TR-3B, Fouche and lies


Heute der Enteteich...
Registered Senior Member
All quotes and images taken from

There was a rumor circulating that a renowned psychic was present to give a reading of me when I gave my first presentation to the International UFO Congress. The questions presented to the psychic concerned my honesty, integrity, and motivation. Word got back to me via the rumor mill, that I had been blessed with a very favorable reading, with the caveat that my aura momentarily forked when I lost my place in my presentation--normal for an emotional person. Being an affectionate, high strung, left handed, liberal Pisces, I agreed.
Okay let's establish his scientific credibility: psychics? his aura? and astrology...

Then an appeal to authority - let's name a couple of astronauts.
I do like the quote
"Every day in the U.S.A., our radar instruments capture objects of FORM and COMPOSITION unknown to us."
Hmm, radars tell you what the thing's made of?

II. The second friend, Sal, was a person who had worked directly for the NSA with Electronic Intelligence (E lent) and became a Defense Contractor after his retirement.
Um, "E lent"?
Surely as a technical specialist he should know it's Elint (ELectronic INTelligence), come on, anyone who's even read Tom Clancy knows that, yet this "insider" cocks it up.

This is followed by lots and lots of unrelated bumph on F-16 radars, the B-1, the F-111 (where he can't even get the photo correct and instead shows the hypothetical "Switchblade" FSW swing-wing aircraft).

In 1944, while fighting the Japanese and Germans, pilots started reporting strange flares and bright orange and red lights. These lights moved rapidly, were under intelligent control, and could come to a complete stop, remain stationary, and then disappear in an instant.
Foo means fire in French. The pilots coined the term 'foo fighters' for the haunting glowing balls that doggedly paced their jets. Most were unnerved by the radical maneuvers of the foo fighters that could climb vertically, accelerate, and make high G turns at speeds far beyond any known allied aircraft.
Unrelated to TR-3B, but since he brought it up - "foo" doesn't mean fire in French, that would be "feu", different spelling and different pronunciation - the "foo" term comes from a newspaper cartoon that was popular at the time.
And "most were unnerved" is outright nonsense.
"paced their jets"?
Which war is he talking about?
The only Allied jet to see actual service was the Gloster Meteor and that was very limited in use over continental Europe.

SLIDES: 55-SR-75, 56-TR-3B
Now, the Top Secret SR-75 which replaced the SR-71 Blackbird and the SR-74 SCRAMP which rides piggy-back on the 75, and TR-3B Flying Triangle are operated there, as well as other Top Secret prototype and operational aerospace vehicles.
Many of these aircraft have been mis-identified as UFOs.
Actually there's less "evidence" of SR-75 than there is of TR-3B.

To this day I'd be hard pressed to explain to you unique electrical, optical, and physical properties of Quasi Crystals and why so much of the research is classified. Even the unclassified research is funded by agencies like the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense.
*Why is the US Department of Energy and Ames Laboratory so vigorously pursuing research with Quasi crystals?
*What is the DOE New Initiative in Surface and Interface Properties of Quasi crystals?
A Quote from The DOE:
"Our goal is to understand, and facilitate exploitation of, the special properties of Quasi crystals. These properties include (but are not limited to) low thermal and electrical conductivity, high hardness, low friction, and good oxidation resistance."
That's the unclassified part. What are Quasi crystals?
In 1984 a paper was published which marked the discovery of quasi crystals--Two distinctly different metallic crystals joined symmetrically together.
Er, no they aren't:, and most of the information he gives later is equally erroneous.

SLIDES: 67-Hillary Platform, 68-Avro Saucer
The Hillary platform, the AVRO saucer, and the Northrop wings were aerospace vehicles where advance technology was developed and tested.
Each emulated some characteristic of UFOs as described by the late Dr. Paul Hill, a NASA UFO investigator. Hill's posthumously published book, Unconventional Flying Objects, discusses the technology of UFOs extensively. If you have not read this illustrious tome, I suggest you do so.
Newly unclassified documents show that AVRO built and tested a number of saucers at Area 51 in Nevada, contrary to the DoDs lie that the program was canceled because it failed to meet expectations.
Again, no: these documents do not exist.

SLIDE 72: SR-75 side view
For the last few years high-tech buffs speculated that at least one new and exotic aerospace vehicle existed. The SR-75, the first operational Aurora Program vehicle, went operational in ?89 after 2 years of flight testing and modifications in.
And the SR-75 is still nothing more than speculation.

