Train your telepathy!


Registered Senior Member
Here's a simple exercise to train your telepathy.
Seat with someone in front of a turned-off TV and tell him to paint the screen in a certain color ( in his imagination ) for about 15-30 seconds. Then try to feel what this color was. Do this 3 times with different colors.

Then you try painting, imagine how you take a can of paint, big brush and start smearing the paint over the screen, and him/her feeling the color.


At first you might try with two possible colors, black & white, for example. Then add more.

I was correct at about 60-70%.

Good Luck!
If you try with just 2 possible colors at first as you suggest, then you should at least get 50%!

If you are using a friend to do this, then odds are good that this friend and yourself are in agreeance on a great many things... that's how friendship works. You should have enough intuition to guess the colors at least 60 - 70 % of the time... if not 100% for some people.

Bad science.
Thats the biggest hunk of shit ive ever seen on the road. How would he and his friend somehow "guess" the same colors 100%? lol If I were to throw out completely random colors there is no way my friend and I would get 100%
lol If I were to throw out completely random colors there is no way my friend and I would get 100%

The laws of probability beg to differ. If you can get 0% or 10% or the most probable 50%, you can get 100%. It is not that probable but totaly possible. If 0% can occure multiple times in a row 100% can to.

This means that you have to test this colour thing like 10+ times to get an accurate average.
If you factor in the natural understanding that comes between good friends, it then becomes more probable that the percentages will increase. You already have an idea what color might be picked because you are working with a "like-minded" person.

Our friends think like we do... at least at the subtle levels.
Q Who is correct. There are other different ways to train your telepathy. Out of body experience with a friend for example. It's a little long process to explain, but I think it works. Everyone has pshychic abilities hidden within them.
Originally posted by vitaminA
Q Who is correct. There are other different ways to train your telepathy. Out of body experience with a friend for example. It's a little long process to explain, but I think it works. Everyone has pshychic abilities hidden within them.

Poppycock. Prove it.
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Me and my pal tried this and got 100%
mind you we are both colour blind and guessed grey each time.
But it did realy work!
As far as the training of telepathy...

According to my studies, true telepathy comes from clairaudience, as it does usually involve the "hearing" of another's thoughts. That being the case one simply needs to work on one's clairaudient "center", so to speak. In order to do this, focus (not concentrate) your efforts on your temples while asking a question, or when trying to read someone else's mind. You can also use this ability to "hear" auras among other things. The same goes for clairsentience and clairvoyance, just different areas on the body. And yes it does take practice.
Originally posted by SkinWalker

What methodology did you use for these "studies?"

LOL I'm sorry! I don't know why, but your sarcasm I find terribly hilarious. I'm not making fun of you. After all it is probably how I'd reply if I were in your place. But if you must know, boku no tomodachi, self-study and some books. Check out my earlier posts, I think on Psychokinesis in pseudosciences for book titles if you're interested.
Ahh.. I misunderstood. I thought you were implying that you conducted studies of the subject.

You read books.

What, exactly, do these books describe as the medium by which this communication occurs? Electricity? Magnatism? Gravity? Radiation?
Originally posted by SkinWalker
Ahh.. I misunderstood. I thought you were implying that you conducted studies of the subject.

You read books.

What, exactly, do these books describe as the medium by which this communication occurs? Electricity? Magnatism? Gravity? Radiation?

Of course I read books! To know what lies on the road ahead, ask those who have gone before you. And if I'm not mistaken, psychic energy, chi (or ki for you more Japanese influenced martial artists), kundalini, etc. are all some form of bio-electric energy.
Originally posted by SkinWalker
How do you measure it?

I am sorry that I do not have that answer. I am not sure that most of us are not concerned with the concentration of psychospiritual energy in the air as far as machines and things go. Typically, when there is a higher concentration of it in an area, we feel it. But I can see where you're coming from, though I know what I've experienced.;)