

matrix sciences,imagery.
Registered Senior Member
Generation Saved,
The Day Is Here When War On This Planet Will All Come To A Complete {{Stop}}.The Big Is That Which Generation Of God Hold The Key To The Missing Puzzle?And For All Terroris Your Day Is Here Like Now.Robot's Are In Place For This Mission Alpha.

John The Disciple Have Now Started The Book And Frist Chapter.

Hello There Soul,
roboticmatrix,It Shows The Human Tru Quest And Exploration!
Let them come! There is yet one dwarf in Moria who still draws breath!

Serenity now!!!
but there here!

you and the nation Can't Stop God army,form take back the land from evil.the robotic armor is well put in place,and when the voice from our lord say's,father let my poeple go,father set them free.the only think you can do is watch,and i'm hoping that you are on the right side my friend....the sword
It sounds like he's trying to get something across but is either heeded by some sort of language impediment or extreme lack of...charisma in his writing.

Either that or he's crazy. Let's assume the latter.
John the disciple!

the tur student,the tru initate,also becomes a teacher unto others,for the continuous dialogue and expression is just that--teacher to is by calming,that self in mind,body,and spirit,through the process of meditation,that we as humans would hear another,that you would hear,with a deeper sense,words that are given unto you,and allow yourself to be taught.then,the one who has poured himself out unto you readies himself to become again the student,that may go on to a higher expression.and ultimately this is but for the rediscovery of the point of the focus which indeed dwells within the self,which is {{{GOD}}}

the roboticmatrix is one with the human subject.
The Mind Unlock The Spirit and the spirit unlock your psychokentic abilities, Neurorobotic the trasformor's is here! {{one}}
The Day Is Here When War On This Planet Will All Come To A Complete {{Stop}}.The Big Is That Which Generation Hold The Key To The Missing Puzzle?And For All Terroris Your Day Is Here Like Now.When Nuclear War Start All Earth Are Will Being Explosion.

Read Anals Of Cthulhu Frist Chapter.

{gb-gl-trans globel}
my friend you are a very smart indiviual!the war i'm talking about it is not with The Human Control or may i remind you that to {stop}reading books on nuclear war.Generation saved is the new world this process power or control of nuclear weapons will be distroyed!the land is for our kids and their kids.

the goverments and nation's will move to the left hand side and watch this task take it's full place and implication.

keep these words in mind my friend!a {man or human} go's home to his wife and kids and kiss them good night,but a man or human} will have the nerve to blow up other nation and their land my earth will be protected from satan was most wonderful corresponding with you my bother-hood,i like to stay and hold or coversate with you some more but,i have to call my baby-girl and tell her your generation is saved!!!
Geebee you fucking saint. Do they sell tatoos with your name yet? I just have to get one now. Glory to the infidels, and relish in the heresy called love.

That's sort of funny, I meant to talk about the looney bin in this responce too, but I couldn't think of anything good to fill it with except stuff about nuclear war and Cthulhu. Maybe it was a message from God? ;)

Markquis actually took something that was meant to be a mock of his message as a serious reply. Did he not notice it had exactly the same structure, regular spelling and punctuation mistakes, as well as capitalisation of every word?

I'll try again after this... hopefully I can make a more meaningful reply ;)
Generation Sanity Person,
The Day Is Here When Insanity Person On This Planet Will Come To Insanity Unit Of {{Mental Hospital}}.The Big Is That Which Sanity Person Can Help Cart Markquis Off To Mental Hospital?And For All Insanity Person Your Day Is Here Like Now.Men In White Labcoats Are In Place For This Mission Alpha.

John C The Insanity Person Have Now Started Making Way To Insanity Ward Of Mental Hospital.

look pal,buddy.the fish have took the hook again,when will he learn?your awareness of these things can draw moths to the flame--not so they will goet burned,but so they can see themselves in that same position that you are attempting to hold and maintain. you are trying to light other candles.

usually such soul or person like your self,of whom it is said,"that bloody fool stands on the corner singing merrily,no matter what misery crosses your path."ok,wait {stop} you have never misspelled one word in your life miss trans-global oops.did i say for your friend,pollux v his mouth needs soap!:( :(
You know, Marquis, I'd follow exactly what you'd say down to the pixel of each letter however I can't understand what you're trying to get across to me other than that I have a quote unquote 'potty mouth.' Soap, unfortunately, will not correct this, so I will be instituting a new countermeasure to my rowdiness.

Saltines. Nothing but saltines, rubbing all over my body, to the point of when I actually become a saltine, so that, like saltines, I will be unable to speak and, more importantly, swear to greater beings like yourself and the gloriously bright Geebee, who I will continue to worship dolefully until my...saltinification gets the better of me.

an apology is in order,
my friend i did not hade took the time out and fully read your post.
i was in the middle of gymnastic in my back yard at the given time.
so in other word i do apologize to both you and gb-gl-trans global.

friends again?:D

the food i feed on is justic,i'm also hoping that you can see it 2.the trolls is well feed!buy the way how are you doing today?i'm hoping that you are in the best of mood.i would like to stay and have tea,but i have work to accomplish.the troll need more food.keep in mind,when you wake up today.let every 1 know that god is great:cool: :D
Markquis, ouyay ontday owknay evXay, ifhay ouyay idday, ouyay ouldway otnay avehay ademay atthay emarkray abouthay odgay. ollay.

Hey, I have an idea. I can make ALL THE REST OF MY POSTS IN BUTTONISH. YAY.