true intellgent machines.

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it's unbelievable nobody has commented on this.
it's my opinion that this will be one of the greatest discoveries of this century.
think of it, this is an experimenters dream come true.
no longer will you have to mix reagents, just "think it into existence".
you no longer need to special order anything.

it's unbelievable nobody has commented on this.

It's probably because it's nothing new. Sure, they've improved and refined the technology now, but I remember reading about it years ago.

Still, it's definitely pretty cool stuff.

what and where are the intelligent machines?
what is the connection b/w link one and two?
what is being thought into existence?
When we can do complex communication with the computer with mind alone, we will be able to communicate with any other human on the world who has the same equipment you do with the mind alone. (assisted telepathy)

Would give real meaning to the term think tank wouldn't it?

what and where are the intelligent machines?
what is the connection b/w link one and two?
what is being thought into existence?
the first link relates to paraplegics using computers solely by thought patterns alone.
the technology is still in its infancy.
the second relates to machines creating a part using scanned images for patterns.
it doesn't take much on my part to say the perfection of the first link will allow you to "create" the scanned images in your mind for the second link to complete.

as far as the "intelligent machines" go i believe i might have goofed with the thread title. this might be more software related than hardware.
then again the use of thought patterns alone to control machines makes them intelligent, yes?
When we can do complex communication with the computer with mind alone, we will be able to communicate with any other human on the world who has the same equipment you do with the mind alone. (assisted telepathy)

Would give real meaning to the term think tank wouldn't it?

It would also give real meaning to "Borg Collective".
as far as the "intelligent machines" go i believe i might have goofed with the thread title. this might be more software related than hardware.
then again the use of thought patterns alone to control machines makes them intelligent, yes?

not if the cpu gets up and walks away
1: Do you really need to engage in childish name calling?

2: The machines are not intelligent even if they are being controlled by the electricale impulses of the brain. They cannot think for themselves and therefore are not intelligent. It is simply a machine under the mental control of its user rather than being physically controlled. But it would make computing a damn sight cooler. No keyboards, just think what I want and off my computer goes.
The machines are not intelligent even if they are being controlled by the electricale impulses of the brain. They cannot think for themselves and therefore are not intelligent. It is simply a machine under the mental control of its user rather than being physically controlled. But it would make computing a damn sight cooler. No keyboards, just think what I want and off my computer goes.

But someday they will be and when that happens how long will humans be needed? Maybe we will just go extinct naturally and the machines will someday wonder how they evolved.:D
When we can do complex communication with the computer with mind alone, we will be able to communicate with any other human on the world who has the same equipment you do with the mind alone. (assisted telepathy)

Is there any important practical difference between that, and the telephony networks we've had for decades already? Does the fact that we have to go to the trouble to actually say the words, rather than simply think them, constitute some important limitation to such communications? Aren't our bodies just another link in the network of machines that connect our minds to one another?
Is there any important practical difference between that, and the telephony networks we've had for decades already? Does the fact that we have to go to the trouble to actually say the words, rather than simply think them, constitute some important limitation to such communications? Aren't our bodies just another link in the network of machines that connect our minds to one another?

I would have to say yes there is. Think of like this, when you compare the old land lines with the current cell phone technologies, there is a noticeable improvement in communications. It shouldn't be to long from now that we will be able to have language translators installed on any cell phone that will allow you to talk person to person with anybody in the world. Every improvement we make improves communication and improved communication makes this world of ours a smaller place.
Define true intelligent machines?
How can a machine "think"? Do they think as we do? Is the word "think" correct to use?
No matter how much you improve it, and you program it, to react just like humans and to find maths theorems and discover some scientific facts, and be just like a human, it's still a machine, and it don't "think", it analyze and reacts, it's programmed, it can do art, but not as we do, it's based on a DATA base, and resulsts from analyzing that DATA base and etc... meaning coming up with new things for example, wich is still analyzing and concluding, something like that, it can't work like the human brain work, it don't have dreams for example, inless you make it to have some kind of dreams, but that means nothing to it anyway, you can make it (the human-like robot for example) have emotions and reacts to different situations with human emotions that it even look like a real human and you don't even notice that it's a robot, it's still a machine, programmed to represent those emotions according to situation, even if it learns, it still means nothing to it, cause it's just some made for us humans to see, and not for robots to actually feel it and etc..

I don't know if "True intelligent machines" expression is correct, you may say intelligent machines, super intelligent machines, etc...

Maybe I'm wrong and you can call it true intelligence, I mean, if it learns (gather informations) and analyze it, and get new datas (new things; discover) and etc... I mean, our brain works like that after all, but it sure not in the same way ours do, also it can't have real emotions (inless by real emotions you mean emotions that you see from outside).

When they become self aware and can make decisions not based solely on some built in programing.

How can anything, or also anyone, make decisions, not based on data?
That's not true, also humans have data analyzing and etc.. to make decisions and other things.. we are just another kind of robots, far more developed and more complexe organic robots.

I assume that you didnt read my post carefully. :)
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