Too lazy to google so


Save the whales motherfucker
Valued Senior Member
maybe someone can answer my question here. I hear that Mohammed was given visions of Allah from archangel Gabriel, the same angel who told Mary that she was pregnant with god's son....

is this true? I find it hard to believe but anyone want to clear it up for me.

Why the similarity between two different religions?

I know how I ignorant I sound here so spare me the obvious yelling I deserve.
A Google search would have actually been easier than making this thread.

"First Revelation

Muhammad probably heard Christians and Jews expound their religious views at commercial fairs in Mecca, and, troubled by the questions they raised, he periodically withdrew to a cave outside Mecca to meditate and pray for guidance. During one of these retreats he experienced a vision of the archangel Gabriel, who proclaimed him a prophet of God. He was greatly perplexed by the experience but was reassured by his wife, and, as new revelations followed, he came to accept his prophetic mission. His wife and his cousin Ali became his first followers, and eventually he began to preach in public, reciting the verses of his revelation, which came to be known as the Koran. He gained some prominent converts, but the movement grew slowly. "
More info: "From the booklet "Christian Muslim Dialogue," it says on page 3: "The reader will be surprised to learn that in the Bible Jesus never claimed to be God." Islam sees Jesus Christ as a prophet of God who otherwise is no different from other men. The Koran says: "Jesus was no more than a mortal whom Allah favored and made an example to the Israelites." According to the Koran, the main significance of Jesus is that He prophesied the coming of Muhammed. All Muslim commentators teach that Jesus' promise of the coming of the Comforter in John 16:7 is a prophecy that Muhammed would come."
The problem with saying John 16,7...

is that John 15: 26 says ...."he shall tesify of me..."

and suretainly... Mohammed didnt do that... he lowered Christs signifigance.
or tried to... and by doing so... raised himself to equal standing.

that is the contriversy, between Muslims and Christians...

how signifigant is Jesus.... ?
it depends on what book you read.

Mosheh Thezion said:
The problem with saying John 16,7...

is that John 15: 26 says ...."he shall tesify of me..."

and suretainly... Mohammed didnt do that... he lowered Christs signifigance.
or tried to... and by doing so... raised himself to equal standing.

that is the contriversy, between Muslims and Christians...

how signifigant is Jesus.... ?
it depends on what book you read.


That's why I can sort of understand the fighting between Muslims and Christians. Islam pretty much craps on 90% of Christianity, a religion built around Jesus. Islam claims he is just another prophet, while Christianity claims he is the Son of God, or God in the flesh. That's a huge difference of opinion. :eek:
From what I understand of it as well is that a big difference came at the time when Abraham took Isaac up the mountain as God required a sacrifice from him. At the last moment before abraham struck Isaac, God provided an animal to be sacrificed instead. This was a test of Abrahams faith in God's promises. From what I understand, the muslims say that it was actually Ishmael and not Isaac that he took up the mountain and this is in direct conflict with the Old Testament and beyond. I believe the Muslims follow the line of Ishmael as the chosen people and thus over the years was your division.

Christians follow that the line of the chosen people was through Isaac as he was the true Son promised to Abraham and Sarah. Abraham, not having faith in God's promise procreated with Hagar(the egyption maid) and had Ishmael, which was in a way him taking his destiny and future into his own hands and not relying upon God's promise. After many years of God's silence to him, God granted him a second try so to speak and he had Isaac through Sarah. Isaac had jacob and Esau, Jacob had Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dinah, ect... The lineage of Judah brought forth Jesus Christ.

The illustration below follows the lineage that would take them to Christ. It doesn't go into detail about Ishmaels lineage.
The Devil Inside said:
with the ommission of about 1000 years between david and jesus....
but beside that, its pretty neat.
Joseph (husband of Mary)
This does omit some generations, but omission of generations in biblical genealogies is not unique to this case, and Jews are known to have done it freely. The purpose of a genealogy was not to account for every generation,
but to establish the fact of an undoubted succession, including
especially the more prominent ancestors.
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