Topological charge


can you get an 'excitation' in this EM field that corresponds to a connection between 'massless' electric charge, and spin?

If you constrain electrons to a 2-d surface, their spin-1/2 states have one less dimension to interact in, their positions will spread over a surface in a strong applied magnetic field. You get the fractional quantum Hall effect.
FQHE anyons are examples of "topological charge"; they are effectively quanta of magnetic flux potential, like little vortices, of integral fractions of paired electrons. They behave like bosons too.

So what can the local topological charge experts say is wrong with this lot?

" We assume that the ground state is separated from the excited states by an energy gap (i.e, it is incompressible), as is the situation in fractional quantum Hall states in 2D electron systems. The lowest energy electrically-charged excitations are known as quasiparticles or quasiholes, depending on the sign of their electric charge. (The term “quasiparticle” is also sometimes used in a generic sense to mean both quasiparticle and quasihole as in the previous paragraph). These quasiparticles are local disturbances to the wavefunction of the electrons corresponding to a quantized amount of total charge.
..two particles cannot change their fusion channel simply by braiding with each other since their total topological charge can be measured along a far distant loop enclosing the two parti cles. They must braid with a third particle in order to change their fusion channel. Consequently, when two particles fuse in a particular channel (rather than a linear superposition of channels), the effect of taking one particle around the other
is just multiplication by a phase.

Photons (in lattices) can do the same kinds of things topology wise, nowadays. This is all connected to the gauge theories and something called Chern-Simons theory, which is fairly new.

Let's have ya.
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Not really. I'm in fact curious why I seem to be "communicating" with a bunch of single-minded idiots, who actually don't know very much after all.
And I'm looking forward to one single example from the nob brigade, of something with real physical extent, that has no discernible input or output of anything whatsoever.
Are you a nob, then, do you know?

Oh sorry, I see that just mentioning the name of some theory has got you all distracted.
You carry on with that then.
Given you don't understand spin and the electromagnetic field (and it's associated charge), nor do you have any understanding of linear algebra, topology or differential geometry, the fact you continue to ask questions on topics completely outside your experience and entirely beyond your ability to understand, the 'nob' would be you.

I don't see Guest asking questions on topics he knows nothing about in little more than a pathetic effort to seem well read. Instead said person is you.

Who is the foolish one, you for trying to 'confidentally' talk about topics you know nothing about or Guest, for saying "You is not something you understand because of the following mistakes you made : ...."?

What precisely are you hoping to acheive by these threads? The only people who know anything indepth on these topics are people like Ben, myself, Prom, Rpenner, Guest, DH and QH. Since you've made it clear you don't want most of us to reply because you don't like what we say, why are you continuing to post? You like showing your ignorance?
Here it is, the confession that speaks for itself:
Alphanumeric said:
I don't understand logic and the informational model (and it's associated information), nor do I have any understanding of linear computation, Turing machines or reversible logic, the fact I continue to dismiss topics completely outside of my experience and entirely beyond my ability to understand much at all, means the 'nob' would be me.
And where have I had any claims or attempted to discuss things like reversible logic, computation or Turing machines? Nowhere. You, however, have tried to talk about linear algebra, topology, Lie theory and quantum field theory. All of which are outside your experience and you have shown you're unwilling and/or unable to accept correction, despite you knowing, deep down, you haven't a clue about these things.