities, as they queue RADAR LOVE and DEATH FROM ABOVE. A gentler, kinder nation...

Read Mein Lippy Sound Bytes, continued:
"The purpose of NewSpeak is to make other modes of thought impossible. Its a beautiful thing, the destruction of words. DoubleThink they call it. As in War is peace, and Hate is love." - George Orwell, 1984

The definition for doublethink is: "Two - mutually conflicting - parallel lines, to infinity." To double-Think-Newspeak is to deliberately or inadvertently manufacture false, confusion-generating dilemmas, i.e., ‘crazy making’.
"Peace is hell, for the unemployed veteran." - The National Advertising Council.

If you enjoyed the (visible) Watergate Follies - you're gonna love the rest of it (under the tip of the titanic iceberg). Here's some familiar old fashioned cultural folklore, updated and translated to innerCircle NewSpeak, rite now:
"EYE'll be seeing you, in all the old familiar places. With all the old familiar faces. Eye'll be seeing you!"

The morally founding fodder's of the VC Finder, quickly developed a codified language of their own. Itt ís called the electric blanket. Itt's victims are termed 'electric blanket parties.' Itt is also referenced as the 'telephone, and the 'mirror'. In reference to itts orbital reflecting satellite IT&T is called 'the phone booth, the light, the eye, the boss, the flashlight, the dance floor (under the spot-light), and the (social) circus.'
People subjected to VC Finder surveillance (blanket parties) are also called 'hotels' or 'houses.' This or that victim is a hotel or house, because the subscriber ship audio-visually stays with (sits or stands beside) and lives with that person (inside & out).
"Have you ever been experienced? Well EYE have."
A traveling victim (host) is also referenced as a 'bus', or 'car', because subscribers all travel with /inside that person.
'EYE will follow you. Wherever you may go. Eye'll be right by your side.'

'Livin' it up at the hotel California! You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!'

All targeted victims are said to be made to ‘wear earphones', because their very ear-drums are easily monitored and amplified, as the targets own hearing experiences become those also of the electronically tuned in subscriber ship.

The length of time a victim is reconnoitered by the subscriber ship is called a ‘night’, because their televised (‘inmate/ prisoner’) victims are ‘kept in the dark’ with regard to their unwelcome, errant, U.S. constitution-sacking TV audience. In the cases of some particularly attractive women, a VC Finder night, may go on for weeks, months or years...
'EYE bless the day EYE found you! Now and forever, let it be me. Each time we meet, love. EYE find complete love. Without your true love, where would EYE be?'

A Million Points of Light
Randomly selected people are beamed up into a moveable STAR TREK (‘Start-Wreck’) set; inescapable and continuous television reconnaissance. Ruthless, subversive, New Age imprisonment. Itt is often codified as 'prison, jail, the corner, the frame, the jungle (as though to ‘naturalize' its consummately perverse, unnatural methods and motivations.

‘The Jungle’ is also a novel by Upton Sinclair - author of a book, written in anger, about the socio-moral injustices of the meat packing industry) and the fall ' - referencing not only the victim's demise, but also a clever reminder that any satellite's orbit is sustained by its perpetually free-falling, literally around the world. Hence, the subscribership's elitist codified humor often complaisantly embraces universal gravitation (When EYE fell for you), and flight itself (Watch the birdie!).

The indulgent audience was transfixed with what was happening to selected ‘targets’; apparently without a thought to what their role as passive observers (‘practicing a little innocent voyeurism’) was doing to themselves: in this way fulfilling the objective of the programming originators – devisively controlling the most number of people, for the longest period of time; cultivating an invasionary, intrusive appetite for destruction. Imposing order through chaos, while expanding 'tolerance thresholds'.

The ‘Amusing’ Conquest of Human Dignity,
Friendly Fascism, continued:

All derogatory names for women are applied to male victims; conversely applied to female victims. This is called 'turning them upside down.' Victims are frequently referenced as every kind of oriental (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, etceteras) - all under the general, 'slant eyed, slope headed' category of 'gooks'; because Asian languages are written and read upside down and backwards, relative to English, and because, relative to the North American continent, all of Asia with its people is upside down.
Many words have ‘koded’, inner-circle meaning to the close-knit bond of secret subscribers.
Such codification is not only the dehumanizing, necrophile objectivisation of thereby divided, compromised and conquered people as policy, it is also important to the versatility and conversationally self indulgent Orwellian NewSpeaking subscribership.

There are many innerCircle developed reasons for all the apparently absurd rules and usage's of their code (1984 plagiarized ‘DoubleThink’) language - to nurture and encourage the subscribership to feel a guilt free, conscienceless sense of superiority, nurtured on invasive, intrusive, Fascist inspired mind-sets.

