Turning back the clock

Notice that they will teach the Theory of Evolution and the Hypothesis of Intelligent Design.

On this site: http://wine1.sb.fsu.edu/chm1045/notes/Intro/Theory/Theory.htm they compare theories versus hypotheses. A theory is an explanation of how something works with considerable facts to support it. A hypothesis is an explanation of how something works little or no facts supporting it. They use "the moon is made of cheese" as an example a hypothesis.

On that simplistic definition of hypothesis what then is the difference between a religious belief, a hypothesis, and simple speculation?

I believe that for science a hypothesis is usually considered valid if it falsifiable. The idea of ID does not conform to that requirement.

It is interesting to note that Newton's laws do not qualify as "scientific law", under the definition in the proposed bill.

Is Newton's laws are not scientific laws, I wonder what is.