Tonight on Art Bell


Chaos Product
Registered Senior Member
Dr. Paul Steinhardt

What if the big-bang theory is wrong? Recently, Princeton University physicist Paul Steinhardt and Neil Turok at Cambridge introduced the ``cyclic theory" of the early universe. In this picture, space and time exist forever. The big bang is not the beginning of time. Rather, it is a bridge to a pre-existing contracting era. Paul J. Steinhardt is the Albert Einstein Professor in Science at Princeton University, a member of the faculty in both the Department of Physics and in the Department of Astrophysical Sciences. He received his B.S. in Physics at Caltech in 1974; his M.A. in Physics in 1975 and Ph.D. in Physics in 1978 at Harvard University. He is a Fellow in the American Physical Society and a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

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Do you listen to the show pine net? How is it? I've never heard it before but I just found out where to get it from. I do check the website periodically though.
I listen to Art Bell every once in a great while. Sometimes he has a guest or two that actually make sense and are interesting. Rarely though... Most of his guests are off the wall IMO.
If this is the theory I think you're talking about its supposed to be in violation of thermodynamics. In each cycle the expansion phase is longer until eventuly the exapansion phase becomes infite. Therefore there must have been a big bang to start the cycle so the theory dosent get rid of the big banng being the beginning of space-time.