Tranparent UFO Spotted


Registered Senior Member
Is there such objects that can be detected with Infrared or Nightvision? I think I spotted a humongous UFO that just happened to glide into the Moon's rays. It was a dark object but yet it was transparent. Possibly cloaked. Is there anymore cases such as these?
UFO's cloak all the time. One time I seen a
silver object in the sky and a second later
it vanished.
I've never seen anything that blocks out the
stars or moon, but I've read alot of stories
about people who see the stars or moon blocked out by something they can't see.

Some day these mysteries will be solved.
i have never seen anything like that....though bending light rays in order for a form of 'invisabnility' is possibly, though it has only been tested in shows like seaquest and the invisible man.perhaps E.T stole our idea? or we stole it from him...

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages!

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I belive in UFO's and ET life. But what REALLY bothers me is the fact that their cloacking methods seem rather primitive.

I mean it is a civilization that is so advanced and alot of the times it gets spoted by infrared radar and things we can currently produce? I dont think that is logical. I belive that the ONLY way we can see a UFO is if they (ET)wish it so, since our current technology cant travel at warp speeds then we certainly cant detect technology that can. It is like asking a culture 1000 years ago to understand the binarie system

Transparent UFOs

It is very simple how they do this. When they are totally in this dimension, they can't
be seen through. When they are headed to another dimension, you can see through
them. When they are in the other dimension, you can't see them at all, even though
they are technically, still right there in front of you. I've seen one disappear like this
and asked them how it was done. This was their answer.

I have seen a number of transparent "UFOs" too. Some of them were doing loop-the-loop circles as they moved down the shoreline. Pretty wild. It was quite a while ago; back in 1978, but of course, it was an unforgettable experience. I moved about 8 months ago and I now happen to now live just a few miles away from the beach where it happened.

Super Frankie
Transparent UFOs

Originally posted by Super Frankie

I have seen a number of transparent "UFOs" too. Some of them were doing
loop-the-loop circles as they moved down the shoreline. Pretty wild. It was
quite a while ago; back in 1978, but of course, it was an unforgettable
experience. I moved about 8 months ago and I now happen to now live
just a few miles away from the beach where it happened.

Super Frankie

Have you seen anymore since you have been back? What about now?
Do you ever go there now? You aught to go back and see if they are still
frequenting the area!
Transparent UFOs

Well, . . . I expect that at some date in the future, I'll see something like them again, but during that 3 month period almost 22 years ago was the only time I have seen such phenomena. But that's perfectly OK. I have plenty of things happening to keep me involved with this thing we call reality, and other dimensions as well.

I visit the same beach occasionally during the daytime on weekends sometimes, and I think that only the nighttime hours are likely to produce a re-occurance. I'll go scouting for UFOs one of these crazy nights. You have to be in the right head, I think. Part of it has to be a mental resonance, right?

Super Frankie
Re: Transparent UFOs

Originally posted by Super Frankie
[I'll go scouting for UFOs one of these crazy nights. You have to be in the right head, I think. Part of it has to be a mental resonance, right?

Super Frankie

Well, I don't know about that. I've had them pop up at the oddest times! When I wasn't looking for them in the least! But I tend to look more often these days, rather expecting them to show up, you know?

What someone out west did, they knew that lots of them weren't being seen because they travel so fast, so they got a camera and shot pics of the sky, over and over again, with a poloroid as well as stills. And when the film came back, he found UFOs in the pics!!! Some were very well done!

transperent ufo

howt he hell do u see a transparent ufo??

also, i say a show about a huge one in arizona. it was a long time ago.

Originally posted by BigC
Is there such objects that can be detected with Infrared or Nightvision? I think I spotted a humongous UFO that just happened to glide into the Moon's rays. It was a dark object but yet it was transparent. Possibly cloaked. Is there anymore cases such as these?

BIG C(SEE!!!!)

Tell me, I am curious.


@Was there an even bigger pink elephant following this ufo?????????????? Think that I saw one, a few hours ago.......but I was cruisin' on the Russian web!!!!!! anyhow!!!!!!!!!!!point of view (pov).pov pov pov pov

popov vodka...............????????????



