tragic story of greys


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The English translations of the "ancient of the traces" the best of our hits,we are added to our pages:
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Attention.the pictures you will see in this pages
may not be proper for the ones under 18
suprising facts,Now we turn our eyes to a rare illness
found on our planet,one in every 8 million people carry this disease called PROGERÝA,tragic story of greys

16-20 english versions is cooming soon...
That was a good hoot!!!!
to bad none of the pictures that had any thing interesting could been any larger then thumb nails, but at least the ones that didn't have all the neat stuff could be. Bit of a tip. spend less time on the music and more time on content. Other wise it looks like a sham from the start.
I don't know about sham. It looks more like somebody desperately trying to see what isn't there. It's kind of like those nuts who see a splotch on a tree and swear it looks like Jesus. I got a kick out of the shot of the crater that supposedly shows buildings in the middle of it, but only clearly when you look at it through a special filter. (I think in Turkey that special filter is called "hashish"). It's just another ink blot test.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
i totally agree oxygen, with that jesus on doors and stuff, its almost funny... well it is funny.. but most of this stuff, may lookm like a rocket, but it can also look like other things!!!! and a lot of the thngs, proves the the writer was probobly really week minded, like the parachuting alien, i'm pretty sure aliens dont go skydiving, that is a one of a kind instinct, wich belongs to humans

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
I don't really think skydiving is an instinct, unless you're a lemming. I used to wonder what would possess a person to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, but then I remember my experiences with body-surfing, a fun sport in which I let the force of the ocean pick me up and fling me headlong into the beach with all the strength it can muster at that moment. I guess skydiving probably has the same feeling as when you swim out as far as you can (farther than is safe, really) then let a swell swallow you whole, claw your way to the crest, and ride the wave in like you're Poseidon or Neptune. It makes the sensation of eating wet sand well worth it.
its the human thrive for adventure..... humans (that includes you and me) will do anything evan for 5 seconds of fun. like wakeboarding for instance.... its like waterskiing, but on a board... your neinng dragged behind a boat going twenty miles andhour... or i race... ski race.. and who the hell knows how fast i go... down hard... pact snow..... and we also go to the dentist....yecccchhhhh (i got braces today)

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
I thought i dig this out
The best example I could give you concerns the Greys. Apparently, the Greys were much more human-looking at one time.
What happened was that they, as a race, were captured while leaving Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 to go off and do their own thing. This is
very common, and it is how Earth became colonised. What happened is that they got captured by a group in Orion that was
already genetically altered and under control of the Alpha Draconians. According to Morenae, the first thing this Draconian-altered
Orion group did was slaughter almost all the females of the captured race in order to control the birth process. They then
genetically altered the remaining females so that all the children born after that were genetically changed. The males were
enslaved, made to work in mines, and slaughtered by the Draconian-controlled Orion group who had absolutely no regard for life.
What we know now as the Greys became a natural resource.

Now, I am told that the Greys would love to be absolutely free of this hierarchy, but what they have done is they have continued
to propagate the problem. Now, we have been told that the Greys "have been here for thousands of years". According to the
Andromedans, however, the Greys got here in 1931. Because of their ability to time-travel, it looks like they have been here
thousands of years: they can go backwards in time. If you can go backwards in time you can literally alter the consciousness of
any race. You can alter any event. That's exactly what they have done. They are not the only ones who have done this. There is
also a group from Sirius B who have done this. It took me a long time to understand why it was that they wanted to do this. The
bottom line is that they wanted to control us. We have things that they want. We have the benefit of having been in 11th density,
which means that we have covered a very large area of spiritual evolvement - which is why our range of emotions is so large.
They want that information. Not only that, but with the new frequency coming in and third density is beginning to implode on itself,
the Greys are trying to save their race. According to Morenae, there are only 2,000 real Greys left. All the rest are clones -
organic robots. These clones do not carry a spiritual essence. Folks, we are talking about a technology thousands of years ahead
of where we are now. The Greys - people are reporting here - are most likely the clones as there are 18,000 of those clones inside
the Earth and the Moon. Most of the 2,000 original Greys are on Phobos - one of the moons of Mars - which is an artificially
brought moon, an artificial satellite you may say.

The reason the Greys are doing so many abductions is for genetics. They are creating hybrids, most of which are females. There
are very few male hybrids. The problem is that they have a hard time keeping them alive because spirit will not attach to them.
The life-force will not attach to them. So they are abducting the human mothers and children, peeling off the vital body containing
the energy and feeding it to the hybrids of the same lineage. They are trying to create a soul. They just can't do it, and they are
getting desperate - which is why there are so many weird things happening. There is a huge, complex, Grey conspiracy behind it.
Why we agreed to do this I haven't a clue.

So this is not working and the races are dying. Now, what the Greys have done, because they are having problems with this, is
they have been abducting large groups of human children before they could be born. This is why children are vanishing without a
trace all over the world before their birth. Some of them are being taken by the Greys. In Westchester County, New York, over
5,000 children vanished without a trace over the last three years. Many of them taken by the Greys. The government knows what
is going on but they are helpless to do anything about it. The reason they don't want to bring it up is because they let the bastards in
here the first place. They cut a deal. They sold us out - and I've got a lot of energy on it because I have friends who want to know
where their kids are.
ok......... and i'm teh easter bunny!!!
i doint think greys really want to control us... and i dont think that there smart enough for time travel... tehre smart.. but not smart enough.. becauseif they want to control us.. that would mean there hostile.. and you cant get anywere big being hostile (though it would be funner)

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
I saw a lot of different elements in there from various sources. Unfortunately, not one of those sources could be considered a good basis for reality. The whole bit about the Draconis dudes, the Andromedans, and the Pleaideans comes straight out of a role-playing game caled "Hidden Invasion", published by Nightshift Games. "The government sold us out" is totally X-files, and the rest is a mishmash of miscellaneous pop-culture paranoia and new-age nonsense. I think there's even a bit out of NME Game's "Conspiracy X".

At least it's logically written and can hold the attention, unlike many other pages of so-called "truth" I have seen in my travels on the Net.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Ok rest this case.

Did any one check out the Billy Edward Meier, videos of "beamships" and photographs.

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited April 06, 2000).]