The top secret SR-75 is a hypersonic strategic reconnaissance, or SR spy plane, and is called the Penetrator. It is also a mother ship, which I will explain shortly. Hypersonic speeds start at approximately Mach 5.
The SR-75 replaced the SR-71 spy plane, which was retired in 1990 by the Air Force, who said "there is no replacement, all we really need is our spy satellites to do the job." Hmm.
The new SR-75 is capable of positioning anywhere in the world in less than 3 hours. It caries multi-spectral sensors, such as optical, radar, infrared, and laser.
It collects images, electronics' intelligence, signals intelligence, and illuminates targets.
The Top Secret SR-75 far exceeds the classified military speed and altitude records set by the old SR-71, which could fly at a still classified Mach 3.3 and reach a ceiling of 85 thousand feet.
The SR-75 attained altitudes of over 120,000 feet and speeds exceeding Mach-5, or 5 times the speed of sound. That's over 3300 miles per hour. From take-off to landing, the stealthy 75 can make the round trip from central Nevada to Northeast Russia and back in under 3 hours.
It's 162 feet long and has a wing span of 98 feet. The belly of the vehicle stands 10 feet off the ground.
It carries a crew of 3 - a pilot, a reconnaissance officer, and a launch control officer, who doubles as the electronics warfare officer.
Two methane and LOx fueled, high bypass turbo-ramjet (combined cycle) engines are housed under each wing, and the bays run some 40 feet under the wings, terminating at the trailing edge of the wing.
The explosive Pulsed Detonation Wave Engines that push the huge SR-75 to speeds above Mach 5 are now reported to be pushing Mach 7, or 4500 miles per hour, with the latest engine modifications.
Although this plane has been sighted on numerous occasions, has been picked up on military radar, and the pulse detonation wave contrail it leaves behind it has been seen, the Air Force vehemently denies its existence.
The 2 large engine bay inlets located under each wing of the awesome black SR-75 mother ship hang down 7 feet from the underside of the wing and are twelve feet wide. You could drive a Volkswagen Beetle into one of the engine exhausts.
It's interesting that Fouche manages to list crew number, length, span, weight, speed, engine types, etc. of a top-secret aircraft in public.
And this guy boasts about his clearance?
For information: a PDWE (Pulse Detonation Wave Engine) is NOT a combined cycle turbo-ramjet, and is still only under development.

The SR-71, and 75, and the (Scramp) daughter ship, the SR-74, were all built by the Lockheed Advanced Development Company, commonly known as the Lockheed "Skunk-Works."
The SR-74 Scramp is the daughter ship, and rides piggyback on the huge SR-75 until take off. Scramp is from Scram-jet and rocket propulsion. Scram-jet means a supersonic combustion ram jet.
Jerald witnessed the flight of the big black Air Force SR-75 carrying the little unmanned SR-74 while inside Area 51. It was sitting piggy-back on its upper raised platform on top of the SR-75 Penetrator.
I heard talk about the 75 as far back as the late 70s, while at Groom, and I have 2 additional friends who have seen it at Groom.
Remember, the SR-74 Scramp can't take off from the ground.
It can only launch from the SR-75 mother ship at an altitude above 100,000 feet, and then it can attain orbital altitudes of well over 800 thousand feet or 151 miles.
The Air Force uses the Scramp to launch small, highly classified, ferret satellites for the National Security Agency.
It can launch at least two 1000 pound satellites measuring 6 feet by 5 feet. The Scramp is roughly the equivalent size and weight of a F-16 fighter. It can easily attain speeds of Mach 15, or a little less than 10 thousand miles per hour.
Hmmm, so an aircraft that can reach 120,000 feet carries another which then launches satellites?
And the terminology is Sramjet, not Scramp.
Maybe someone should tell this guy that the REAL manufacturer of the SR-75/ SR-74 is actually Testor's, the model kit company:
And also that if true (and therefore unmanned) the SR-75 wouldn't have an "SR" designation.

SLIDE 85: TR-3B Original PROTOTYPE // Black Background.
The 200 feet Prototype & the 600 feet Operational TR-3Bs are Code named Astra. The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B first operational flight was in the early 90s.
The TR-3A Manta is a subsonic reconnaissance vehicle shaped like a bat wing and is in no way related to the TR-3B. The nomenclature for the TR-3B is unconventional and was named thus to confuse those who track black budgets and rumors that got out would be confusing as most in the aerospace industry would thing there MUST be a relationship between the TR-3A and the TR-3B, which there is none.
It's very strange how it's just this programme that using confusing designations - or maybe the UFO nuts realised they made a mistake somewhere and are now trying to cover it up.
Richard Boylan claimed much the same thing about the designation of his X-22.
Also note that Fouche states that "TR" means Tactical Reconnaissance - but the performance figures given later would contradict this.

