
RV is almost exactly like astral projection, and i can say from experience that it isnt BS.
Have there been any scientific studies on this? I'm just thinking that it would be fairly easy to test and prove if it was true.
haha, what a complete scam, this site is hillarious. The very idea of it is rediculous.

Yes, persol, you're right if there were any validity to this it would be quite easy to prove, there is, however, no validity to it, and that's why this thing isn't one of the biggest industries in the nation :p

"We can teach you to see foward and backward in time, and any location on the plannet, no really, and despite the fact that we can teach you to do it, there's no one in the friggin' world who acctualy makes use of this ability, pretty weird, isn't it?"
Yes shadowpuppet they have conducted experiments using remote viewing and they did find that outcome was a bit higher than what guessing would have shown.
During the cold war the CIA and KGB experimented with it, the KGB moreso. I cannot remember the name of the experiments but it involved one person in a room watching tv and then another person (sensory deprived) in another commenting on what they might be seeing. I thing the problem with it was that RV required two parties you need somone elses eyes for you to see and you need to know the person you will be seeing through. And no Mystech it is not the ability to see past and the future it is seeing now in another location.

The history channel had a good flick on it a while ago, but yeah im sure if you do some digging you will find some pretty interesting stuff =)

srv is the scientific name for the process of traversing
the space time ???... "thing"
just a very "nuts and bolts" type of method.

problem is you need to know what the potential side effects are cos its no fun to have all your very expensive "opperatives"
ending up with anti social pthalogical behaviours.

kinda makes the "repeated drunk driver" look like a social pillar!

and with a "skeptical" (self defeating) starting block...
well... who would go for a flight in a jet fighter with a person who has only just learnt how to drive a car! ... ?

the only good thing that i can think of is that those who are
"unstable"(in intent) will most likely end up in a psych-ward... out of harms way.... hopefully.

there is allot of information out there about it
but you need to do more than just sit back in front of the computer and suggest its impossible!

not exactly my "cup of tea" but very interesting to study!
(oohhhh now theres a dirty anti internet "sitting in the same place
and expecting everything to change" idea.

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.
While the site may be not up to par, the military thinks that there is something to it. They have invested money and people into this type of project. There are several individuals that openly state that they were in the military for just such a job as a remote viewer.

Can they do that? I am sceptical that they can but then again I am not privy to what they know and don't know. That the military should lend credence by investing and investagating in such, speaks volumes to me. There has to be some kind of compelling evidence that it might work or they would have no interest in it.
Originally posted by Serinanth
And no Mystech it is not the ability to see past and the future it is seeing now in another location.

Well your definitian of remote viewing may not include that, but theirs clearly does. Click the link that shadowpuppet posted, in the introduction to that site they quite clearly say that you will be able to see into the future.
I belive in remote viewing and I'd bet that the CIA kow a lot more about the subject than they would ever be prepared to acknowledge. If you agree that the human brain only uses 10% of its potential then would you agree that of course governments conduct experiments to try and unlock the potential of the remaining 90% and in some cases are successful. I belive (not through personal experience I might add) that remote viewing is the key to gaining access to the collective unconsciousness.

You know, people like to talk about the idea that people only use 10% of their brain, without acctualy knowing what the hell they are saying. We tend to only be using 10% of our brain at any one given time, that's quite a bit different. There tend to be different areas of the brain dedicated to different tasks, and since we usualy aren't proforming the full range of human abilites, at any one given time, most parts of the brain tend to be fairly inactive for most of the time.
Indeed, the notion that 90% of our brain possesses yet undiscovered abilities is a simple myth...