"My God!.....6.8!.....that crack in the bed, it's not my wife!!!!!!!!! IT'S A BOWLING BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(g. jeils Nanb) hustler, there is a centerfold!!!!
Last edited:
re: ufo phenomena

It is very likely that you imagined seeing something that really wasn't. If you really saw an object in the sky, it was probably just a case of swamp gas. There also exists the possibility that you conjured up the image of a ufo, yet were really seeing a special type of weather balloon.

I have to say that you really seem like someone in need of professional help. I could recomend some free gov't services for you, to deal with your obviously emotionally disturbed condition.

The United States Air force has nothing to hide.

The United States Air force has nothing to hide.

The United States Air force has nothing to hide.
Re: Transparent UFOs

Originally posted by Tianca
It is very simple how they do this. When they are totally in this dimension, they can't
be seen through. When they are headed to another dimension, you can see through
them. When they are in the other dimension, you can't see them at all, even though
they are technically, still right there in front of you. I've seen one disappear like this
and asked them how it was done. This was their answer.


yepyepyep.....yeah!!!!!!!!! get some help dude!!!!!

nothing to hide/nothing to hide/nothing to hide/////

If you don't already know about this site it's worth a looksee!
Re: transperent ufo

Originally posted by dexter
howt he hell do u see a transparent ufo??

Well, "transparent" is probably not the best choice of a word to describe the item. But, don't forget that there are varying degree to the condition of transparency.

"Translucent" might be closer to describing the condition of the flying object that I observed
Re: Re: transperent ufo

"Translucent" might be closer to describing the condition
of the flying object that I observed [/B][/QUOTE]

Oh, by the way, for you doubters. Last year someone got a photo of a UFO going invisible! And there was one quite some time ago of one halfway there, hovering over a road. I have no clue where to find those pictures now. But they are really neat.

You can make fun of this all you want, but it really happens. It also happens when they abduct people and take them out through walls. You are in another dimension, and that is how you are able to be taken out through walls. Quite a few people refuse to tell about this happening to them, because they don't want others to make out like they are loosing it. When the fact that this happened to them would convince the ones 'in the know' that their abduction was real, because it happens all the time!!!

You might want to look through UFO pictures and see if you can find the transparent ones. This really does happen, even if you don't understand physics very much to know about dimensions. Einstein knew about dimensions, and he lived a long time ago, people. Just remember, knowledge is power. Read up before you criticize what people are saying in here. OK?
transparent UFO's

Whether they have cloaking technology or not, it's about time that they come out in the open. These aliens need to come out of the closet. what are they waiting for? Haven't we had 75 years of sci-fi & fifty years of TV & movies?
What's up? Are they too shy? Are they trying some experiment? Are we being quarantined? Studied? Do they have a "Prime directive" that wont let them deal with primitive culture? Just wondering? Live long & prosper.
Re: transparent UFO's

posted by Randolfo
Whether they have cloaking technology or not, it's about time that they come out in the open. These aliens need to come out of the closet. what are they waiting for?

It's not cloaking technology, although to someone who only watches TV or movies, it would certainly seem so! They are multidimensional beings, that means they don't just stay here in the 3rd dimension. They can go to many dimensions here.

And they haven't been hiding. People have seen them clear back in history, and written about it in the historical records. They were written about in the Bible, in the India historical records, in China, Southern America, you name it. Virtually every country has their own historical records about them. The Native Americans have had open communications with them for many centuries. No one is hiding anything!!! Read your history! Nearly all of them that have historical records intact before the Great Flood have writings that talk about their ancient relatives coming from the stars. Back then, they weren't called UFOs, but it is the same thing!

First Contact has been an ongoing thing since the USA developed the nuclear capability, and thereby were capable of destroying this planet. Ever since then, they opened the lines of communication to warn us about the dangers of nuclear bombs.

You didn't seriously believe the government when they said that they knew nothing about these flying craft? I mean, they have been lying to the public for years!!! At the very least, over 57 years!!!

The records are just now being opened up, because of the Freedom of Information Act. Sooner or later, all the lies and such will become public knowledge. They can't avoid that.

When the government says that they know nothing about UFOs, they aren't lying. Because they are now IFOs. IDENTIFIED Flying Objects. They know very well who they are dealing with.

IF there isnt some type of transparent ufos cloaking around. i must be insane too

this is something i got on video.. it shot by my camera while it was on a tripod.. it is really weird and it looks like what they classifly as a (rod).