The PeerAmid-Society language aids in identifying itself to its membership, while further concealing itself from the uninitiated. Their 'new language' also includes a numbers (numerology) code, which keeps the subscribers counting out the letters of variously coded phrases and words.
Preoccupation with counting engages the NEWSPEAKING subscribership's left-hand cerebral hemisphere - the part of the human brain that accommodates numbers and straight lines; thereby displacing and counting out the right hand cerebral (female, intuitively artistic) brain, through deliberately calculated usage's of words and phrases of 11, 13 and 22 letters - codifically applied to describe a given target (‘the human toy’ = 11 letters, for example; any written material is chock full of words and phrases of 11, 13 and 22 letters, which keeps them counting; where everything fits. Re. ‘psychomolecular restructuring, operant conditioning, neurolinguistic programming – brainwashing’, by any other name).
Misogyny (woman hating) is a primary ingredient throughout the practiced kode.
'She was only a farmer's daughter! But for a moment there! She was the idol of the whole damned band! '/ 'Raven hair! Ruby lips! Sparks fly from her fingertips! Evil woman! See how high she fly EYE EYEs!'
(Flight, in this context, is an entendre doble, referencing the subscriber ship’s satellite access to the subjected victim.)

Woman-hating is policy, along with verbally practiced racism and every other form of denigrating the value of human life. Meanwhile, the fastest growing violent crime in the U.S. is the physical abuse of women, by men. Every kind of child abuse, and abuse of the elderly is a close second. This is a functional indictment for socialized, ‘politically correct’ Nazism as dominant paradigm. Half of this nationally problematical epidemic of violent language and active crime, is its commonplace denial.

“The crime rate is actually going down’. ‘There is no “they”, etc. The individual or group is ‘grid-locked’’ from correcting a problem that they refuse to acknowledge. Real problems, when denied, characteristically get worse. The normalized denial continues. squared.

Divide & Conquer, continued:
Another code word for itts membership subscription is 'the farm'; upon which itts victims are cows, yielding milk and/or hamburgers.
They ride their victims ('In the desert onna horse with no name') with their saddle light; hence, victims are favoritely codified as being out west, a western movie, featuring Beasts Of Burden (B.O.B.s) and every kind of dog. Itts prey is under the light; subject-victims are said to be 'on the beach, sunburned, down south, on the desert and in New Orleans, at *Mardi Gras' (*Fat Twos-day - where the celebrators are masked, unaccountable). Overtly naked victims are mirthfully termed bears; clothed victims (quite anyone at all) are naked under their clothing; often called 'chickens' and/or 'fried chickens,' "EYE can eat more chicken than any man you ever seen! Yay! Yay! " - Mick Jagger

An elaborate, Lewis Carrolesque, Alice In Wonderland numerologized, crazymaking retreat into Orwellian NewSpeak. The Final Nod. The recreationally socialized conquest of reason itself; as subscribers acquire and maintain the crazy making distribution of confusion and fear (creating a market for security) and then selling false, unfulfilling psychological and/or physical *security - *what Americans spend more money on than anything else; endlessly...
What the subscriber ship does. And who they do it for. The former sales credo, 'Find a need and fill it', is transmutated by them to, 'Find a security and kill it.' They - the petroleum industry and world hard drug cartel - the people who tell the media what and when to mediate, and not to mediate - have passed the word that 'Life got tougher' - and cheaper - 'and EXEDRIN (for example) got stronger (and more expensive).’

The key to brainwashing is repetition. As in Orwell's '84, all the citizen need do is not hear, see, know or understand what she or he formerly understood, knew, saw and heard.

Note the prevailing advertising technique of deliberately associating hunger and food, with violence - a favorite corporate state advertising policy. 'The hamburger wars'. ('Make 7! UP yours!'. - a hard core anal rape soft drink commercial.) Had this been an actual Emergency Broadcast System sounding PIZZA HUT commercial; naturally, most listeners would have been instructed 2 tune in 2 obedient, Pavlovian salivating hamburger hunger in the same, normalizing (A-1 SAUCE bite counting) flash. Just Put your throat on N'ICE! & slam it down fast!, for JeSuS and B.B. Drink SLICE, CRUSH, and JOLT.
And won more thing: "Don't ask who killed the Kennedy's, when after all U nose itt was U and me! (on loop) Mean it! Get down!" (Pass it on)
If you believe that, yer won of them. Sympathy For The Devilishly popular, ongoing cult. "Tell me, baby! What's mein aim?"

The deliberate manufacture of public fear, chaos & mayhem. The publicly unidentified, functionally prevailing war against the American people, by the rogue - korporate state owned and operated - corruptly compromised elements of the rogue American, local, state and federal government, the best government that the criminal elements of korporate state can buy.

