Trolling Jailable (Gaolable)


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
An internet "troll" has been jailed for mocking dead teenagers on various websites. Public figures, including Stephen Fry and Miranda Hart, have also been victims of trolling. So what is it and why do people do it?

The word comes from a Norse monster but the troll is a very modern menace. For some it's the internet equivalent of road rage, vandalising a grave, or kicking a man when he's down.

Trolling is a phenomenon that has swept across websites in recent years. Online forums, Facebook pages and newspaper comment forms are bombarded with insults, provocations or threats. Supporters argue it's about humour, mischief and freedom of speech. But for many the ferocity and personal nature of the abuse verges on hate speech.

This is an interesting take that proves a point that Trolling, even on an internet forum such as this, can involve backlash. So are we living in a super-quick age where people forget to think before outputting their tantrums online?
Some of the content that I have encountered on the two science forums I subscribe to leave me shaking my head. Likewise, many of the comments visible on YouTube videos. For that reason, I decline membership in any of the usual prolific social media.

Loss of composure is considered a disgrace in most cultures.

Perhaps it is the foolish assumption of anonymity that encourages some persons to conduct themselves in such immature and unprofessional manner? :confused:

This is an interesting take that proves a point that Trolling, even on an internet forum such as this, can involve backlash. So are we living in a super-quick age where people forget to think before outputting their tantrums online?

Stryder my Man if you don't know I look up to as a fine specimen of a human being . Alpha in nature but with a gentle touch . Like you got a soul already . Anyway that aside consider this : War in Man ( i am using man as a blanket term for all human beings : to include women and children also )
The hidden
Silos in humans

Now consider people don't say whats on there mind .
They also harbor feeling about "just about" anything + or -
"Mary" she will bake you cookie and then burn your town

So it is my conclusion the internet is a medium that allows an out let for pend up human emotion . It is quite amazing if you think about it . Like was meant to be .
Are you following so far ?
Man is getting to know each other !!!!
Man has lived an isolated life because of the secrets kept !!
The secrets are vanishing as man gets to know man

Most people want a voice just like any song bird

Anyway ! Rock on !! It was a red rock from a Blackfoot Man
So are we living in a super-quick age where people forget to think before outputting their tantrums online?

Back when the internet first appeared, there was tremendous optimism about how it would pull everyone together and facilitate collaborative activity.

But in reality, as it's actually played out, the 'trolling' phenomenon (along with spam) has drained away a lot of that potential. Probably a majority of internet forums are just about worthless for any kind of thoughtful discussion. Certainly the ones that aren't heavily moderated are.

There's countless psychology dissertations waiting to be written, explaining how and why internet interaction differs from normal face-to-face human interaction and in understanding why online communication so often turns pathological.

My observation is that a great deal of it is the result of he ability to post anonymously, without any fear of normal social repurcussions. Typically when we talk to people, there's a little internal censor running in our heads, making sure that we don't offend the other person too grievously (we might get punched in the nose), that we don't destroy important personal relationships or damage our own reputations among people whose opinions of us are important in our lives.

But posting anonymously from behind the safety of a computer screen, while sitting safely thousands of miles away, disables that internal censor. All kinds of child-like behaviors resurface.

Frustration is no longer suppressed and immediately bubbles to the surface whenever disagreements occur. Insults are apt to fly with little or no provocation. (It's the internet version of a crying tantrum.)

People provoke other people just to make them display emotions. That makes the provocateur feel powerful and in control, feeling as if he/she has just won a major victory. Rule number one on the internet is NEVER show any emotional weakness. If you do, then somebody out there will try to hurt you.

And on and on... it's turned out to be a 'Heart of Darkness'-style jungle out there, where the thin facade of adulthood often just slips away.
I got my self as an example . I am new to the internet , but using my self as a guide post of observation : I can't help it . The environment causes the emotional release . I think a troll inspiring emotional response is also posting out of emotional response . I think that humans are emotional babies . Why ? Cause we don't speak enough . We keep it locked up out of public view . Then when we do we are ridiculed . Sticks and stones start flying , name calling and all .
This is a a big opportunity for humanity as a whole . Yeah some stuff can be worked out from this observation of human nature. I know I fined it incredibly interesting . Course I been watching you fucks yell at your kids for a long time being a builder and all for so long . There is no difference you know . The real you . Question being can you look at your self . You can start by reading some of your oldest posts . You can track your changing thought process . I like tracking you thought process through time . It is fun as all get up

This is an interesting take that proves a point that Trolling, even on an internet forum such as this, can involve backlash. So are we living in a super-quick age where people forget to think before outputting their tantrums online?

Oh, I think so. The problem is the threshold though: who decides what a tantrum is? There's enough dissonance to call a herring a halibut, some days.
Rule number one on the internet is NEVER show any emotional weakness. If you do, then somebody out there will try to hurt you.

whats rule number one in real life?
certainly not the above, correct?

This is a a big opportunity for humanity as a whole .

a raft of reason in a sea of hysteria
