Transcending Time


Another Imaginary Friend
Registered Senior Member
I recently had quite a remarkable experience
Kind of Like Deja Vu .....But even better

In the past I explored the idea that the few seconds
between deep sleep or dream state
Just as your starting to awake I recall those Deja Vu visions

Not quite sure if it was wishful thinking or familiar repetition
I started to tune into it and it seemed like it was these small glimp's
into a future experience

Now out of the blue
One morning as I was beginning to awake
I heard very clearly a voice say ......

"I'm am sorry for your loss"

No visual Just the voice ....

As I awoke I clearly questioned the voice...
like ...did I just imagine that or what

Of course I was disturbed by what the voice said ....
So I tried to forget about it ...
But I couldn't forget how clear as a bell the voice was ..
it kind of freaked me out .....but I pushed it out of my mind

About 8 hours later that day
me and the wife went out to the local diner
we were sitting in a booth and an elderly couple was sitting in the booth behind us

and another couple had walked up to them and started having a chat
I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying
I was having my own conversation with the wife

and right out of the blue I lose my tran of thought and hear the one gentlemen say to the people sitting in the booth

"I'm sorry for your loss"

I almost fell out of my seat ...
Of course my wife had no idea
and I didn't tell her about it till later on

But I found it to be very profound

It was definitely an experience that leads me to believe
some how the mind does have the ability to glimps into future events or experiences ......

Any thoughts on this
Just a little to coincidental for me I think
I mean if it had been days later
I had not been startled by it and recognized hearing a voice as I awoke

Its not like I hear voices all the time or something
as a matter of fact I don't ever recall hearing a voice in my sleep or a dream
If it happens more than three times on the same day then it isn't but I'd say it was since it only happened once.
I can't say I have heard those words very often
let alone once in a subconscious state and later the same day
Well time certainly isnt linear and certainly doesnt move in just one direction, so theres essentially nothing in theory to make a future glimpse an impossiblity. People will argue otherwise but iscientifically there's nothing out there to really suggest that precognition should be theoretically impossible.

Then again as other's have said it could just be a coincidence, although the problem there is by calling 'coincidence' one has to also state where the dividing line between coincidence and a precognitive 'hit' actually lies.
Otherwise we're walking around in the dark with no real method to distinguish one from the other.
I recently had quite a remarkable experience
Kind of Like Deja Vu .....But even better

In the past I explored the idea that the few seconds
between deep sleep or dream state
Just as your starting to awake I recall those Deja Vu visions

Not quite sure if it was wishful thinking or familiar repetition
I started to tune into it and it seemed like it was these small glimp's
into a future experience

Now out of the blue
One morning as I was beginning to awake
I heard very clearly a voice say ......

"I'm am sorry for your loss"

No visual Just the voice ....

As I awoke I clearly questioned the voice...
like ...did I just imagine that or what

Of course I was disturbed by what the voice said ....
So I tried to forget about it ...
But I couldn't forget how clear as a bell the voice was ..
it kind of freaked me out .....but I pushed it out of my mind

About 8 hours later that day
me and the wife went out to the local diner
we were sitting in a booth and an elderly couple was sitting in the booth behind us

and another couple had walked up to them and started having a chat
I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying
I was having my own conversation with the wife

and right out of the blue I lose my tran of thought and hear the one gentlemen say to the people sitting in the booth

"I'm sorry for your loss"

I almost fell out of my seat ...
Of course my wife had no idea
and I didn't tell her about it till later on

But I found it to be very profound

It was definitely an experience that leads me to believe
some how the mind does have the ability to glimps into future events or experiences ......

Any thoughts on this

I'm not going to put forwards any scientific theories however I will pose a fictional representation of what could occur.

=== Small fictional pose===
A project runs utilising radio technology for surveillance and espionage, one of the training methods for the people running the operation of the machine is to select specific pawns to play with (At a non-lethal level).

Such pawns in play can be those dealing with their lives and the 'Chance' meetings they have in the world. Although those chance meetings are not chance at all but cleverly played espionage games.

On waking a fellow here's a sentence said, since it's not normal to hear voices he questions his own sanity. However the rest of the mundane day plays down the odd occurance until he's sat in a diner.

The very same day, not too far up the road some one dies that has family and friends. The friends usually meet up on occasion and on the same day as the fellow with the voice they meet in the same diner.

Now what sentence a person has planned to say on seeing someone that day is of course known by the person planning to say it and the individual that heard it while waking. Automatically they put 2 & 2 together and come up with 5 or 6. Since it's not known to both parties about those people playing that espionage game or the reason why they play it, they are truly the ones that made the 2 + 2 sum and they know it equates to 4, it's just their way, their method of proving what they can do by manifesting it as 5 or 6.

Moral: "Don't read things at face value"