The Crazy M'aching Industry, continued
On the other hand, people in general harmony with each other consume much less than those maintained in a constant state of confusion and fear. This is in response to any question such as, ‘What do they have to gain by this?’ The answer is, a higher gross national product.

(A boon to butcher knife proof shower curtain salesmen, t'aching AIM <toothpaste> in your child's mouth / for-women-only trousers called BEND-OVERS, 'The Battle Of The Sexes' (A word-war battle, started, won and lost - by the women <‘are more violent than men’> - in five words).

Explosive food products that take aim upon and go off, on network television, in your mouth. Where itt's perfectly natural for an Olympic gymnast champion to do a tampon commercial on network TV - gymnastic tampon commercialized flash dance galorex.

By far, the most widely read printed material in the US is TV GUIDE. "EYE don't watch much TV."
Eight and one half hours per household day average. Draw your own conclusions, whether itt's constructive or destructive for the average 18 year old to have ear and eye - audio-visually - witnessed between 15,000 and 30,000 vivid depiction's of murder and rape, before they graduate from high school. Does this make he or she more - or less - tolerant of (or prone to practice) violence in reality?

TV GUIDE (the most widely read printed material in the United States) says itt’s cathartically good for U. Until a few decades ago, such artificial experience was unprecedented in 3 & 1/2 million years of human evolution. One had to be in the same space and time as the occurrence of a given event, in order to experience that event...
At the turn of the 19th century, ‘movies’ were much less violent and did not go on 24 hours a day in the American living room.
Now: all carried in the normalizing vehicle of network, public access TV ('FCC guarded programming' - keeping the people hot and the cool media sales booming).
Their codified money g’listens in the all-seeing eye at the top of the PeerAmid, on the greenback side of any American one dollar bill.
Itt's own language, art, humor, numerical and unbeatable monetary systems.
Reconnoitered satellite targets are also called every kind of bird; the talking subject is a 'song-bird, astronaut, radio station or TV / radio broadcaster'; where the victim is airily referred to as a 'talk show host.'
"EYE am a d.j.! EYE am what EYE play!"

The Invisible Machine - the electroMechanical apparition that makes the visible Watergate scandal more reminiscent of a TUPPERWARE party: the personal computer solution, evocative of George Orwell's 1984; looking more like IBM, IT&T and Bell Tel's 1964 - that makes International Business look like show business. The toughest business in the world. Their comedians are toughest of all...
"Livin' it up at the Hotel California! Such a lovely place! Fulfill all your dreams! You can check out anytime you like! But you can never leave!" - Paraphrased, THE EAGLES (‘EYE fly high’).

Question: 'How do you tell anyone about a thing like this?'
Answer: 'That's easy. Just tell 'em the truth.'
Resolution: 'Oh. I see. You're gonna write fiction.'
The above dialogue unfolds between Glenda Jackson and Walter Matthau, talking company (C.I.A.) shop; in the film, HOPSCOTCH; wherein resides - its advertisements promise...
'The most dangerous man in the world! He's about to expose the FBI, the KGB, the CIA and himself!

There is no better introduction than the above referenced only-a-movie, for the above and following only-lines-on-paper. There is nothing more powerfully overwhelmed than a renowned big business idea, whose time is out: smugly orbiting an uncomprehending world for the last time. I hope you don't mind if EYE gets put out, for putting downtown the Jabberwocky manufacturing word.

A Historical Review Follows: Of The Noble And Innocent Evolution Of Communications Science And How It Finally Came To Be Subverted From Granting Freedom And Education, Into An Insidious Instrument Of Anti-Education, Orwellian NEWSPEAK and DOUBLETHINK, Social Oppression And Destruction.
How Technology In The Below Cited Case Was Transformed From Constructive Power, To Destructive Power. And The Treacherous Reasons Why.

(The following information is excerpted from a pamphlet distributed by Pacific Gas & Electric, in 1981.)
Benjamin Franklin set out to discover that natural lightning was the same stuff as electricity in his famous kite and wire experiment.
Later, Michael Faraday devised the first machine to make electricity from mechanical energy. It wasn't very efficient, but it worked.

Heinrich Hertz found a way to create the disturbances studied by James Clerk Maxwell, and showed they behaved in the same way as light! It was the beginning of wireless radio.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the first electric diaphragm activated - wire conducted - telephone.

Thomas Edison is best remembered for his invention of the electric light bulb, but just as great was his phonograph for sound recording and playback... Forerunner of today's hi-fi stereo systems.

In 1837, at the age of 44, Samuel Morse, a portrait artist, built the first practical telegraph sounder. The first telegram, 'What hath God wrought?', was sent from Baltimore in 1844. Mr. Morse was of course, the inventor also, of Morse code, which made the telegraph messages decipherable. The first transcontinental message was sent from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. Thenceforth, the young telegraph system got its baptism of fire during the U. S. Civil War, which began in 1861.

