tsunami crop circle

Jolly Rodger

About a month ago this strange, crop circle was found in a suburb of Sydney, Australia, It is a picture of a person holding money next to a wave crashing down on a headstone. I am not sure of what the message can be, maybe something to do with the tsunami although can't work out what?
This is the photo
Any Idea?
I'll take a stab at it:

First off, the wave is far smaller than the human figure. I think this is supposed to represent our efforts to try to reduce this horrible catastrophe to a level that we can attempt to comprehend. It could also represent distance: that we are so far removed from the suffering that, again, we can't really absorb how terrible it is.

The human figure is also drawn in a cartoonish fashion. This could portray our efforts as laughable and not really making any difference, or that we are incapable of seeing the real world.

Finally, there's the tombstone. This could show that our attention is on the dead, but not on the suffering of the living.

Conclusion: it's an interesting way to make a statement, but I don't agree with it. Instead of squandering all that time on that drawing, the artist could have made a real effort to help out (worked a few hours and donated the money, for instance). Perhaps it's an admission of his own selfishness.
Someone I know that managed to survive that Tsunami mention that why so many people died in the area he was in wasn't because of the lack of warning but because of the lack of communication.

When the leaders of the country he was in was told there was a Tsunami on the way, they misinterpreted it as a VIP or rock band and apparently had rolled a red carpet out at the airport.

If what he said was true then it is a shame it couldn't be communicated correctly, however some might have found comedy within it if it wasn't for the number of people the Tsunami killed.
Well, when i tsunami hit the west coast seveal years ago . . . 80ish? Anyhoo, i was watching an interview with a guy who survived and he said that they had all gone down to the coast becasue they wanted to know what a tsunami was.
There where also many chalk drawing with a similar style on the side walks leading to a final one infront of a local arts school. It is thought that a disgruntled arts student created these works.