Trump floats the idea using suicide to prevent catching Covid 19


Heading towards oblivion
Valued Senior Member
Trump has suggested injecting disinfectant into your body or lungs to beat Covid 19. Doctors have agreed that a dead person will not catch the virus.

Take that fake news! Our stable genius does it again!! (God help us (says the athiest)).
Trump has suggested injecting disinfectant into your body or lungs to beat Covid 19. Doctors have agreed that a dead person will not catch the virus.

Take that fake news! Our stable genius does it again!! (God help us (says the athiest)).
Perhaps he should step forward to be the first volunteer in taking that particular preventive jab, or taking it has a cure.
Would Trump take one for the Nation- World ? We shall remember him. :)
He's discovered a new way for a politician to shoot themselves in the foot, with a syringe full of detergent.
Is he finally, at long last, becoming an irrelevant voice?
He's discovered a new way for a politician to shoot themselves in the foot, with a syringe full of detergent.
Is he finally, at long last, becoming an irrelevant voice?
He is turning into a colonic irritation (although he always was a pain in the arse)
He's discovered a new way for a politician to shoot themselves in the foot, with a syringe full of detergent.
Is he finally, at long last, becoming an irrelevant voice?
Nope. His supporters are still defending him. "Well, chemotherapy is sort of toxic, too. Are you saying no one should get chemotherapy?"
Nope. His supporters are still defending him. "Well, chemotherapy is sort of toxic, too. Are you saying no one should get chemotherapy?"

It's pretty much been this way right from the beginning--from "locker room talk" to this. Everything Trump says and does is subjected to wildly creative spin, so that anything an everything can be justified.
I imagine those who are Trump lovers might be struggling with the idea of inhaling/injecting/swallowing cleaning products they should know are things you keep away from small children.

Otherwise they might drink something they shouldn't, and end up in hospital!
Nonetheless, I've seen a report that twice as many exposures to household poisons was reported in NY, in the 18 hours following Trump's announcement, so I guess there really are Zombies.
I imagine those who are Trump lovers might be struggling with the idea of inhaling/injecting/swallowing cleaning products they should know are things you keep away from small children. Otherwise they might drink something they shouldn't, and end up in hospital!
Nonetheless, I've seen a report that twice as many exposures to household poisons was reported in NY, in the 18 hours following Trump's announcement, so I guess there really are Zombies.

An article published by The Onion on March 25th:

"EVANSTON, WY—Throwing bottles of bleach, ammonia, and Drano into a cart at his local grocery store, area man Troy Mitchell was reportedly stocking up on one of every cleaning product he could find Wednesday in case President Donald Trump announces it is a coronavirus cure. “I got toilet bowl cleaner, carpet cleaner, Swiffer WetJet refills—you name it—just so me and my family will be ready if the president announces one of these things can treat Chinese virus,” said Mitchell, indiscriminately throwing containers of laundry detergent, Scrubbing Bubbles, grout whitener, steel wool, Febreze, Tilex mold and mildew remover, and laptop screen wipes into the cart, the contents of which rang up to $2,513.67 at checkout. “I’m not getting caught without some oven degreaser should Trump say it’s going to save us, so I better go ahead and grab me a bottle. After this, I’m hitting the hardware store to pick up a 5-gallon bucket of roof sealant to make sure I’m prepared in the event that turns out to be what gets rid of the Wuhan. Could just be 10 or 20 squirts of Windex into each nostril. You never know what might work in a pinch!” At press time, neighbors confirmed Mitchell had been found unresponsive on the floor of his bathroom with several empty aerosol cans of Rust-Oleum wax-and-tar-removing solvent by his head."
Just when people are learning not to panic buy at supermarkets, along comes Doctor Thrump.
Back to emptying the disinfectant shelves.
An article published by The Onion on March 25th:
Probably best to remind people that The Onion is a satirical website, posting satirical content in the guise of a news paper/website. ;) But it does go to show that few things are too satiricial or stupid that Trump probably won't do/say it.
President Dr. Good Brains really thought he was making a medical breakthrough in real time didn’t he..

And the excuse — No no, it was sarcastic because the lame stream media asked a bad question.

This has to be rock bottom??
Don't count him out yet. I am sure he can go lower than this.
Want to make a prediction?
I gather he came up with that lame-brained notion from a half-understood study regarding the efficacy of various cleaning agents in disinfecting surfaces.
Now he's being criticized, he does the usual dance: I heard it from a very smart person/ I'm just floating ideas/ I was kidding/ I never joke/ The press misquotes me/ I never said that/
and will come all the way around to:
Doctor Fauci who I thought was a very smart man, came up with this treatment. When I found out it doesn't work, I fired him.
How do my numbers look now? Better? Who else do I need to fire? Pence?