On December 12, 1901, Guglielmo Marconi sent the first trans-Atlantic wireless message from England to St. Johns, Newfoundland. It marked the beginning of long range radio communication.

Soon, even better radio sets were made. U.S. Army Major Edwin Armstrong developed the superheterodyne receiver during World War I. It gave the U.S. and its allies a great advantage. He also developed FM (frequency modulated) radio during the late 1930’s.

Other fields of electronics began to develop also. In 1933 Karl Jansky announced the discovery of radio waves from outer space! The beginning of radio astronomy. That's why U.S. engineers eventually discovered a way to fly a space-ship from orbit to an earth landing.

Mobile - satellite receiving and transmitting - ground stations sending and receiving electronic signals to and from satellites above the earth let us see worldwide events like the Olympic Games on color TV, as well as news and cultural programs.

By 1939, electronics was a very active business and industrial field. There were even some small commercial TV sets in production. First employed in New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles.

Now, families in the U.S. can enjoy, in their own homes, satellite relayed programs from around the world, via rooftop dish antennae and special terminals attached to TV sets. It ushers in a new era of news and cultural communications between peoples of the world. Leading perhaps, to a better (or worse) understanding.

Rapid communications has made neighbors of the people of the world, and Alexander Graham Bell's telephone has played a major role.

(Interestingly, when Bell's telephone was first announced to the public, people were not particularly impressed. No practical use was foreseen for it. What this demonstrates is that people didn't have any experience with instant communications. A person either traveled to wherever and whomever they wished to talk to, or wrote a letter. This public 'blind spot' about the advent of the telephone, is comparable to the public underestimation of satellite vehicularized TV intervention on their privacy.)

Soon, many telephones will have a picture phone so you can see the person you're talking to. Yes, our country must continue to explore... To discover... To invent... To pave the way for future generations. This means many exciting opportunities for young science explorers! Would you like a career in science?

Remember! Only a few of the discoveries made by the United States are subjected here. The U.S. is a nation which only 205 years ago was what we call today a developing nation. The future is even brighter... If we continue to explore, to discover, to invent... If we continue to use an opportunity born in FREEDOM!

The story you have just read began countless centuries ago because our ancestors had a natural curiosity about things. Each generation explored, observed, discovered, invented and passed along to the next generation their contribution to the body of knowledge we call SCIENCE (Hi Tech)... And to a better way of life we call FREEDOM!

End of 1981 released PG & E pamphlet.

“When you tell the truth, be sure you have one foot in the stirrup.” - An old Mongolian proverb

"We were keeping our eye on 1984. When the year came and the prophecy didn’t, thoughtful Americans sang softly in praise of themselves. The roots of liberal democracy had held. Wherever else the terror had happened, we, at least, had not been visited by Orwellian nightmares.”

"But we had forgotten that alongside Orwell's dark vision, there was another, slightly older, slightly less well known, equally chilling: Aldous Huxley's BRAVE NEW WORLD.

"Contrary to common belief even among the educated, Huxley and Orwell did not prophesy the same thing. Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an eternally imposed oppression. But in Huxley's vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.

"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books.

What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one (The most - by far - widely read printed material in the U.S. is TV GUIDE. Draw your own autonomously channel-changing and freely choosing conclusions. All those corporate state controlled channels. All those corporate state selected choices).

"Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information.

Huxley feared those who would give us so much (trivial, vain, useless, and/or destructively influential information) that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism.

"Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley, that truth would be drowned in a sea of (’feel good meal’, violence drenched) irrelevance.

"Orwell feared that we would become a captive culture.

Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy.

"As Huxley remarked in BRAVE NEW WORLD REVISITED, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny failed to take into account man ís almost infinite appetite for distractions .”

(THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT. Show business. The NATURAL BORN KILLERS-creating corporate state designed and commercially sponsored conquest of the United States, in THE INVISIBLE <What?> WAR. A - JUST SHOOT ME - Entertainment Industry spear-headed War Of Perception...).

"In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In BRAVE NEW WORLD, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure (at someone else's randomly determined, painful expense: the mass production of victims; the practiced art forms of creating victims for empowerment of self and others, while simultaneously denying and/or blaming the targeted victims - who are systematically converted into Fascist ‘feel good’ fodder).

"In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us (Nation of the 2 dimensional TV and video cultivated, 2 second attention span. Then projected on and in 3 and more dimensional reality and people, as though reality and people are 2 dimensional )."
- Niel Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

(parentheses denote additions by K.B. Robertson, aka, Kaidu, etceteras.)
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