Triple Bypass Heart Surgery education:


Registered Senior Member
My dad is going thru the operation on Monday. I was hoping I could get educated on the topic. Post whatever you know. I just watched a live 3 part series on how the surgery is done on Youtube by a professional Heart Surgeon.
And appreciate I appreciate any get well, speedy recovery remarks in advance.
Only question is can bypassed arteries get clogged as well?
My dad is going thru the operation on Monday. I was hoping I could get educated on the topic. Post whatever you know. I just watched a live 3 part series on how the surgery is done on Youtube by a professional Heart Surgeon.
And appreciate I appreciate any get well, speedy recovery remarks in advance.
Only question is can bypassed arteries get clogged as well?

I hope all goes well.

My father in law went through it and is doing well now. Fortunately, they keep advancing the process so it's better then it was 10-20 years ago.

But it's always a little scary especially for the person on the table.
Only question is can bypassed arteries get clogged as well?

Of course, they are the same things that got clogged to start with aren't they? Even though the veins are taken from a leg or thigh area they are old as well. Coming out of the operation is going to be a little hard for him and he will be in pain for a few days up to a week from the surgery. Don't worry, they give anti pain drugs to knock it down but it still hurts!

Best wishes to your dad.
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I hope all goes well.

My father in law went through it and is doing well now. Fortunately, they keep advancing the process so it's better then it was 10-20 years ago.

But it's always a little scary especially for the person on the table.

My brother, This disease is hereditary in my family. My Grandfather (deceased), my uncle and my cousin have all had the operation After they had heart attacks. My pops did get a little shook from watching the surgery live on youtube. They actually closeup show the heart beating, shutting off and repump again.

Of course, they are the same things that got clogged to start with aren't they? Even though the arteries are taken from a leg or thigh area they are old as well. Coming out of the operation is going to be a little hard for him and he will be in pain for a few days up to a week from the surgery. Don't worry, they give anti pain drugs to knock it down but it still hurts!

Best wishes to your dad.

Oh yeah I forgot, In the video the vein is removed from the leg and replaced as an artery. It is supposedly difficult for the body to realize and function the vein as an artery. I was thinking they used plastic tubes for a new artery.

this is the links: (~15 minutes total elapsed time )
Warning: Bloody Surgery

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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I just watched a live 3 part series on how the surgery is done on Youtube by a professional Heart Surgeon.

Well then, you probably know more about it than we do! :D

Good luck to you all, by the way.

Only question is can bypassed arteries get clogged as well?

This question doesn’t seem to make sense. Arteries are bypassed because they are clogged. Do you mean to ask whether the grafted artery used to bypass the clogged artery can become clogged as well? I suppose the answer is yes, I don’t see why not over time, but I’m not a medical doctor.
It is rare for arteries to get clogged again in a short time. It takes 4 to 5 years to clog up the arteries in a normal human being. But can happen. Do not worry

The doctor may prescribe

Topro type brood pressure medicine
Lasix as diuretics
Aspirin daily
Statin drug like ZOCOR

Follow the medication routine. He will be fine. One concern, if he did not have diabetes before and suddenly finds himself to have one, here is the possibility.

The operation is a major trauma and he could develop Type 2 diabetes (it happens to pregnant women sometimes). Then they will give him insulin to take. The catch is, when he is on statin drugs it messes up the insulin regulation which means he may remain on insulin.

It happens to some people, your dad could be lucky not to have it.

If he is on Lasix, it depletes Potassium from the body and hence he may lose balance. So make sure to take K-DUR, the Potassium pill - that is a must. Otherwise, he may one day taking a shower and fall and hit his head and end up in hospital again with subdural and epidural hematoma.

Taking those precautions will greatly enhance everything.

Oh! Statin drugs also deplete CoQ10 - so take them regularly.

Good Luck
Thanks KMGuru & Hercules.

I've been on the phone with doctors and they all ask me about having possible diabetes. This didnt seem to be be a problem. I'll find out about those meds and see also what his surgeon prescribes him. My dad told me earlier 'all of my love' to you and our family and he will eat better, join a gym and also practice yoga.

I left the infirmary a while ago for his 7am surgery tomorrow
He will be just fine. Another item no one talks about is, when he comes off surgery and just waking up, he may say somethings that he does not mean. Ignore those words. Hearing voices from loved ones is important. He will be back to normal in a jiffy.

Bypass is a normal procedure now and hence everything will be fine. It is a life changing event and hence a lot of changes are in store for him such as diet and exercise and mental attitude. This adds more years to life and that is a wonderful thing. You can PM me when he goes home.

Our best wishes to him and all the family.
He is going to survive. The surgery was a success. I dont know what to say, other than be happy for him. I had no reason to worry. This Doctor performed the surgery on other members of my family. Now to take care of myself as personal characteristics are predetermined by heredity
I know, he would be...

The key is Exercise...Exercise...Exercise. Eat balanced food...and a lot of sex...ha..ha...