The TR-3B vehicle's outer coating is electro-chemical reactive and changes with electrical RF Radar stimulation and can change reflectiveness, radar absorptiveness, and color. This is also the first US vehicle to use quasi-crystals in the vehicle's skin.
This polymer skin, when used in conjunction with the TR-3Bs Electronic Counter Measures and, ECCM, can make the vehicle look like a small aircraft, or a flying cylinder - or even trick radar receivers into falsely detecting a variety of aircraft, no aircraft, or several aircraft at various locations. Some unclassified research under the heading of ?electro-chromatic? can be found on these stealth coatings.
Oops, wait! "polymer skin"?
Didn't he say that it's a quasi-crystal in the previous sentence?
And hadn't he claimed that a quasi-crystal is metallic?


Hmm, the crew compartment rotates with angle of attack?
Gimbals, surely.

A circular, plasma filled accelerator ring called the Magnetic Field Disrupter, surrounds the rotable crew compartment and is far ahead of any imaginable technology.
Sandia and Livermore laboratories developed the reverse engineered MFD technology. The government will go to any lengths to protect this technology. The plasma, mercury based, is pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin, and accelerated to 50,000 rpm to create a super-conductive plasma with the resulting gravity disruption.
Well not unimaginable, since someone HAS imagined it.
Trippy has already pointed out in this thread that mercury at those pressures and temperatures would be a solid, not a plasma.
In addition to which I'm always slightly suspicious of anyone who uses the term "degrees Kelvin" - the unit is Kelvin, plain and simple.

With the vehicle mass reduced by 89% the craft can travel at Mach 9, vertically or horizontally. My sources say the performance is limited only the stresses that the human pilots can endure. Which is a lot, really, considering along with the 89% reduction in mass, the G forces are also reduced by 89%.
The TR-3Bs propulsion is provided by 3 multimode thrusters mounted at each bottom corner of the triangular platform. The TR-3 is a sub-Mach 9 vehicle until it reaches altitudes above l20,000 feet - then who knows how fast it can go!
Didn't he say that it IS a Mach 9 vehicle in the previous sentence? Not a sub-Mach 9 one?
And propulsion is from the thrusters?
The ones that point downwards?
So how does it fly forwards?
And what the hell are those "variable vectored exhausts" doing along the edges then?
And in the previously-noted thread Trippy has also pointed out that the rocket engines would show as a different colour (i.e. not white) if they operated as stated.

Creating the TR-3, modified to the TR-3A, the TR-3B, and the Teir 2, 3, and 4, with suffixes like Plus or Minus added on to confuse further the fact that each of these designators is a different aircraft, and not the same aerospace vehicle.
Except that "Tier 2/ 3/ etc." are NOT aircraft designators but programme (level of operational utility) designators - each level may have more than one aircraft capable of fulfilling that duty.
It's an attempt to throw people off the scent of a cock-up on the part of the pro-conspiracy theorists, or pure obfuscation.
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Oli, you really have it out for this guy.

You not supposed to analyze and scrutinize it, your just supposed to nod your head up and down.

Get with the program. It seems like someone is not being a team player.

There is no I in team.

Ok i'll stop.

Oli, you really have it out for this guy.

You not supposed to analyze and scrutinize it, your just supposed to nod your head up and down.

Get with the program. It seems like someone is not being a team player.

There is no I in team.

Ok i'll stop.

But there's a "ME" in team!

Oli, you really have it out for this guy.

You not supposed to analyze and scrutinize it, your just supposed to nod your head up and down.

Get with the program. It seems like someone is not being a team player.

There is no I in team.

Ok i'll stop.


Do you contend any of his points?

You perhaps have some proof of sub zero high pressure mercury plasmas?
Oli, you really have it out for this guy.
I agree: I have it in for anyone trying foist specious bullshit onto people.
It's just unlucky for this guy (and a few others I'm going to be working on) that he (they) happened to pick an area where I'm particularly knowledgeable :D

You not supposed to analyze and scrutinize it, your just supposed to nod your head up and down.
Exactly: that's what they count on - people being overwhelmed with technical talk and just accepting it.

Get with the program. It seems like someone is not being a team player.
There is no I in team.
Funnily enough I have been on numerous team training courses: they didn't take :p